


  • 中文名:高中活用英語讀本(第二冊)
  • 出版時間:1947年
  • 出版社:中圖文庫
  • ISBN:ERC0010078459
  • 原出版社:世界書局




1.The Break-up of a Great Drought
2.Wnshington's Letter to His Nephew
3.The Father
4.Nature and Science
5.Education in Nature's Great School
6.The Necklace (1)
7.The Necklace (2)
8.The Necklace (3)
9.The Dignity of Labour
10.The Song of the Shirt
11.In the Shell-hole (1)
12.In the Shell-hole (2)
14 The Selfish Giant
15.Greek Life
16.The Story of Buddha
17.The Age of Science
18.A Handful of Clay
19.The March of the Marseillais
20.The Marseillaise
21.After the Shipwreck
22.Making a Home
23.My Watch
24.The Death of Socrates
25.The Archery Contest
26.Franklin and the Gout
27.The Merchant of enice(1)
28.The Merchant of Venice (2)
29.The Merchant of Venice (3)
30.A Selection from Shakespeare's"Merehant of Venice"
31.Cowper's Treatment of His Hares
32. The King of the Golden River (1)
33.The King of the Golden River (2)
34.The King of the Golden River (3)
35.The Simple Life
36.He Is Stone Dead
37.The Love of Knowledge
38.A Letter to His Son
39.Life Is What We Make It
40.To the Ocean

