



  • 外文名:Experiencing Chinese Oral Course
  • 書名:體驗漢語口語教程4
  • 作者:陳作宏 等
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:279頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高教社
  • 類型:英語與其他外語
  • 出版日期:2011年11月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787040324518 


《體驗漢語口語教程4》編輯推薦:系列配套 方便選用、目標明確 內容實用、模式創新 引入評價、任務教學 增加互動。《體驗漢語口語教程4》內容簡介:口語教學在對外漢語教學中一直受到高度重視,國內大多數對外漢語教學單位也都單獨開設以提高學習者口頭交際技能為主要目的的口語課。儘管口語課的教學目標十分明確,而且大家對口語教學的特點也早已達成了共識,但是在實際的課堂教學中還是存在初級階段精讀化,中高級階段泛讀化的問題。因此我們希望編寫一套不但能體現教學法理念、能提供教學內容,同時也能引導教師採用符合口語教學特點的方法進行教學的口語教材。


Lesson 1 認識你很高興
1.Review commonly used greeting statements
2.Learn to introduce yourself and others
3 Leam to ask how someone has been
4.Learn how to greet in different situations

Lesson 2 去哪裡買東西好?
1.Review commonly used vocabulary of shopping
2.Learn how to simply introduce places to shop
3.Learn how to talk about differing shopping habits
4.Learn how to talk about your shopping experience
Lesson 3 輕鬆的氣氛有利於消化
1.Review the language often used when ordering food
2.Learn how to talk about the flavour of food and how it is cooked
3.Learn how to talk abouC a restaurant
4.Learn how to talk about different die!ary habits

Lesson 4 為什麼不開車?
1.Review the language commonly used when talking about transportation
2.Learn to talk about the characteristics of transportation
3.Learn to talk about a city’s traffic situation

Lesson 5 別著急,慢慢說
1.Review the language commonly used when seeking help or expressing thanks
2.Learn the problems met when making a request or having a discussion
3.Learn how to give advice
4 Learn how lo simDIv state a course of events

Lesson 6 怎么跟你聯繫?
1.Review the Commonly used language of communication
2,Learn methods of giving and receiving contact information
3.Learn how to talk about communication devices
Review 1

Lesson 7 這件衣服怎么樣?
1.Review the commonly used language of dress
2.Learn to taikabout÷lressin9up
3.Learn how to explain different dressing habits

Lesson 8 這個季節最好
1.Review the C0mmonly used language of weather and seasons
2.Leam how t0 talk'aboui changes in season
3.Learn how to Introduce briefly the seasons in certain areas

Lesson 9 有意思的比賽
1.Review the commonly used language of sports
2.Learn how to talk about spots
3.Leam how to Simply discuss a sport match

Lesson 10 健康與生活習慣
1,Review the language of d、escribing health problems
2.Learn how to talk simply,about a healthy lifestyle
3.Learn how to talk about the connection between diet and health
Lesson 11 快樂的旅行
1 Review the commonly used language of travel
2.Learn how to talk simply about travel and related activities
3 Learn how to simply introduce a tourist spot
4.Learn how to simply introduce your travel experience

Lesson 12 情人眼裡出西施
1.Review how to simply talk about appearance
2.Learn how to simply talk about the standard of beauty
3.Learn how to simply talk about falling in love and marriage
Review 2

Lesson 13 說好漢語並不難
1.Review the commonly used words and expressions oflanguage study
2.Learn to talk about problems encountered during study
3.Learn to talk about the methodology of study

Lesson 14 興趣和收入哪個更重要?
1.Review the commonly used language of professions
2.Learn how to simply introduce different professions
3.Learn how to state job requirements

Lesson 15 節日的禮物
1.Review the commonly used language of festivals
2.Learn how to talk simply about the customs of festivals
3.Learn how to talk simply about gift-giving customs

Lesson 16 童年的快樂比什麼都重要
1.Review the basic vocabula~related to education
2.Learn how to simply talk about education problems
3.Learn how to express opinions 0n education methods

Lesson 17 不一樣的傳統文化
1.Review the commonly used language of culture and customs
2.Learn how to simply talk about traditional cultural phenomena
3.Learn how to explain and compare the cultural phenomena of different places

Lesson 18 我的留學生活
1.Review the commonly used language of studying abroad
2.Learn how to talk about your impression of people or things
3.Learn how to simply recount your own life studying abroad
Review 3

詞性簡稱表Abbreviations of Word Classes
詞語表Vocabulary Index
語言注釋列表Index of Language Tips


