



  • 軟體名稱:骨科信息移動指南
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:5.11MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.1及以上
iOrtho 是骨科信息移動指南。這個應用程式是專為康復專業人員,教育工作者,並通過治療演奏法,有限責任公司的臨床醫生。 iOrtho 是骨科特殊試驗和先進的,以證據為基礎的知識和豐富的臨床實踐研製關節鬆動技術在移動和全面的參考。 導航很簡單,只要觸摸骨架的八大關節和脊柱的地區之一,然後深入到子類單獨測試和技術。在瞬間,你將有高品質的圖像與簡潔的說明,學習或病人的做法。 通過簡單的導航,你也將有機會獲得統計信息,以及可用時,它為每個測試的支持參考文獻的摘要或全文版。 免費訪問,您可以看到特殊的測試(腳踝)和1個動員(膝蓋)條全文,並在App內的其他類別的可視化模組。該應用程式的完整集合,如下所述,可以通過應用程式內購買來實現的。 超過200骨科特殊試驗,包括: ?高解析度說明照片和視頻 ?目的 ?技術 ?解讀 ?統計 ?連結到參考文獻 88關節鬆動技術包括: ?高清晰度照片說明 ?適應症 ?聯繫 ?技術 iOrtho 導航 ?選擇其中的“特殊試驗”,或通過觸摸圖示在螢幕底部的“動員 - ”一節 ?通過觸摸人體圖上的區域選擇解剖部位 ?選擇類別和特定測試或動員技術通過觸摸該程式的名稱 ?一個全螢幕幕的照片的程式,會出現可以挖掘或捏了一把放大,然後最小化 ?在螢幕右下方的箭頭可被觸摸以揭示其可以移動,並減少通過觸摸右側的描述框的3行圖示的方法的完整描述 ?內的技術,選擇另一張照片(圖像2 )通過觸摸圖示在螢幕的頂部完成,當可 ?對於特殊的測試,觸摸“統計/引用”圖示,提供統計信息和支持所選擇的測試引用的列表。觸摸箭頭來參考的右側將打開參考要么是抽象或全文的版本可用時 ?要返回到上一個螢幕,觸控螢幕幕的左上角的“返回”圖示 iOrtho is your mobile guide for orthopedic information. This App is designed for rehabilitation professionals, educators, and clinicians by Therapeutic Articulations, LLC. iOrtho is a mobile and comprehensive reference for orthopedic Special Tests and joint Mobilization Techniques developed from advanced, evidence-based knowledge and extensive clinical practice. Navigation is as simple as touching one of the eight major joints and spine areas on the skeleton to then drill down to the sub-categories of individual tests and techniques. In an instant, you will have high quality images with concise descriptions for study or for patient practice. Through easy navigation, you will also have access to statistical information, and, when available, the abstract or full text version of the references which provide support for each test. FREE access allows you to view 1 Special Test (Ankle) and 1 Mobilization (Knee) module in their entirety and visualization of the other categories within the App. The full collections of the App, as described below, can be accomplished through an in-App purchase. Over 200 Orthopedic Special Tests includes: Hi-res illustrative photos and VIDEOS Purpose Technique Interpretation Statistics References linked to literature The 88 Joint Mobilization Techniques Include: Hi-res illustrative photos Indications Contacts Technique iOrtho Navigation Choose either the “Special Tests” or “Mobilizations” section by touching the icon at the bottom of the screen Choose the anatomic region by touching that region on the body diagram Choose the category and specific test or mobilization technique by touching the name of the procedure A full screen photo of the procedure will appear that can be tapped or pinched to enlarged and then minimized The arrowhead at the bottom right of the screen may be touched to reveal a full description of the technique which can be moved and reduced by touching the three line icon on the right side of the description box Within a technique, choosing another photo (image 2) is accomplished by touching the icon at the top of the screen, when available For Special Tests, touching the “Statistics/References” icon provides statistical information and a list of references that support the chosen test. Touching the arrowhead to the right of the reference will open either an the abstract or full text version of the reference, when available To return to the previous screen, touch the “Back” icon in the upper left corner of the screen


