1. Jun Feng, Peng Du and Horace H. S. Ip, Statistical Piecewise Assembled Model (SPAM) for theRepresentation of Highly Deformable Medical Organs, International Workshop on Medical Imageing and Augmented Reality Aug. 2008,Tokyo, Japan(ISTP,EI)
2. Jun Feng, Qizhen He, Horace H. S. Ip,Data Recovery for Medical Organs Based on a Joint Statistical Deformable Model that incorporates Prior Knowledge of the Missing Data,The 5th International Conference on Visual Information Enineering, July, 2008, Xi’an (VIE)
5. Jun Feng and Horace H S Ip, “Robust Point Correspondence Matching and Similarity Measuring for 3D Models by Relative Angle-Context Distributions”, Image and Vision Computing, Vol 26/6 pp 761-775, 2007.08.018(SCI, EI)
6. Jun Feng and Horace H S Ip, “ MistO: A Multi-Resolution deformable Model for segmentation of Soft-Tissue organs”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006),Oct. 2006, Atlanta, USA, Pages: 1909-1912 (ISTP,EI)
7. Jun Feng and Horace H S Ip, “A Statistical Assembled Model for Segmentation of Entire 3D Vasculature”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006),Aug. 2006, Hong Kong, Volume: 4, page(s): 95- 98 (ISTP,EI)
8. Jun Feng, Horace H. S Ip, “Iterative 3D Point-Set Registration based on Hierarchical Vertex Signature (HVS)”, MICCAI 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3750,Pages: 279-286.(SCI,ISTP) 9. Jun Feng, Horace H. S. Ip, “Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test of 3D Point Correspondence for Model Similarity Measure and Analysis”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, CIVR 2005, LNCS 3568, Pages: 445-453.(SCI,ISTP)
10. Jun Feng, Shuk Han Cheng, Po K. Chan, Horace H S Ip , "Reconstruction and representation of caudal vasculature of zebrafish embryo from confocal scanning laser fluorescence microscope images", Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 35, Issue 10, December 2005, Pages: 915-931, (SCI, EI) 11. Jun Feng, Horace H. S. Ip, Shuk H. Cheng and Po K. Chan, "A Relational-Tubular (ReTu) Deformable Model for Vasculature Quantification of Zebrafish Embryo from Microangiography Image Series", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Volume 28, Issue 6, September 2004 ,pages 333-344, 2004 (SCI, EI 04358328413)
12. Jun. Feng, Horace H. S. Ip, and Shuk H. Cheng, "Constructing 3D Point Correspondence for Vasculature using Approximate Parallelism ", VISual Information System 2004, San Francisco Bay, USA, September 8-10, 2004.Pages 338-343.
13. Jun Feng, Horace H S Ip, Shuk H. Cheng "Adaptive Thresholding of Image Series from Fluorescence Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope Using Object Intensity Profiles", SPIE Proceedings of International Symposium on Medical Imaging 2004, 14-19 February 2004, San Diego, CA USA. Vol. 5370, pages 1570-1577.(EI-- 04448435397 )
14. Jun Feng, Horace H. S. Ip, and Shuk H. Cheng, “A 3D Geometric Deformable Model for Tubular Structure Segmentation“, Proceedings of 10th International Multi-Media Modeling Conference, pp.174-180, 5-7 January, 2004, Brisbane, Australia. (ISTP, EI—04298269655)
15. Horace H. S. Ip, Judy J. Feng, and Shuk H. Cheng, "Three-Dimensional Enhancement of Confocal Scanning Laser Fluorescence Microscope Images for Vascular Reconstruction ",16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2002. Aug11-15 2002 pp863-866 (ISTP)
16. Horace H. S. Ip, Judy J. Feng, and Shuk H. Cheng, "Automatic Segmentation and Tracking of Vasculature from Confocal Scanning Laser Fluorescence Microscope Using Multi-Orientation Dessections", the First IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging Washington DC, USA. July 7-10, 2002 pp249-252 (ISTP)
17. Horace HS Ip, Angus KY Cheng, William YF Wong, Feng J. "Affine-invariant Sketch-based Retrieval of Images", Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2001, July, 2001, pp. 55-61. (ISTP, EI—01416676259)
18. Jun Miao, Jun Feng, "The Development and Application of Wavelet Transform in Reservoir Prediction System",Journal of Northwest University Aug.1999 28(1)
19. Jun Feng, Xiaoli Wang, "Research and Design of Content-Based Retrieval in Multimedia Information System",Journal of Northwest University Feb.1998 28(1)
20. Jun Feng, "CUIT: A Common User Interface Toolkit ", Journal of Northwest University Apr.1997 27(2)