- 中文名:馬玉彬
- 外文名:Ma Yu Bin
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:中科院青島生物能源與過程研究所副研究員
- 1. YubinMa, Zhiyao Wang, Ming Zhu, Dongyuan Zhang, GongKe Zhou. Increased lipid productivity and TAG content in Nannochloropsis by heavy-ion irradiation mutagenesis. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 136:360-367.
- Yubin Ma, Zhifeng Zhang, Mingyu Shao, Kyoungho Kang, Zhi Tan, Jinlong Li. Sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase from echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus. Marine biotechnology, 2011, 13:93-107.
- Yubin Ma, Zhifeng Zhang, Mingyu Shao, Kyoungho, Zhi Tan, Xiaolo Shi, Yingping Dong, Jinlong Li. Response of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase to sulfide exposure in the echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus. Marine biotechnology, 2012, 14(2):245-251.
- Yubin Ma, Zhifeng Zhang, Mingyu Shao, Kyoungho, Zhi Tan, Xiaoli Shi, Yingping Dong, Jinlong Li. Function of anal sacs and mid-gut in mitochondrial sulfide metabolism from the echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus. Marine biology research, 2012, 8(10)1026-1031.
- Zhifeng Zhang, Shifeng Wang, Kyoungho Kang, Yubin Ma, Zhuojun Ma. Metobolic adaptation of sulfide and its application in Urechis unicinctus. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 136: S1, 535.
- Xiaoli Shi, Mingyu Shao, Litao Zhang, Yubin Ma, Zhifeng Zhang. Screening of genes related to sulfide metabolism in Urechis unicinctus (Echiura, Urechidae) using suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA microarray analysis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology- Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2012, 7(3):254-259.
- 馬玉彬,譚志,張志峰. 單環刺螠硫醌氧化還原酶的表達、純化和復性. 中國海洋大學學報,2010,40(6):081-086.
- 馬玉彬,史曉麗,邵明瑜,董英萍,李金龍,張志峰. 硫醌氧化還原酶研究進展. 生命科學,2012,2:161-168.
- 馬玉彬,史曉麗,李陽,董英萍,李金龍,張志峰. 單環刺螠硫醌氧化還酶間接競爭ELISA檢測方法的建立. 中國海洋大學學報,2012,42(7):064-069.
- 譚志,馬玉彬,李金龍,張志峰. 單環刺螠硫醌氧化還原酶相互作用蛋白質的篩選. 海洋科學,2010,34(8):60-64.
- 孫大鵬,邵明瑜,馬玉彬,宋福來,胡景傑,張志峰. 扇貝養殖籠大型污損生物種類組成及分布的掛板研究. 中國海洋大學學報,2010,40(9):084-090.
- 發明專利一項:馬玉彬,張東遠,周功克,王芝瑤,周翠燕.一種微擬球藻突變株及其重離子誘變選育方法,CN 102978115 A.