馬燚娜,北京師範大學教授,認知神經科學與學習國家重點實驗室研究員/PI,麥戈文腦科學研究員(IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research)研究員/PI,國家“優秀青年”基金獲得者。2015年建立社會與情緒神經藥理實驗室, Social & Affective NeuroPharmacology (SANP) Lab 。在Trends Cogn Sci, Mol Psychiatry, PNAS, Brain, Cereb Cortex, Bri J Psychiatry, Neuropsychophamacology, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience,JEP:HPP等國際權威學術期刊上發表學術論文。2017年當選國際社會與情緒神經科學組織的執行委員會學術委員。擔任國際核心期刊,情緒領域top期刊Emotion的編委;PLOS ONE , Scientific Reports的學術編輯。
- 中文名:馬燚娜
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:雲南
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:復旦大學,北京大學
- 主要成就:國際權威學術期刊上發表學術論文40餘篇
2015年建立社會與情緒神經藥理SANP實驗室 - 性別:女
北京師範大學認知神經科學與學習國家重點實驗室 、IDG/麥戈文腦科學研究院,研究員/PI,國家“優秀青年”基金獲得者 。2015年建立社會與情緒神經藥理實驗室,Social & Affective NeuroPharmacology (SANP) Lab 。馬燚娜課題組的工作主要結合行為、基因定型、神經遞質調控、腦成像等多種技術,旨在探究社會適應的基本規律及認知神經機制,並將研究成果套用於提升個體的社會適應力、心理健康,和改善個體的適應不良狀況。2016年在認知神經科學領域權威期刊Trends in Cognitive Sciences上提出催產素功能的社會適應模型,在2016年和2018年作為通訊作者在《美國科學院院刊》PNAS發表催產素相關的原創性研究。
2017年被選為國際社會與情緒神經科學組織的執行委員會學術委員。擔任國際核心期刊,情緒領域top期刊Emotion的編委;PLOS ONE, Scientific Reports的學術編輯。受聘為中國心理學會情緒與健康心理學專業委員會理事、中國認知科學學會社會認知科學分會理事。
代表論文 (詳見馬燚娜課題組官網)
Yan, X., Yong, X., Huang, W., Ma, Y.* (2018). Placebo treatment facilitates social trust and approach behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 115:5732-5737.
Ma, Y.,* Li, S., Wang, C., Liu, Y., Li, W. et al. (2016). Distinct oxytocin effects on belief updating in response to desirable and undesirable feedback. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,113:9256-61.
Ma, Y.,* Shamay-Tsoory, S., Han S., Zink, C. F. (2016). Oxytocin and Social Adaptation: Insights from Neuroimaging Studies of Healthy and Clinical Populations. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20: 133–145.
Ma, Y.* (2015). Neuropsychological mechanism underlying antidepressant effect: a systematic meta-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry, 20: 311-319.
Ma, Y., Han, S (2011). Neural representation of self‐concept in sighted and congenitally blind adults. Brain, 134, 247‐257.
Wang, D., Yan, X., Li, M., Ma, Y.* (2017). Neural substrates underlying the effects of oxytocin: A quantitative meta-analysis of pharmaco-imaging studies. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12: 1565-1573.
Ma, Y.,* Liu, Y., Rand, D. G., Heatherton, T. F., Han. (2015). Opposing oxytocin effects on inter-group cooperative behavior in intuitive and reflective minds. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40: 2379-2387.
Ma, Y.,* Li, B., Zhang, W., Rao, Y., Han, S. (2015). Allelic variation in 5-HTTLPR and the effects of citalopram on the emotional neural network. British Journal of Psychiatry, 206: 385-392.
Ma, Y., Wang, C., Shi, Z., Sun, Y., Sheng, F. et al. (2014). 5-HTTLPR polymorphism modulates neural mechanisms of negative self-reflection. Cerebral Cortex, 24, 2421-2429.
Ma, Y.,* Wang, C., Luo, S., Li, B., Wager, T.D. et al. (2016). Serotonin transporter polymorphism alters citalopram effects on human pain responses to physical pain. Neuroimage, 135:186-96.
Luo, Q., # Ma, Y.,# Bhatt, M., # Montague, P.R., Feng, J. (2017). The Functional Architecture of the Brain Underlies Strategic Deception in Impression Management. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 513
Chang, H., Hoshina, N., Zhang, C., Ma, Y., Cao, H. et al (2018). The Protocadherin 17 Gene Affects Cognition, Personality, Amygdala Structure and Function, Synapse Development and Risk of Major Mood Disorders. Molecular Psychiatry, 23, 400-412.
Han, S. & Ma, Y.* (2015). A culture-behavior-brain loop model of human development. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19: 666-676.
Luo, S., Ma, Y., Liu, Y., Li, B., Wang, C. et al. (2015) Interaction between oxytocin receptor polymorphism and interdependent culture values on human empathy. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10: 1273-1281.
Freeman, J.B., Ma, Y., Barth, M., Young, S. G., Han, S. et al (2015). The neural basis of contextual influences on face categorization. Cerebral Cortex, 25, 415-422.
Ma, Y.,* Wang, C., Li, B., Zhang, W., Rao, Y. et al. (2014). Does self-construal predict activity in the social brain network? A genetic moderation effect. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 1360-1367.
Ma, Y., Bang, D., Wang, C., Allen, M., Frith, C. D. et al. (2014). Sociocultural patterning of neural activity during self‐reflection. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 73-80.
Meyer, M.L., Masten, C.L., Ma, Y., Wang, C., Shi, Z. et al. (2013). Empathy for the social suffering of friends and strangers recruits distinct patterns of brain activation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8, 446-454.
Ma, Y., Wang, C., Han, S. (2011). Neural responses to perceived pain in others predict real‐life monetary donations in different socioeconomic contexts. NeuroImage, 57, 1273‐1280.
Ma, Y., Han, S. (2010). Why respond faster to the self than others? An implicit positive association theory of self advantage during implicit face recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 619‐633.