- 中文名:馬滿滿
- 畢業院校:美國新澤西理工學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:電流體力學和電解液中多體關聯
- 職稱:助理教授
研究內容為與電流體力學(Electrohydrodynamics)和電解液中多體關聯(Many-body effects)相關的建模和數值算法。具體方法包括漸近分析、邊界元方法(Boundary ELement Method)、鏡像電荷方法(Image Charge Method)和蒙特卡羅模擬等。
2013.5 美國新澤西理工學院套用數學博士 Ph.D Applied Math., New Jersey Institute of Technology(NJIT) , USA
2009.6 南京大學數學系學士 B.S. Dept. of Math, Nanjing University, China
博士後,自然科學研究院,上海交通大學,2013年9月-2017年1月, 合作導師:徐振禮
- Deformation and stability of a viscous electrolyte dropin a uniform electric field, Q. Wang, M. Ma*, and M. Siegel, Physical Review Fluids,4(2019), 053702. Selected as Editors' Suggestion.
- Microscopic insights into the efficiency of capacitive mixing process.M. Ma, S. Zhao, H. Liu and Z. Xu, AICHE Journal 63(2017): 1785.
- Understanding depletion induced like-charge attraction from self-consistent field model. P. Liu, M. Ma and Z. Xu, Communications in Computational Physics, 22(2017), 95-111.
- Ion structure near a core-shell dielectric nanoparticle.M. Ma*, Z. Gan and Z. Xu, Physical Review Letters, 118(2017), 076102.
- Hybrid Monte Carlo and continuum modeling of electrolyte with concentration-induced dielectric variations,X. Guan, M. Ma (co-first author), Z. Gan, Z. Xu and B. Li, Physical Review E., 94(2016), 053312.
- Investigation of dielectric decrement and correlation effects on electric double-layer capacitance by self-consistent field model,M. Ma*, S. Zhao and Z. Xu, Communications in Computational Physics, 20(2016), 441-458.
- Density functional formulation of the random-phase approximation for inhomogeneous fluids: Application to the Gaussian core and Coulomb particles, D. Frydel, M. Ma, Physical Review E.,93(2016), 062112.
- Self-consistent field model for strong electrostatic correlations and inhomogeneous dielectric media, M. Ma*, Z, Xu, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(2014), 244903.
- Self-energy-modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations: WKB approximation and finite-difference approaches, Z. Xu, M. Ma, P. Liu, Physical Review E., 90(2014), 013307.