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[1]Ying Ma*, Shunzhi Zhu, Combining the requirement information for software defect estimation in design time, Information Processing Letters, Vol.114, No.9, pp.469-474, 2014. (CCF推薦期刊,SCI,IDS號:AI5AF,WOS:000336877100003)
[2]Ying Ma, Ke Qin, and Shunzhi Zhu*, Discrimination Analysis for Predicting Defect-Prone Software Modules,Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014, Article ID 675368, 14 pages, 2014.(SCI,IDS號:AC5PD,WOS: 00033257190000)
[3]Ying Ma*,Huayi. Yin, Shunzhi Zhu, An improved semi-supervised learning method for software defect prediction, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Pre-press, DOI:10.3233/IFS-141220 2014. (SCI期刊)
[4] Jinsheng Ren, Ke Qin*,Ying Ma, and Guangchun Luo, “On Software Defect Prediction Using Machine Learning,”Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014, Article ID 785435, 8 pages, 2014.(SCI,IDS號:AC5PT,WOS: 000332573600001)
[5]Ying Ma*,Guangchun Luo, Xue Zeng, Aiguo Chen, Transfer Learning for Cross-company Software Defect Prediction, Information and Software Technology, Vol.54, pp. 248-256, 2012.(CCF推薦期刊,SCI,IDS號: 898KM)
[6]Ying Ma*,Guangchun Luo, Hao Chen, Kernel Based Asymmetric Learning for Software Defect Prediction, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E95-D, pp. 267-270, 2012.(SCI,IDS號: 882UE)
[7]Guangchun Luo,Ying Ma*, Ke Qin, Active Learning for Software Defect Prediction, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E95-D, No.6, pp.1680-1683, 2012. (SCI,IDS號: 957YU,通訊作者)
[8]Guangchun Luo,Ying Ma*, Ke Qin, Asymmetric Learning Based on Kernel Partial Least Squares for Software Defect Prediction, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E95-D, No.7, pp.2006-2008, 2012. (SCI,IDS號: 971IX,通訊作者)