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  • 中文名:馬曉穎
  • 外文名:Xiaoying Ma
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:高校教師
  • 性別:女
澳大利亞博士(PhD Economics & Management),華北電力大學翻譯專業教研室副主任, 中國大學MOOC《管理溝通》趙洱崬/國防/馬曉穎2018年獲選最美慕課精彩100一等獎(排名9)
1. 從需求側視角探索典籍翻譯與教學
作者:馬曉穎 趙玉閃 段素萍
文獻來源: [期刊]. 魅力中國 2018 (51) pp.-
2. Economic Regulation in Australia: The Case of the New South Wales Gas
作者:Malcolm Abbott;;Xiaoying Ma
文獻來源: [期刊]. Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 2017 (3) pp.250-265
3. Modelling Electricity Demand in China
作者:Xiaoying Ma, Malcolm Abbott, Yanyan Ding, Erdong Zhao
文獻來源:[會議]. International Conference: Financing Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Renewable Energy Development 2017
4. 從理念到行動:線上開放課程教學模式的構建與實踐——以中國大學MOOC“管理溝通”為例
文獻來源: [期刊]. 中國大學教學 2017 (03) pp.65-68
5. Safety Evaluation of mining machinery and electrical system based on improved Analytic Hierarchy Process
作者:Erdong Zhao,Hao Jiang,Yufei Zhao,Xiaoying Ma
文獻來源:[會議]. Proceedings of 2016 4th International Conference on Machinery,Materials and Information Technology Applications(ICMMITA 2016) 2016
6. 1 - The issue of contractible quality, quality assurance, and information asymmetries in higher education
作者:M. Xiaoying;;M. Abbott
文獻來源:[圖書]. 2016 -
7. Growth and conflict: the views of Chinese private higher education managers
作者:Xiaoying Ma;;Malcom Abbott
文獻來源: [期刊]. Journal of International Education in Business 2016 (1) pp.17-30
8. The Inspiration of the status quo of ESP translation for non-English Majors in higher education in China
作者:Ma Xiaoying
文獻來源:[會議]. Joint International Conference: ESP in Asia:Retrospect and Prospect,The 4th International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & The 7th International Conference on ESP in Asia 2015
9. The regulatory governance of the telecommunication and electricity industries in small, island nations
作者:Malcolm Abbott;;Xiaoying Ma
文獻來源: [期刊]. Elsevier Ltd 2013 (-) pp.7-16
10. The nature of the governance,regulation and growth of private higher education
文獻來源: [期刊]. Journal of International Education and Business 2012 (-) pp.109-134
11. The organisational management and regulation of the Chinese private higher education sector 作者:Xiaoying Ma
文獻來源: [期刊]. Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management 2012 (Volume 3(2)) pp.35-49
12. Management Education And Its Expansion In Emerging Markets; A Case Study
作者:Zoe (Xiaoying) Ma
文獻來源:[會議]. 25th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2011
13. Entering International Markets: New Zealand‘s Challenges
作者:Ma Xiaoying
文獻來源: [期刊]. International Educatior 2009 (-) pp.-
14. China’s Tertiary Education Expansion
作者:Ma Xiaoying
文獻來源: [期刊]. International Higher Education 2008 (53) pp.17-18
15. The development of private higher education in a mature market: A New Zealand case study
作者:Ma Xiaoying
文獻來源: [期刊]. Education Research and Perspectives 2008 (2) pp.73-94
16. 愛的抉擇——《寵兒》的主題和寫作手法分析
文獻來源: [期刊]. 中國電力教育 2007 (10) pp.122-123
17. 復仇的代價——赫爾曼·麥爾維爾的《白鯨》評介
文獻來源: [期刊]. 中國電力教育 2006 (S4) pp.59-60
18. Chinese students and the higher education market in Australia and New Zealand
作者:Ma Xiaoying
文獻來源:[會議]. Research Paper Series 2006
19. 通過《紅字》來看霍桑對人性的認識
文獻來源: [期刊]. 外國語言文學研究論叢 2005 (1) pp.226-229
20. 沉重的代價:同歸於盡
文獻來源: [期刊]. 內蒙古民族大學學報 社會科學版 2004 (-) pp.5-6
21. 巴塞爾姆的小說創作與“後現代主義小說”的創造性寫作特點
文獻來源: [期刊]. 高校外語教學與研究 2001 (-) pp.182-185
22. 論唐納德.巴塞爾姆後現代小說的寫作技巧
文獻來源:[學位論文]. 遼寧師範大學 2001
23. The Writing Techniques of Postmodern Fiction Snow White
作者:Ma Xiao-ying
文獻來源: [期刊]. Liaoning Teachers University Social Sciences Edition 2001 (24) pp.223-224
24. 淺談《白雪公主》的寫作手法與主題
文獻來源: [期刊]. 遼寧師範大學學報 社會科學版 2001 (24) pp.165


