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馬彥昭:男, 出生年月:1979.09,武漢大學動力與機械學院 副教授。


  • 中文名:馬彥昭
  • 出生日期:1979.09
  • 性別:男
  • 工作單位:武漢大學動力與機械學院
2001 華中科技大學 機械工程及其自動化 學士
2004 華中科技大學 機械設計理論 碩士
2011 首爾國立大學(韓國)機械航空工學 博士
2011.09 – 2013.04 首爾國立大學機械航空工程系 博士後
2013.04 –至今 武漢大學動力與機械學院 副教授
國際學術期刊Computer-Aided Design審稿人
國際學術期刊Journal of Sports Sciences審稿人
數字人體建模,生物力學,人類工效學, CAD。
1. Yanzhao Ma, Junghoon Kwon, Zhihong Mao, Kunwoo Lee, Linlin Li and Hayoung Chung, "Segment inertial parameters of Korean adults estimated from three-dimensional body laser scan data," in International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 19-29, Jan., 2011. (SCI)
2. Yanzhao Ma, Kunwoo Lee, Linlin Li and Junghoon Kwon, "Nonlinear regression equations for segmental mass-inertial characteristics of Korean adults estimated using three-dimensional range scan data," in Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 297-308, Jan., 2011.(SCI)
3. Yanzhao Ma, Junghoon Kwon and Kunwoo Lee, "Estimation of Body Segment Parameters of Korean Adults using 3D Range Scan Data," in The 4th China-Korea Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing & IJCC Workshop, pp. 81-84, Aug., 2008.
4. Zhihong Mao, Guo Cao, Yanzhao Ma, Kunwoo Lee, “Curvature Estimation for Meshes Based on Vertex-Normal Triangles” in Computer Aided Design, Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 1561–1566, Dec., 2011. (SCI)
5. Mao Zhihong, Kunwoo Lee, Cao Guo and Ma Yanzhao, “Interactive Feature Extraction on 3D Meshes”, Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 8(5), 2011, 785-793. (EI)
6. Linlin Li, Youngjun Kim,Yanzhao Ma, Kangil Kim, Kunwoo Lee,“Post-operative analysis of biomechanical effect of TKA using finite element” in 9th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, February 2010.
7. Moonki Jung, Kunwoo Lee, Hyundeok Cho, Taewoo Kim, Ma Yanzhao and Sanghun Lee “Digital Human Modeling for Human-centered CAD System”, 韓國CAD/CAM學會論文集, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 429-410, Dec., 2007. (韓文)
8. Sanghun Lee, Moonki Jung, Kunwoo Lee, Hyundeok Cho, Ma Yanzhao, “Digital Human Modeling for Ergonomics Product Development” , in 韓國CAD/CAM學會會議論文集, Vol. 13, No. 1, Special Issue, pp. 28-35, April, 2007. (韓文)
1. 國家青年科學基金項目:下頜骨髁突骨折內固定接骨板的拓撲與參數最佳化設計及分析
1. 國家青年科學基金項目:測量點雲數據殘缺特徵重建理論及方法
2. 韓國產業技術基金:面向用戶友好汽車設計的數字人體建模和仿真
3. 韓國科學與工程基金:人、產品集成CAD系統
4. 韓國科學與工程基金:納米級三維列印系統(支撐CAMCAM系統子項目)
5. 韓國中小企業廳項目:面向客戶定製的人體三維模型生成


