馬劍鵬博士的研究領域為生物物理,計算生物學及結構生物學。主要致力於發展針對生物體系研究的新的計算方法,用以克服實驗研究中的困難,與實驗手段相結合解決複雜生物體蒸故料應系中的重要問題。他的研究在中低精度蛋白質結構與功能以及蛋白質摺疊研究領域內處於前沿和主導地位。汗捉估燥他發展的包含大尺度運動的多尺度多精度結構精化的方法大大推進了X光晶體衍射,低溫電子顯微鏡和纖維衍射領域中柔性結構分子的精化。他最新發展的計算方法成功地套用於中等大小蛋白的摺疊問題。馬劍鵬博士課題組近年來在Nature, Science, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Biophys. J.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.等國際著名雜誌上市備發表論文53篇,並多次在國際學術會議上做邀請報告。因其在計算生物學和結構生物學領域的重要貢獻,2004年獲得 Norman Hackerman 化學研究獎。
1997-1998年,Burroughs Wellcome Fund PMMB 博士後獎學金
1998-2000年,National Institutes of Health 博士後獎學金
2003-2008年,美國國家自然科學基金會Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
2004年,美國Welch基金會 Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research
2007年,地艱整入選 American Physical Society 會士
2008年,入選American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 會士
2008年,貝勒醫學院Michael E. DeBakey Excellence in Research Award
Yinghao Wu andJianpeng Ma(2004). Refinement of F-actin Model Against Fibre Diffraction Data by Long range Normal Modes.Biophys. J.86:116-124.
Jacob Brink, Steven J. Ludtke, Yifei Kong, Salih J. Wakil,Jianpeng Maand Wah Chiu (2004). Experimental Verification of Conformational Variation of Human Fatty Acid Synthase as Predicted by Normal Mode Analysis.Structure12:185-191.
Jianpeng Ma(2004). New Advances in Normal Mode Analysis of Supermolecular Complexes and Applications to Structural Refinement.Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci5:119-123(Invited review).
Terence C. Flynn andJianpeng Ma(2004). Theoretical analysis of twist/bend ratio and mechanical moduli of bacterial flagellar hook and filament.Biophys. J.86:3204-3210.
Yifei Kong, Xing Zhang, Timothy S. Baker andJianpeng Ma(2004). A Structural-informatics Approach for Tracing b-sheets: Building Pseudo-Ca-traces for b-strands in Intermediate-Resolution Density Maps.J. Mol. Biol.339:117-130.
Arjan van der Vaart,Jianpeng Maand Martin Karplus (2004). The Unfolding Action of GroEL on A Protein Substrate.Biophys. J.87:562-573.
Qiang Cui, Guohui Li,Jianpeng Maand Martin Karplus (2004). A Normal Mode Analysis of Structural Plasticity in the Biomolecular Motor F1-ATPase.J. Mol. Biol.340:345-372.
Yinghao Wu andJianpeng Ma(2004). Normal-mode-based Refinement of an F-actin Model Against Fibre Diffraction Data.Fibre Diffraction Review12:25-28 (Invited review).
Martin Karplus, Yi Qin Gao,Jianpeng Ma,Arjan van der Vaart, and Wei Yang (2005). Protein Structural Transitions and Their Functional Role.Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A363:331-356.
Jianpeng Ma(2005). Usefulness and Limitations of Normal Mode Analysis in Modeling Dynamics of Biomolecular Complexes.Structure13:373-380.
2003-2008年,美國國家自然科學基金會Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
2004年,美國Welch基金會 Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research
2007年,入選 American Physical Society 會士
2008年,入選American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 會士
2008年,貝勒醫學院Michael E. DeBakey Excellence in Research Award
Yinghao Wu andJianpeng Ma(2004). Refinement of F-actin Model Against Fibre Diffraction Data by Long range Normal Modes.Biophys. J.86:116-124.
Jacob Brink, Steven J. Ludtke, Yifei Kong, Salih J. Wakil,Jianpeng Maand Wah Chiu (2004). Experimental Verification of Conformational Variation of Human Fatty Acid Synthase as Predicted by Normal Mode Analysis.Structure12:185-191.
Jianpeng Ma(2004). New Advances in Normal Mode Analysis of Supermolecular Complexes and Applications to Structural Refinement.Curr. Prot. Pept. Sci5:119-123(Invited review).
Terence C. Flynn andJianpeng Ma(2004). Theoretical analysis of twist/bend ratio and mechanical moduli of bacterial flagellar hook and filament.Biophys. J.86:3204-3210.
Yifei Kong, Xing Zhang, Timothy S. Baker andJianpeng Ma(2004). A Structural-informatics Approach for Tracing b-sheets: Building Pseudo-Ca-traces for b-strands in Intermediate-Resolution Density Maps.J. Mol. Biol.339:117-130.
Arjan van der Vaart,Jianpeng Maand Martin Karplus (2004). The Unfolding Action of GroEL on A Protein Substrate.Biophys. J.87:562-573.
Qiang Cui, Guohui Li,Jianpeng Maand Martin Karplus (2004). A Normal Mode Analysis of Structural Plasticity in the Biomolecular Motor F1-ATPase.J. Mol. Biol.340:345-372.
Yinghao Wu andJianpeng Ma(2004). Normal-mode-based Refinement of an F-actin Model Against Fibre Diffraction Data.Fibre Diffraction Review12:25-28 (Invited review).
Martin Karplus, Yi Qin Gao,Jianpeng Ma,Arjan van der Vaart, and Wei Yang (2005). Protein Structural Transitions and Their Functional Role.Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A363:331-356.
Jianpeng Ma(2005). Usefulness and Limitations of Normal Mode Analysis in Modeling Dynamics of Biomolecular Complexes.Structure13:373-380.