
馬光同,男,工學博士,德國洪堡學者,西南交通大學副研究員。2001年至2009年在西南交通大學學習,獲得電氣工程學士和博士學位,2010年作為引進人才留校工作,2011年破格晉升副研究員,2011年至2013年在德國達姆施塔特工業大學做洪堡博士後研究員(期間作為“洪堡學者”受到德國總統Gauck先生接見;期間成果被選入達姆工大2012年和2013年度院系成果報告中)。2011年四川省和2010年西南交通大學優秀博士學位論文獲得者。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目一項,主持完成國家自然科學基金青年基金一項。第一主研完成國家自然科學基金一項(電工理論與新技術組2011年結題評議第一名),參研完成國家863計畫一項。2007年至今在國內外重要學術期刊(如Journal of Applied Physics, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Superconductor Science and Technology, Physica C, 中國電機工程學報)上發表論文70篇(SCI收錄52篇,EI收錄54篇),撰寫英文書籍1章,成果被引近300次,獲授權專利13項。


  • 中文名:馬光同
  • 職業:西南交通大學副研究員
(1) 高溫超導磁懸浮理論、技術與套用
(2) 高溫超導體的交流損耗及其熱學穩定性
(3) 超導體-鐵磁體超材料的電磁理論基礎與套用
(4) 大推力直線電機理論、技術與套用
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,基於三維電磁-熱-力多物理場強耦合模型的超導磁懸浮振動特性研究(51475389),2015-2018年,83萬
[2] 中央高校基本科研業務費,高溫超導磁懸浮振動特性研究(2682014CX039),2014-2015年,10萬
[3] 國家自然科學基金青年基金,高溫超導磁懸浮三維理論計算模型及其套用(51007076),2011-2013年,19萬,已結題
[4] 德國洪堡基金會研究課題(在德國達姆施塔特工業大學完成),2011-2013年,已結題
Year 2014
[70]Guang-Tong Ma, “Hysteretic ac loss in a coated superconductor subjected to an oscillating magnetic fields: ferromagnetic effect and frequency dependence,” Superconductor Science and Technology, vol. 27, no. 6, p.193902, Apr. 2014 (SCI、EI全收錄源期刊)
[69]Guang-Tong Ma*, Huan Liu, Xing-Tian Li, Han Zhang, and Yuan-Yuan Xu, “Numerical simulations of the mutual effect among the superconducting constituents in a levitation system with translational symmetry”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 115, no. 8, p.193902, Feb. 2014 (SCI全收錄源期刊;EI Index: 20141217470101)
[68]LIU Huan, JIANG Dong-hui, MA Guang-tong*, DENG Zi-gang, “Magnetic forces of a superconducting array composed of three multi-seeded Y-Ba-Cu-O blocks with different gaps in between,” Chinese Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol. 36, no 1, pp. 20-27, Feb. 2014
[67]Y. Y. Xu, D. H. Jiang, G. T. Ma*, Z. G. Deng, J. Zheng, and W. H. Zhang, “Dynamic Response Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Maglev vehicle under laterally unbalanced load conditions,” Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 35–39, Jan. 2014 (SCI Index:000329655900007;EI Index: 20140617273117)
Year 2013
[66]G. T. Ma and H. Rauh, “Thermo-Electromagnetic Properties of a Magnetically Shielded Superconductor Strip: Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Simulations,” Supercond. Sci. Technol. vol. 26, p.105001 (13pp), Aug. 2013 (SCI Index: 000324431000003; EI Index: 20134016812453)
[65]馬光同,預處理Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov法在求解超導電磁場問題中的套用,中國電機工程學報,vol. 33, no. 27, pp. 175-180, Sep. 2013 (EI Index: 20134216869069)
[64]G. T. Ma, “Considerations on the Finite-Element Simulation of High-Temperature Superconductors for Magnetic Levitation Purposes,”IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 23, no. 5, p.3601609, Oct. 2013 (SCI Index: 000324496200004; EI Index: 20132216379649) URL
[63] G. T. Ma*, Q. X. Lin, D. H. Jiang, C. Y. Yuan, and Z. G. Deng, “Numerical studies of axial and radial magnetic forces between high temperature superconductors and a magnetic rotor,” J. Low Temp. Phys., vol. 172, no. 3-4, pp. 299-309, Aug. 2013 (SCI Index: 000320754600011; EI Index: 20132816479661) URL
[62]D. H. Jiang, G. T. Ma*, Y. Y. Xu, J. Zheng, Z. G. Deng, S. Y. Wang, and J. S. Wang, “Characteristics of Dynamic Response of Balanced and Unbalanced High-Tc Superconducting Maglev System,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 23, no. 3, p3600404, Jun. 2013 (SCI Index: 000314275800006; EI Index: 20130515965170) URL
[61]H. RauhandG. T. Ma, “Hysteretic ac loss of a superconductor strip subject to an oscillating transverse magnetic field: Geometrical and electromagnetic effects,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, p.193902, Nov. 2013 (SCI Index: 000327592400031; EI Index: 20134917046396)URL
[60]許媛媛,馬光同*,鄧自剛,晏飛翔,蔣冬輝,張衛華,低溫和高溫超導電動/發電機發展概述,低溫物理學報,35(1), pp43-51, 2013
[59]Fei Yen*, Xin Chen, Ren-Bo Wang, Ji-Min Zhu, Jing Li, and Guang-Tong Ma, “Induced Currents in Close-Ended Type-II Superconducting Coils,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 23, no. 6, p.8202005, Dec. 2013 ( SCI Index: 000326109000016)
[58]鄭石鈞,晏飛翔,李 婧,林群煦,陳 鑫,鄭珺,馬光同. 不同氣隙高度下高溫超導直線電機樣機的性能. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 42(11): 2400–2403, 2013 (SCI Index: 000328008800041; EI Index: 20140117166799)
Year 2012
[57] G. T. Ma*, D. H. Jiang, Y. Y. Xu, J. S. Wang and S. Y. Wang, “3-D Finite-Element Simulation of the Vertical Force Evolvement of a Bulk High-Tc Superconductor Subjected to Durative Vertical Fluctuation,” 2012 Sixth International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF), 19-21 June 2012, Dalian, Liaoning, China, 2012 (EI Index: 20124615670048) URL
[56] D. H. Jiang*, G. T. Ma, Q. X. Lin, Y. Y.Xu, S. Y. Wang and J. S. Wang, “Levitation-Force Investigation of high-temperature superconducting Maglev system under different variations of the vertical displacement,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., vol. 25, no. 1, pp.25–30, Jan. 2012 (SCI Index: 000299008200005; EI Index: 20120714769079) URL
[55] W. Liu*, J. S. Wang, G. T. Ma, J. Zheng , X. G. Tuo, L. L. Li, C. Q. Ye, X. L. Liao, and S. Y. Wang, “Influence of lateral displacement on the levitation performance of a magnetized bulk high-Tc superconductor magnet,” PhysicaC, vol. 474, pp. 5–12, Mar. 2012 (SCI Index: 000300939200003; EI Index: 20120814786654) URL
[54] D. H. Jiang*, J. S. Wang, Q. X. Lin, G. T. Ma, and S. Y. Wang, “A Novel High Temperature Superconducting Maglev Vehicle with a Propulsion Engine,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., vol. 25, no.2, pp. 351–355, Feb. 2012 (SCI Index: 000300786300031; EI Index: 20121814986948) URL
[53] S. J. Zheng, F. Yen*, J. Li, Q. X. Lin, X. Chen,J. Zheng, G. T. Ma, J. S. Wang, and S. Y. Wang, “Performance of a Small-Scale High Temperature Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor Prototype,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 22, no. 2, p.5200104, Apr. 2012 (SCI Index: 000302730700024; EI Index: 20121714963187) URL
[52] D. H. Jiang*, J. S. Wang*, G. T. Ma, Y. Y. Xu, Q. X. Lin, J. Zheng and S. Y. Wang, “Levitation Force for Evaluation of the High Temperature Superconducting Maglev Vehicle under Derailment,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 22, no. 3, p. 3600304, Jun. 2012 (SCI Index: 000307364700005; EI Index: 20122615152375) URL
[51] W. Liu, J. S. Wang, G. T. Ma, J. Zheng, J. F. Ren, L. L. Li, X. F. Yang, C. Q. Ye, S. Y. Wang, “Remagnetization effects due to lateral displacement above a PMG on bulk HTS magnet,”Cryogenics, vol. 52, no. 12, pp.793–799, 2012 (SCI Index: 000314387900028; EI Index: 20124915768141) URL
[50] Q. X. Lin*, D. H. Jiang, G. T. Ma, J. S. Wang, Z. G. Deng, J. Zheng,S. Y. Wang, and C. Y. Yuan, “Research of Radial High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Bearings for Cryogenic Liquid Pumps,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 22, no. 3, p.5201064, Jun. 2012 (SCI Index: 000307364700353; EI Index: 20122615152615) URL
[49] W. Liu*, J. S. Wang, C. Q. Ye, G. T. Ma, J. Zheng, and S. Y. Wang, “Levitation performance of a magnetized bulk YBCO with different demagnetization processes,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 22, no. 3, p. 3600704, Jun. 2012 (SCI Index: 000307364700009; EI Index: 20122615152371) URL
[48] F. Yen*, S. J. Zheng, X. Chen, J. Li, Q. X. Lin, Y. Y. Xu, J. Zheng, G. T. Ma, J. S. Wang, and S. Y. Wang, “Superconducting Excitation System of a Small Scale Linear Synchronous Motor, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 22, no. 3, p. 5201103, Jun. 2012 (SCI Index: 000307364700348; EI Index: 20122615152621) URL
[47] Q. X. Lin*, D. H. Jiang, J. S. Wang*, G. T. Ma, F. Yen, Z. G. Deng, J. Zheng, and S. Y.,Wang, “A measurement testing setup of the characteristic properties for high temperature superconducting bearing systems, ” Physics Procedia, vol. 36, pp. 1020–1024, 2012 URL
[46] J. Zheng*, X. L. Liao, H. L. Jing, Q. X. Lin, G. T. Ma, F. Yen, S. Y. Wang, and J. S. Wang, “Anisotropy Effect on Levitation Performance of Bulk High-Tc Superconductors Above a Permanent Magnet Guideway, ” Physics Procedia, vol. 36, pp. 1043–1048, 2012 URL
Year 2011
[45] G. T. Ma*, J. S. Wang, and S. Y. Wang, “Numerical study of the speed-related behavior of the magnetic force in the HTS maglev system based on a 3-D model,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1593–1598, Jul. 2011 (SCI Index: 000292167000034; EI Index: 20113014180476) URL
[44] 馬光同*,王楠,許媛媛,蔣國強,王金釵,林群煦,蔣冬輝,劉偉. 預載對高溫超導磁懸浮系統中橫向運動引起的懸浮力衰減行為的影響. 低溫物理學報, 2011, 33(6): 445-449 URL
[43] 王金釵,蔣國強,許媛媛,王楠,馬光同*,劉偉,蔣冬輝,林群煦. 預載條件下Y-Ba-Cu-O塊材的懸浮力弛豫特性. 低溫與超導, 2011, 39(7):47-52 URL
[42] Q. X. Lin, G. T. Ma, D. H. Jiang, J. S. Wang*, and S. Y. Wang, “Study of magnetic field inhomogeneity due to different positional deviations of a permanent magnet guideway,” J. Supercond.Nov. Magn., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1473–1478, Jul. 2011 (SCI Index: 000292167000017; EI Index: 20113014180511) URL
[41] M. X. Liu*, Y. Y. Lu, G. T. Ma, and S. Wang, “Oscillation Characteristics of Levitation Force of YBCO Bulk Exposed to AC Magnetic Field above NdFeB Guideway,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 1339–1344, May, 2011 (SCI Index: 000289489400014; EI Index: 20112214011343) URL
[40] M. X. Liu*, Y. Y. Lu, S. Y. Wang, and G. T. Ma, “Decay Characteristics of Levitation Force of YBCO Bulk Exposed to AC Magnetic Field above NdFeB Guideway,” J. Low Temp. Phys., vol. 163, no. 1-2, pp. 78–85, Apr. 2011 (SCI Index: 000287757900009; EI Index: 20111213783211) URL
[39] M. X. Liu*, Y. Y. Lu, S. Y. Wang, and G. T. Ma, “Numerical Evaluation of Levitation Force Oscillation of HTS Bulk Exposed to AC Magnetic Field over NdFeB Guideway,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1559–1562, Jul. 2011 (SCI Index: 000292167000029; EI Index: 20113014180471) URL
[38] M. X. Liu*, Y. Y. Lu, S. Y. Wang, and G. T. Ma, “Influence of AC External Magnetic Field on the Levitation Force Relaxation of HTS Bulk Above NdFeB Guideway,” J. Supercond.Nov. Magn., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1809–1813, Jul. 2011 (SCI Index: 000292167000068; EI Index: 20113014180535) URL
[37] W. Liu, J. S. Wang*, X. L. Liao, C. Q. Ye, G. T. Ma, J. Zheng, and S. Y. Wang, “Influence of the Trapped Field on the Levitation Performance oftheMagnetized Bulk High-Tc Superconductor,” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1563–1569, Jul. 2011 (SCI Index: 000292167000030; EI Index: 20113014180472) URL
[36] W. Liu, J. S. Wang*, X. L. Liao, S. J. Zheng, G. T. Ma, J. Zheng. and S. Y. Wang, “Levitation performance of the magnetized bulk high-Tc superconducting magnet with different trapped fields,” PhysicaC, vol. 471, no. 5-6, pp. 156–162, Mar. 2011 (SCI Index: 000288841900006; EI Index: 20110913703789) URL
[35] J. S. Wang*, S. Y. Wang, J. Zheng, F. Yen, G. T. Ma, L. Liu, J. Li, and W. Liu, “Recent Developments of the High Temperature Superconducting Maglev at ASCLab, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1551-1555, Jun. 2011 (SCI Index: 000291054200145; EI Index: 20112314032488) URL
[34] L. Liu*, J. S. Wang*, S. Y. Wang, J. Li, J. Zheng, G. T. Ma, and Fei Yen, “Levitation Force Transition of High-Tc Superconducting Bulks Within a Maglev Vehicle System Under Different Dynamic Operation,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1547-1550, Jun. 2011 (SCI Index: 000291054200144; EI Index: 20112314032329) URL
[33] F. Yen*, J. Li, S. J. Zheng, D. H. Jiang, L. Liu, W. Li, G. T. Ma, J. S. Wang, and S. Y. Wang, “Design of a 400 N and 12 mm mechanical air gap high temperature superconducting linear synchronous motor,” Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, vol. 50, no. S3, pp. 319-321, Oct. 2011 (SCI Index: 000297604600076) URL
Year 2010
[32] G. T. Ma*, J. S. Wang, and S. Y. Wang, “3-D Modeling of High-Tc Superconductor for Magnetic Levitation/Suspension Application-Part I:Introduction to the Method,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 20, no.4, pp. 2219–2227, Aug. 2010 (SCI Index: 000283537600002; EI Index: 20103213143083) URL
[31] G. T. Ma*, J. S. Wang, and S. Y. Wang, “3-D Modeling of igh-Tc Superconductor for Magnetic Levitation/Suspension Application-Part II:Validation with Experiment,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 2228-2234, Aug. 2010 (SCI Index: 000283537600003; EI Index: 20103213143085) URL
[30] G. T. Ma*, J. S. Wang*, and S. Y. Wang, “Numerical investigation of the lateral movement influence on the levitation force of the bulk HTS based on a 3-D model,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 924-928, Jun. 2010 (SCI Index: 000283559900193; EI Index: 20102212977425) URL
[29] W. Liu*, J. S. Wang*, S. Y. Wang, Q. X. Lin, D. H. Jiang, G. T. Ma, and J. Zheng, “Influence of Auxiliary Permanent Magnet on the High-Tc Superconductive Hybrid Maglev System,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 915-919, Jun. 2010 (SCI Index: 000283559900191; EI Index: 20102212977535) URL
[28] L. Liu*, J. S. Wang*, Z. G. Deng, J. Li, J. Zheng, G. T. Ma, and S. Y. Wang, “Levitation Force Transition of High-Tc Superconducting Bulks in Varying External Magnetic Field,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 920-923, Jun. 2010 (SCI Index: 000283559900192; EI Index: 20102212977283)URL
[27] Q. X. Lin, J. S. Wang*, Z. G. Deng, G. T. Ma, D. H. Jiang, S. Y. Wang, and F. Li, “A High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Helix Transmission Mechanism,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 8-13, Feb. 2010 (SCI Index: 000274148000002; EI Index: 20100812721752) URL
[26] W. Liu*, J. S. Wang*, Q. X. Lin,G. T. Ma, J. Zheng, and S. Y. Wang, “A Method to Increase the Lateral Reversible Region of Bulk YBCO above a Permanent Magnet Guideway,” J. Low Temp. Phys., vol. 158, no. 5-6, pp. 922-933, Mar. 2010 (SCI Index: 000274096200009; EI Index: 20101012754604) URL
[25] F. Yen*, J. Li, S. J.Zheng, L. Liu, G. T. Ma, J. S. Wang, and S. Y. Wang, “A single-sided linear synchronous motor with a high temperature superconducting coil as the excitation system,” Supercond. Sci. Technol., vol. 23, no. 10, p105015, Sep. 2010(SCI Index: 000281955500015; EI Index: 20104313330138) URL
[24] 廖興林, 鄭珺*, 劉璐, 劉偉, 林群煦, 馬光同, 王家素, 王素玉.“不同重疊排列方式的雙層高溫超導塊材在永磁軌道上方的懸浮特性”, 低溫與超導, 2010, 38(10): 18-22 URL
Year 2009
[23] G. T. Ma*, H. F. Liu, J. S. Wang, S. Y. Wang, and X. C. Lin, “3D modeling permanent magnet guideway for high temperature superconducting maglev vehicle application,” J. Supercond. Novel Magn., vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 841-847, Nov. 2009(SCI Index: 000271201900020; EI Index: 20095312582843) URL
[22] G. T. Ma, J. S. Wang*, Q. X. Lin, M. X. Liu, Z. G. Deng, X. C. Li, H. F. Liu, J. Zheng, and S. Y. Wang,“Lateral restorable characteristics of the high-Tc superconducting maglev vehicle above the permanent magnet guideway, PhysicaC, vol. 469, no. 21, pp. 1954–1957, Nov. 2009 (SCI Index: 000270618800015; EI Index: 20093712296917) URL
[21] Q. X. Lin*, G. T. Ma, J. S. Wang, Z. G. Deng, and Y. Y. Lu, “Mechanical turnouts for high-Tc superconducting maglev vehicle,” American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 345, pp. 2291–2296, 2009 (EI Index: 20100112603103) URL
[20] Z. Deng, Q. Lin, J. Wang*, J. Zheng, G. Ma, Y. Zhang, and S. Wang, “Basic design and characteristics study of a double-axial superconducting magnetic bearing system,” Cryogenics, vol. 49, pp.259–262, 2009 (SCI Index: 000267361400007; EI Index: 20092112092952) URL
[19] 王家素,王素玉,鄭珺,鄧自剛,蘆逸雲,馬光同,張婭,晏飛翔. 高溫超導磁懸浮研究進展. 低溫物理學報,2009, 31(5): 142-151
[18] 劉偉,王素玉,林群煦,楊沛,劉慧芬,馬光同,鄭珺,王家素. 車載YBCO高溫超導塊材長期運行懸浮穩定性研究. 低溫物理學報,2009, 31(5): 85–89
[17] Q. X. Lin*,G. T. Ma, Z. G. Deng, J. S. Wang, S. Y. Wang,Y. J. Qin, and W. Liu, “Characteristic of the guidance force in the high-Tc superconducting levitation system with pre-load process,” J. Supercond. Novel Magn., vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 791-796, Nov. 2009 (SCI Index: 000271201900013; EI Index: 20095312582836) URL
[16] M. X. Liu*, S. Y. Wang, J. S. Wang, and G. T. Ma, “Effect of AC Magnetic Field on the Levitation Force of YBCO Bulk above NdFeBGuideway,”J. Low Temp. Phys., vol. 155, no. 3-4,pp. 169–176, May 2009 (SCI Index: 000264626300003; EI Index: 20091612034209) URL
[15] Q. X. Lin, J. S. Wang*, Z. G. Deng, G. T. Ma, D. H. Jiang, S. Y. Wang, and F. Li, “A High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Transmission Device,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 3744-3749, Oct. 2009 (SCI Index: 000270777900006; EI Index: 20094312392594) URL
[14] W. Wang, J. S. Wang*, W. Liu, J. Zheng, Q. X. Lin, S. T. Pan, Z. G. Deng, G. T. Ma, and S. Y. Wang, Characteristic Study of High-Tc Superconducting Maglev under Side Loading, Physica C, vol. 469, no. 4, pp. 188–191, 2009 (SCI Index: 000264657100011; EI Index: 20091111951523) URL
[13] 鄧自剛, 王家素*, 鄭珺, 劉偉, 林群煦, 馬光同, 王為, 王素玉, 張婭. 零場冷和場冷方式下高溫超導塊材最大懸浮力關係. 低溫物理學報,2009, 31(3): 230–233 URL
[12] 鄧自剛, 林群煦, 王家素, 鄭珺,蔣東輝, 馬光同, 劉偉, 王素玉, 張婭. 高溫超導磁懸浮飛輪儲能系統樣機. 低溫物理學報,2009, 31(4): 311-314 URL
Year 2008
[11] G. T. Ma, Q. X. Lin, J. S. Wang*, S. Y. Wang, Z. G. Deng, Y. Y. Lu, M. X. Liu, and J. Zheng, “Method to reduce levitation force decay of the bulk HTSC above the NdFeBguideway due to lateral movement,” Supercond. Sci. Technol., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 065020-1–065020-5, Jun. 2008 (SCI Index: 000255662800021; EI Index: 20082311302161) URL
[10] G. T. Ma*, J. S. Wang*, S. Y. Wang, M. X. Liu, H. Jing, Y. Y. Lu, and Q. X. Lin, “A novel propulsion method for high-Tc superconducting maglev vehicle” Physica C, vol. 468, no. pp. 7-11, Jan.2008 (SCI Index: 000253270100002; EI Index: 20080211012507) URL
[09] 馬光同,王家素*,王素玉. 高溫超導磁懸浮車/發射用驅動系統研究. 微電機, 41(11): 54–57, 2008 URL
[08] 馬光同,王家素*, 王素玉, 鄭珺, 林群煦. 高溫超導塊材與永磁體組成的混合懸浮系統.稀有金屬材料與工程, 37(4):342–345, 2008 URL
[07] Z. Deng, J. Zheng, J. Li, G. Ma, Y. Lu, Y. Zhang, S. Wang, and J. Wang*, “Superconducting bulk magnet for maglev vehicle Stable levitation performance above permanent magnet guideway,” Materials Science and Engineering B, vol. 151, pp. 117–121, 2008 (SCI Index: 000258810600024; EI Index: 20083011406484) URL
[06] Z. Deng, Q. Lin, G. Ma, J. Zheng, Y. Zhang, S. Wang and J. Wang*, “A double-superconducting axial bearing system for an energy storage flywheel model,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 97, p. 012283, 2008 URL
[05] M. X. Liu*, S. Y. Wang, J. S. Wang, and G. T. Ma, “Influence of the Air Gap between Adjacent Permanent Magnets on the Performance of NdFeB Guideway for HTS Maglev System,” J. Supercond. Novel Magn.,vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 431–435, 2008 (SCI Index: 000260958600009; EI Index: 20084811745440) URL
[04] Z. Deng, J. Wang*, J. Zheng, H. Jing, Y. Lu,G. Ma, L. Liu, W. Liu, Y. Zhang, and S. Wang, “High-efficiency and low-cost permanent magnet guideway consideration for high-Tc superconducting Maglev vehicle practical application,” Supercond. Sci. Technol., vol. 21, no. 11, p. 115018, 2008 (SCI Index: 000259699600019; EI Index: 20090411867720) URL
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Year 2007
[02] J. S. Wang*, S. Y. Wang, C. Y. Deng, J. Zheng, H. H. Song, Q. Y. He, Y. W. Zeng, Z. G. Deng, J. Li, G. T. Ma, H. Jing, Y. Y. Lu, L. C. Zhang, M. X. Liu, Y. G. Huang, J. H. Zhang, Y. J. Qing, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Liu, and L. L. Wang, “Laboratory-scale high temperature superconducting Maglev launch system,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 2091–2094, 2007 (SCI Index: 000248442600259; EI Index: 20073110740766)
[01] H. Jing*, J. Wang, S. Wang, L. Wang, L. Liu, J. Zheng, Z. Deng, G. Ma, Y. Zhang, J. Li, “A two-pole Halbach permanent magnet guideway for high temperature superconducting Maglev vehicle,” Physica C, vol. 463-465, pp. 426-430, 2007 (SCI Index: 000250396000101; EI Index: 20073710810051)
Book Chapter
[1] Guang-Tong Ma*, Jiang-Su Wang and Su-Yu Wang. 3-D finite-element modelling of a maglev system using bulk high-Tc superconductor and its application, In Adir Moysés Luiz (Ed.), Applications of High-Tc Superconductivity, Published by INTECH, pp119–146, 2011 (ISBN: 978-953-307-308)
該團隊2008年至今公開發表論文132篇,其中SCI檢索論文88篇,被引用660餘次,應邀合作撰寫英文超導專著3本,獲授權發明專利5項、實用新型專利12項;先後主持國家級課題9項(含國家自然科學基金課題6項、國家863計畫課題2項和211重點學科建設課題1項),並於2009年、2010年和2012年先後3次在國家自然科學基金電工領域項目交流會上被評為“優秀”。在學校和國家重點實驗室的大力支持下,團隊成員正在深入開展高溫超導磁懸浮技術在軌道交通和飛輪儲能系統中的套用開發及相關的理論最佳化設計研究,經過數年的研究積累,2013年2月研製成功我國首條載人高溫超導磁懸浮環形實驗線,並將繼續開展真空管道和超導直線電機的研製,最終擬搭建完成真空管道高溫超導磁懸浮車試驗平台,為真空管道高速交通(>600 km/h)的套用基礎研究提供實質技術條件。


