[4]Haitao Lan, Baosong Ma, Biao Shu. Prediction of rotational torque and design ofreaming program using horizontal directional drilling in rock strata, Tunnelingand Underground Space Technology, Vol.26,Issue 2, 2011 (March): 415-421 (SCI:ISI:000287631700016,研究生第一作者,國際期刊)
[5]Liyong Wei, Baosong Ma, Yuewu Zhang, and Xin Jin. Principle and PotentialAdvantages of Reverse Circulation System for Large Diameter HDD Crossings,29th International No-Dig Conference and Exhibition,May2-5,2011,Berlin,Germany.
[6]Biao Shu, Baosong Ma, Cong Zeng and Haitao Lan. Preparation and recycling ofdrilling mud in large scale Horizontal Directional Drilling projects inMainland China, ICPTT 2011 , Oct. 26-29, 2011 ASCE, Beijing China.
[7]Ruyi Jiao, Cong Zeng and Baosong Ma. Study on Influence Factors to Application ofLarge-Scale HDD to Oil and Gas Pipe Installation, ICPTT 2011 , Oct. 26-29, 2011ASCE, Beijing China.
[8]Yuewu Zhang, Pei Zhou and Baosong Ma, Application of HorizontalDirectional Drilling in Crossing Gan River Project Adjacent to Shengmi Bridge, ICPTT2011 , Oct. 26-29, 2011 ASCE, Beijing China.
[14]Shu, Biao, Ma, Baosong, Lan, Haitao. Analysis of interactionmechanism between slips and drill rod, Pipelines 2010: Climbing New Peaks toInfrastructure Reliability - Renew, Rehab, and Reinvest - Proc. of thePipelines 2010 Conference, v 386, p 1123-1132, 2010 (研究生第一作者,EI光碟版檢索)
[15]B. Ma, et al. Risk Evaluation on Large-scale HDD Crossing Projects,Journal of PipelineSystem-Engineering and Practice,American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2010.5 (國際期刊)
[16]Cong Zeng, BaosongMa. Analytic mode for Predictingthe Failure risk of Underground pipeline System, Proceedings ofASCE-International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology, Oct.19-21, 2009, Shanghai, China. (研究生第一作者,EI光碟版檢索)
[17]Benke Shao, BaosongMa, Lei Shi. A Sewer PipelineInstallation Using Pipe-jacking in Lang fang. Proceedings of ASCE-InternationalConference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology, Oct. 19-21, 2009, Shanghai,China. (研究生第一作者,EI光碟版檢索)
[18]Han Cao, Guosheng Jiang, Baosong Ma. Analysis ofMatching Mode for Water Way and Pump Output of Broaching Bit in HDD.Proceedings of ASCE-International Conference on Pipelines and TrenchlessTechnology, Oct. 19-21, 2009, Shanghai, China. (EI光碟版檢索)
[19]Yachun Zhang, Zhibo Zhang, Benke Shao, Baosong Ma. Application and Quality Control of Sewer Pipeline Construction UsingHDD. Proceedings of ASCE-International Conference on Pipelines and TrenchlessTechnology, Oct. 19-21, 2009, Shanghai, China.
[20]BaosongMa, Cong Zeng, and Chenguang Yang. The Present Conditionsand Sustainability of Underground Infrastructure Asset Management in MainlandChina, Proceedings of International Pipeline Conference 2008, July 22-26, 2008,Atlanta, US. (EI光碟版檢索)
[21]Hanchun Zhang, Baosong Ma and Benke Shao. Research on Detection to Long Distanceand Super Deep Pipeline Installed by HDD. Proceedings of International PipelineConference 2008, July 22-26, 2008, Atlanta, US. (EI光碟版檢索)
[22]M. Najafi, T. Iseley, and B.S. Ma. U.S.-China CollaborativeResearch Directions on Trenchless Technology & Critical InfrastructureIssues. Proceedings of International Pipeline Conference 2008, July 22-26,2008, Atlanta, US. (EI光碟版檢索)
[23]B.Ma, M. Najafi. Development and Application of TrenchlessTechnology in China, Journal of Tunneling and Underground Space Technology,July 2008(SCIE和EI光碟版檢索)
[24]B.Ma, L. Wu, et al. The Perspective Of The Small DiameterSubterrene Rock-Melting Drills Used For Trenchless Pipeline Installation,Proceedings of International Pipeline Conference 2007, July 8-11, 2007, Boston,US. (EI光碟版檢索)
[25]C. Yang, B.Ma, etal. Research on Safety Evaluation Model of the Main UndergroundPipelines inShanghai, China, Proceedings of International Pipeline Conference2007, July 8-11, 2007, Boston, US. (EI光碟版檢索,研究生為第一作者)
[26]C. Zeng, B.Ma, etal. Analysis on the Advantage of Trenchless Construction’s Cost byDisutility-Cost Assessment Method in China. Proceedings of InternationalPipeline Conference 2007, July 8-11, 2007, Boston, US. (EI光碟版檢索,研究生為第一作者)
[27]B.Ma, Y. Zhang, and G. Jiang. Ten Year of TrenchlessTechnology in China, No-Dig 2006 conference CD-ROMs. Nov. 2006, Brisbane, Australia(國際會議報告論文)
[28]BaosongMa, Cong Zeng, et al. Underground Freight TransportationNetwork through Pipeline—A Sustainable Way to Solve the City Syndrome inBeijing, The 4th International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportationby Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems (ISUFT) Oct. 20-21, 2005, Shanghai, China (國際會議報告論文)
[29]BaosongMa, et al. Trenchless techniques for the construction ofunderground Freight transportation pipelines and tunnels, The 4th InternationalSymposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and OtherTube/Tunnel Systems (ISUFT) Oct. 20-21, 2005,Shanghai, China (國際會議報告論文)
[6]ASCE Pipe Ramming Manual of Practice (美國土木工程師學會夯管施工技術手冊),馬保松參編,美國土木工程師學會,2007
[7]Proceedings of International Conference onPipeline and Trenchless Technology (ICPTT 2012) (英文)(2012管道工程與非開挖技術國際研討會論文集),Baosong Ma(馬保松),Mohammad Najafi編輯,美國土木工程師學會出版社
[8]Proceedings of International Conference onPipeline and Trenchless Technology (ICPTT 2011) (英文)(2011管道工程與非開挖技術國際研討會論文集),Baosong Ma(馬保松),Mohammad Najafi編輯,美國土木工程師學會出版社,2011年9月(273篇論文全部被Ei核心版檢索)
[9]Proceedings of International Conference onPipeline and Trenchless Technology (ICPTT 2009) (英文)(2009管道工程與非開挖技術國際研討會論文集),MohammadNajafi, Baosong Ma(馬保松)編輯,美國土木工程師學會出版社,2009年9月(227篇論文全部被Ei核心版檢索)
[10] Proceedings of International Conference onGeological Engineering (ICGE 2007) (英文)(國際地質工程研討會論文集),唐輝明,蔣國盛,馬保松等,美國機械工程師學會出版社, 2009年8月
[20]The 4International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by CapsulePipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems (ISUFT) Oct. 20-21, 2005, Shanghai, China