


  • 中文名:饒馨
  • 畢業院校:中國礦業大學(徐州)、中國科學院南京地質古生物研究所
Prasenjit Barman, Narendra K. Swami, Rao Xin*, S. R. Mishra, Mohd Ibrahim,Shailendra Singh, 2023. Cretaceous rudists (Bivalvia: Hippuritida) from theKhalsi Formation, Ladakh India, and its palaeogeographic implications. Cretaceous Research, 144, 105455.
RaoXin, Peter W. Skelton, Shin-ichi Sano, WanBin, 2023. Taxonomy and paleobiogeographicimplication of Glabrobournonia Morris and Skelton (Hippuritida, Radiolitidae)from the Late Cretaceous Yigeziya Formation, southwestern Tarim Basin, Palaeoworld, 32,136-147.
RaoXin, Peter W. Skelton, Shin-ichi Sano, ZhangYiqiang, Zhang Yichun, Pan Yanhong, Cai Huawei, Peng Bo, Zhang Tong, MaZhaoxiong, 2020. Shajia, a new genusof polyconitid rudist from the Langshan Formation of the Lhasa Block, Tibet,and its palaeogeographical implications. CretaceousResearch, 105, 104151.
Rao Xin,Sha Jingeng, Peng Bo, Zhang Xiaolin, CaiHuawei, 2019. Constraints of bipolar and tropical bivalves on the northwarddrifting of the Indian Plate.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 175,68―73.
Rao Xin, 2019. Biradiolites fromthe Yigeziya Formation of the Southwestern Tarim Basin. Open Journal of Geology, 9, 562―565.
Rao Xin, Peter W. Skelton,Shin-ichi Sano, Sha Jingeng, Wan Bin, 2019. Mid-Cretaceous rudist assemblagefrom the Lhasa Block, Tibet (China). In: Boughdiri M. et al. (eds.)Paleobiodiversityand Tectono-Sedimentary Records in the Mediterranean Tethys and Related EasternAreas, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.91―94.
Rao Xin,Peter W. Skelton, Shin-ichi Sano, Li Cai, Pan Yanhong, Luo Hui, Cai Huawei, PengBo, Sha Jingeng, 2017.Evolution andpalaeogeographical dispersion of the radiolitid rudist genus Auroradiolites (Bivalvia: Hippuritida),with descriptions of new material from Tibet and archived specimens fromAfghanistan. Papers in Palaeontology,3 (2): 297―315.
RaoXin, Peter W. Skelton, Sha Jingeng, CaiHuawei, Yasuhiro Iba, 2015. Mid-Cretaceous rudists (Bivalvia: Hippuritida) fromthe Langshan Formation, Lhasa Block, Tibet. Papersin Palaeontology, 1(4): 401―424.
饒馨*,彭博,蔡華偉,2019.拉薩地塊白堊紀固著蛤研究新進展. 古生物學報,58(3): 363―371.
饒馨*, 沙金庚, 泮燕紅, 蔡華偉, 2012. 藏南崗巴地區晚白堊世宗山組Bournonia及其功能形態學研究, 古生物學報, 51(4): 491―501.
Yasuhiro Iba*, Shin-ichi Sano, Rao Xin, Dirk Fuchs, Chen Tingen,Robert Weis, Sha Jingeng, 2015. Early Jurassic belemnites from the Gondwanamargin of the Southern Hemisphere―Sinemurian record from South Tibet. Gondwana Research,28(2): 882―887.
Sha Jingeng*, Rao Xin, Cai Huawei, Pan Yanhong, Wang Yaqiong, 2014. Pan-tropicaldistribution of the Jurassic ostreid bivalves. Palaeoworld, 23(2): 155-161.
Sha Jingeng*, Rao Xin, Pan Yanhong, Wang Yaqiong and Cai Huawei, 2014. LowerCretaceous stratigraphy of eastern Asia: Nonmarine and marine correlations; -In: Rocha, R., Pais, J., Kullberg, J. C. & Finney, S. (eds.) STRATI 2013.Springer Geology. First International Congress on Stratigraphy at the CuttingEdge of Stratigraphy: 587−590.
Jiang Baoyu, Yao Xiaogang, NiuYazhuo, Rao Xin and Li Qijian, 2010.Outline of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems in Western Liaoning, NE China.84 pp. (English version), 85 pp. (Chinese version); Hefei (University ofSciences & Technology of China Press)
王立全、沙金庚、王強、高銳、侯增謙、潘桂棠、李建國、鄭遠川、饒馨、趙俊猛、金勝、賀日政、盧占武、張洪雙,2014.青藏高原基礎地質調查研究. – 見:中國科學技術協會(主編),中國青藏高原研究會(編著)青藏高原研究學科發展報告:39−68,270−271; 北京(中國科學技術出版社)


