- 中文名:食蚜蠅乾屍霉
- 編號:NFG-97-30
- 定名人:李增智 黃 勃 樊美珍
- 作者:李增智 黃 勃 樊美珍
編號 NFG-97-30
拉丁菌名 Glomus dolichosporum M.Q.Zhang et Y.S.Wamg sp. nov.
中文菌名 食蚜蠅乾屍霉
定名人 李增智 黃 勃 樊美珍
Nomencla Zhang Meiqing and Wang Youshan
發表文章 侵染雙翅目昆蟲的新種、新記錄、新組合及新修訂
Article Glomus dolichosporum, A New Species of the Glomales from Southern China
作者 李增智 黃 勃 樊美珍
Author Zhang Meiqing, Wang Youshan, and Xing Lijun
作者單位 安徽農業大學森林利用學院, 合肥 230036
記錄了最 近在中國記載的侵染雙翅目昆蟲的蟲霉目兩個新種, 毛蚊 蟲癘霉 (Pandora bibionis) 發現於浙江慶元的毛蚊 (Bibio sp.), 其初生分生孢子擬卵形,多對稱 14.4-20.5 X 7.2-11 micrometer (平均16.5-17.4 X 84-10.4 micrometer) , L / D 1.4-2.3 (平均 1.7-2.0), 假根 2倍粗於分生孢子梗, 卡端膨大為吸盤狀固著器, 休眠孢 子汁外壁刺毛狀, 19.1-23.4 micrometer. 食蚜蠅乾屍霉 (Tarichium syrphis) 發現於陝西鎮坪縣的斑翅狹口食蚜 蠅上, 其休眠孢子外被圓錐形長刺, 長2.2-5.0 micrometer, 直徑21.2-28.1 micrometer.在毛蠓上發現 中國新記錄膠孢蟲癘霉, 並根據中義所採用的 Humber(1989)系統, 將其組合為膠孢蟲瘴霉(Furia glorosora comb. nov.), 此外, 還將北蟲疫霉 (Erynia borea) 組合為北蟲癘霉 (Pandora borea comb. nov.), 並同時給予修訂.
Abstract A new species of Glomus from Fujian and Guangxi provinces of China is described and illustracted. The spores of the species are yellow brown to red brown,ellipsoid, ovoid, obovoid or oblong ellipsoid, 110-190(-220) X 65-100(-100) micrometer. Spore wall has three-layers: L1 --- hyaline, l micrometer, swollen in lactic acid or PVLG,L2 --- yellow brown, laminated, 3-5(-7) micrometer, 7-10 micrometer at spore base, L3 --- light yellow, unit, 0.5-1 micrometer, inseperable from L2.Spore base is funnel-shaped, two layers. Subtending hypha is yellow brown 10-17 micrometer wide, branched at 15-70 micrometer fromspore base, with walls thickened at attachment and extending into subtending hypha. Branched hypha has two layers (L1 1-2 micrometer, L2 1 micrometer).
關鍵字 蟲霉目, 毛蚊 蟲癘霉, 食蚜蠅乾屍霉, 膠孢蟲癘霉, 膠孢蟲瘴霉, 北蟲 疫霉, 北蟲癘霉
期刊 菌物系統 16(2):91-96, 1997
Publication Mycosystema (Chinese; original name: Acta Mycologica Sinica), 16(4):pp.241-243, 1997
分享省市 陝西省鎮坪縣
Place Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Nationality A
採集地 華龍山自然保護區死的雙翅目食蚜蠅科斑翅狹口食 蚜蠅
Environment The specimen is a red soil in rhizosphaera of Eucalypti grandis X Eucalypti urophylla of family Myrtaceae at outskirts of the city.
生態環境 亞熱帶濕潤氣候針闊混交林區
寄主 雙翅目食蚜蠅科斑翅狹口 食蚜蠅
Habitat subtropical monsoon climate mixed needle-leaf and broad-leaf forest area
Host red soil of rhizosphaera of Eucalypti grandis X Eucalypti urophylla of family Myrtaceae
採集人 李增智
Isolation Person Zhang Meiqing, Wang Youshan, and Xing Lijun
保存單位 安徽農業大 學森林利用學院林保教研室, 合肥 230036
Preservation Unit Herbarium of Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resources, Beijing Municiple Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Speciman No.
Note The fungu can be used VAM for VAM grow seedings or seedings forest bacterial reagent at poor soil region.
該菌可用於殺雙翅目食蚜蠅科昆蟲的 生防用菌