

顧長貴,男,上海理工大學管理學院副教授,博士生導師、碩士生導師,上海市高校青年東方學者,荷蘭萊頓大學客座研究員。博士畢業於華東師範大學物理系(2011.12),曾在荷蘭萊頓大學醫學院從事博士後工作(2012.4-2014.12),在美國麻省大學醫學院交流訪問(2010.9-2011.9)。研究興趣包含時間序列分析理論、複雜網路理論,及其在交通、生物等複雜系統中的套用。已發表SCI論文近30篇,其中第一作者發表PNAS(影響因子10)、Scientific Reports(Nature旗下,影響因子5.6)、PLos ONE、Journal of biological rhythms、Physical Review E、Chaos 在內的SCI二區以上論文15篇。主持國家自然科學基金一項。


  • 中文名:顧長貴
  • 外文名:changgui gu
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:江蘇
  • 出生日期:1982年
  • 畢業院校:華東師範大學
  • 職業:大學教師
  • 代表作品:PNAS 112, 2320 (2015)
  • 主要成就:青年東方學者,第一作者發表PNAS,主持國家自然科學基金


2010.92011.9 美國麻薩諸塞大學醫學院,數學建模與生物數據分析,交流博士生導師:William Schwartz
2008.92012.2 華東師範大學物理系,複雜網路與非線性科學,博士研究生 導師:劉宗華教授
2005.92008.7 揚州大學物理系,複雜網路與非線性科學,碩士研究生 導師:姜玉梅、何大韌教授
2001.92005.7 揚州大學物理系,物理教育,本科


2015.05開始 上海理工大學管理學院,副教授
2012.04-2014.12 荷蘭萊頓大學醫學院,數學建模與生物網路數據分析,Researcher 導師:Johanna H. Meijer




Changgui Gu*,Claudia P. Coomans, Kun Hu, Frank A. J. L. Scheer, Augene Stanley* and J.H.Meijer*, Lack of exercise leads to significant and reversible loss of scale invariance in both aged and young mice,PNAS, 112(8), 2320-2324 (2015)


15.Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, and Jos HT Rohling, The dissociation between two subgroups of the suprachiasmatic nucleus affected by the number of damped oscillated neurons, submitted toPhy. Rev. E
14. Henggang Ren,Changgui Gu*, Huijie Yang, The freezing of gaits affects the scale invariance of the gait temporal patterns, submitted to Scientific Reports.
13. Zihua Liu,Cahnggui Gu, and Huijie Yang, Network-based Landscape of Research Strengths of Universities in Chinese mainland, submitted toFrontiers of Physics
12 Lu Qiu, Tiangang Yang, Yanhua Yin,Changgui Gu, and Huijie Yang,Multi-fractals Embedded In Short Time Series: A unbiased Estimation of Probability Moment,Phy. Rev. E(2016)94, 062201.
11. Changgui Gu*, Ming Tang, Huijie Yang, The effects of arrhythmic patterns on the entrainment ability of the SCN depend on the region where the arrhythmic neurons are located, Scientific Reports (2016)6:37661.
10. Jinshan XU; Shaocong Gan; Song Li; Zhongyuan Ruan; Shengyong Chen; Yong Wang;Changgui Gu; Bin Wan. Dish Layouts Optimization Method for Concentrative Solar Power Plant, SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1850.
9. Tianguang Yang,Changgui Gu,Huijie Yang,Long-range Correlations in Sentence Series of A Story of the Stone,PLoS ONE (2016):11(9): e0162423
8. Changgui Gu*, Ming Tang, Huijie Yang, The synchronization of neuronal oscillators determined by the directed network structure of the suprachiasmatic nucleus under different photoperiods, Scientific Reports (2016),6:28878 |(IF 5.6)DOI: 10.1038/srep28878
7. Mutua Stephen,Changgui Gu*,  and Huijie Yang,Visibility Graphlet Approach to Chaotic Time Series, Chaos (2016)26: 053107 (If 2).
6. Changgui Gu*,  and Huijie Yang, The circadian rhythm induced by the heterogeneous network structure of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Chaos (2016)26:053112
5. Changgui Gu*, Xiaoming Liang, and Huijie Yang,The impact of dispersed coupling strength on the free running periods, Phy. Rev. E (2016)93:032414(IF 2.3)
4. Changgui Gu*, Xiaoming Liang, Huijie Yang, and Jos H. T. Rohling,Heterogeneity induces rhythms of weakly coupled circadian neurons, Scientific Reports (2016), 6:21412 (IF 5.6)DOI: 10.1038/srep21412
3. Wanxiang Ding,Changgui Gu, and Xiaoming Liang,A simple structure for signal amplification, Commun. Theor. Phys. (2016)65 189–192 (IF 1)
2. ChangguiGu,JinshanXu, Jos Rohling,Huijie Yang, and Zonghua Liu,Noise induces oscillation and synchronization of the circadian neurons, PLoS ONE(2015)10(12): e0145360,doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145360 (IF 3.3)
1. Mutua Stephen,Changgui Gu, Huijie Yang,Visibility Graph Based Time Series Analysis, PLoS ONE (2015) 10 (11): e0143015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143015 (IF3.3)
1.Changgui Gu*,Claudia P. Coomans, Kun Hu, Frank A. J. L. Scheer, Augene Stanley* and J.H.Meijer*, Lack of exercise leads to significant and reversible loss of scale invariance in both aged and young mice,PNAS, 112(8), 2320-2324 (2015)
2 Li Kaijun,Gu Changgui, Qu Yanqing, Pan Sijun, Zou Shengrong, He Da-Ren, Jiang Yumei,Onset of cooperation in some real world layered networks, Complex Systems and Complexity Science, vol.9 79-83 (2012). (in Chinese)
3.Chang-Gui Gu, Sheng-Rong Zou, Xiu-Lian Xu, Yan-Qing Qu, Yu-Mei Jiang, Da Ren He, Hong-Kun Liu, and Tao Zhou. Onset of cooperation between layered networks, Phys. Rev. E 84, 026101 (2011). (SCI, IF: 2.4) (此文得到《Nature》子期刊《Nature Physics》發表的文章“Networks formed from interdependent networks”高度評價)
4. Sijun Pan,Changgui Gu, Yumei Jiang, Daren He, A Dynamic M odel of Passenger Transport Combined Network, Complex Systems and Complexity Science, vol.5 84-88 (2008). (in Chinese).
5.Chang-Gui Gu, Si-Jun Pan, Yu-Mei Jiang and Da-Ren He, Traffic networks in the Yangtze River delta metropolis circle, DCDIS B Supplement, Complex Networks, Vol.14 (S7) 139-141(2007).
6. Gu Chang-Gui, Zhang Xin-Hua, and Liu Zong-Hua, Collective behaviors of suprachiasm nucleus neurons under different light–dark cycles, Chin. Phys. B 23, 078702 (2014). (SCI, IF 1.4).
7.Changgui Gu, Ashna Ramkisoensing, Zonghua Liu, Johanna H. Meijer and Jos H.T. Rohling, The Proportion of Light-Responsive Neurons Determines the Limit Cycle Properties of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, J. Biol. Rhythms 29, 16 (2014). (SCI, IF:3.3)
8. Ashna Ramkisoensing,Changgui Gu, Heleen M.D. van Engeldorp Gastelaars, Stephan Michel, Tom Deboer, Jos Rohling, Johanna H. Meijer, Enhanced Phase Resetting in the Synchronized Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Network J. Biol. Rhythms 29, 4 (2014). (SCI, IF:3.3)
9.Changgui Gu*,Jinshan Xu, Zonghua Liu and Jos H.T. Rohling*, The Entrainment range of nonidentical circadian oscillators by a light-dark cycle, Phys. Rev. E 88, 022702 (2013). (SCI, IF: 2.4)
10. Jinshan Xu,Changgui Gu, Zonghua Liu,Entrainment of the suprachiasmatic nucleus network by a light-dark cycle, Phys. Rev. E86, 041903(2012). (SCI, IF: 2.4)
11.Changgui Gu,Zonghua Liu, William Schwartz, Premananda Indic, Photic Desynchronization of Two Subgroups of Circadian Oscillators in a Network Model of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus with Dispersed Coupling Strengths, PLoS ONE 7(5): e36900 (2012). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036900. (SCI, IF: 4)
12.Changgui Gu, Jianxiong Wang, Jiaxiang Wang and Zonghua Liu, The mechanism of phase-splitting in two groups of coupled SCN neurons, Phys. Rev. E 83, 046224 (2011). (SCI, IF: 2.4)
13.Changgui Gu, Jianxiong Wang, and Zonghua Liu, Free-running period of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus: Its dependence on the distribution of neuronal coupling strengths, Phys. Rev. E 80, 030904(R) (2009). (SCI, IF: 2.4)
14. Yong Wang, Song Li, Jinshan Xu,, Yijiang Wana, Xu Chena,Changgui Gu, Shengyong Chen, , An Automatic High Efficient Method for Dish Concentrator Alignment, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014, 712590 (2014). (SCI, IF 1.08)


主持國家自然科學基金“雙層網路下的振子集體行為研究:以生物鐘神經元網路為例” (No.11505114, 20萬元,2016.1-2018.12)
上海市教委“青年東方學者”人才計畫(No. QD2015016, 30萬元研究經費, 2015.5-2017.12)
主持華東師範大學優秀博士基金 “不同光照條件下的哺乳動物近日節律”(No.2010027, 2009.12-2011.06)
作為主要研究成員(排名第二)完成劉宗華教授主持的國家自然科學基金“基於複雜網路的生物節律模型探索”(No.10975053, 2010.01- 2012.12) 在該課題資助下本人以第一作者身份發表 PLoS ONE 文章一篇,Journal of Biological Rhythms 文章一篇, Phy. Rew E 文章三篇,Chin. Phy. B 文章一篇。
作為主要研究人員完成荷蘭國家自然科學基金 “THE NEURONAL NETWORK ORGANIZATION OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLOCK” NWO grant (No.010840, 2011.06-2015.06)。
作為主要研究成員完成何大韌教授主持的國家自然科學基金“合作網路及合作-競爭網路的共性” (No.70671089, 2007.01-2009.12)。


PLoS ONE、Physical Review E 、Entropy、Physica A、 Chinese Physics B、 Chinese Physics Letters 等SCI期刊審稿人


