1, Jijun Gu*, Yi Wang, Yu Zhang,Menglan Duan,CarlosLevi. “Analytical Solution of Mean Top Tension of Long Flexible Riser inModeling Vortex-Induced Vibrations”. Applied Ocean Research, Vol 41, pp: 1-8,2013. (SCI)
2, Jijun Gu*, Marcelo Vitola, JairoCoelho, Waldir Pinto, Menglan Duan, Carlos Levi. “An experimental investigationby towing tank on VIV of a long flexible cylinder for deepwater riserapplication”. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 1-12. 2013. (SCI)
3, Jijun Gu, Chen An, Menglan Duanc,Carlos Levi, Jian Su*. “Integral transform solutions of dynamic response of aclamped-clamped pipe conveying fluid”. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol 254,pp: 237- 245, 2013. (SCI)
4, Jijun Gu, Chen An, Carlos Levi,Jian Su*. "VIV prediction of a long flexible cylinder using a couplednonlinear oscillator: Integral transform solution". Journal ofHydrodynamics, Ser.B, Vol 24(6), pp: 888–898, 2012. (SCI)
5, Jijun Gu, Waldir Pinto, MenglanDuan*, Carlos Levi. "An experimental study of the spanwise correlation ofvortex shedding in the flume". Ships and Offshore Structures, pp: 1-7,2012. (SCI)
6, Chen An, Jijun Gu, Jian Su*.“Integral transform solution of bending problem of clamped orthotropicrectangular plates”. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciencesand Engineering. In press. (SCI)
7, Hong Zhao,Jijun Gu, Li Lin. ”Drill and Casing Pipes on-line Inspection System Based onLevenberg- Marquardt Neural Network”. (in Chinese) Equipment ManufacturingTechnology. 2009, Vol 2, pp 87-89.
1,Jijun Gu, Menglan Duan. “Integral Transform Solution for Fluid ForceInvestigation of a Flexible Circular Cylinder Subject to Multi-ModeVortex-Induced Vibrations”. International Society of Offshore and PolarEngineers, ISOPE 2013. Accepted. (EI)
2,Jijun Gu, Yu Zhang, Yi Wang, Menglan Duan, Carlos Levi. “VIV Prediction of aLong Tension-dominated Riser using a Wake Oscillator Model”. InternationalConference on Underwater Technology Technical Conference (SUTTC 2012),Shenzhen, China, September 26-28, 2012.
3, Jijun Gu, Marcelo Vitola, Carlos Levi, Jairo Coelho, Waldir Pinto,Menglan Duan. “AnExperimental Study of Dynamic Response of a Top Tensioned Riser Model Subjectto VIV”. International Conference on Underwater Technology Technical Conference(SUTTC 2012), Shenzhen, China, September 26-28, 2012.
4, Jijun Gu,Marcelo Vitola, Waldir T. Pinto, Menglan Duan, Carlos Levi. “Experimentalinvestigation of dynamic response of a flexible cylinder in a transverse flow”.In the proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean,Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2012, July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.(EI)
5, Guang-Ming Fu, Ji-Jun Gu, John AlexHernández Chujutalli, Marcelo Igor Lourenço, Segen F. Estefen. “An Analyticaland Numerical Study of Parametric Research of Goldak’s Heat Source Model in MIGWelding Process and Experimental Calibrations”. Submitted to 24º CongressoNacional de Transporte Aquaviário, Construção Naval e Offshore, SOBENA 2012.
6,Chen An, Jijun Gu, Jian Su. "Integral Transform Solution of BendingProblem of Clamped Orthotropic Rectangular Plates". InternationalConference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Scienceand Engineering (M&C 2011) Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011.
7,Jijun Gu; Menglan Duan; Waldir T. Pinto; Carlos Levi, "ExperimentalCorrelation Length Evaluation for Flexible Marine Riser in TransverseFlow". In: 20th InternationalSociety of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), 2010, Beijing, China.Proceedings of the Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and PolarEngineering Conference, 2010. Vol 3, pp: 1094-1101. (EI)