QinxuanGu,ThomasLi-PingTang,WanJiang.Doesmoralleadershipenhanceemployeecreativity?Employeeidentificationwithleaderandleader-memberexchange(LMX) in the Chinese context. JournalofBusinessEthics(SSCI),2015, 126(3), 513-529.
Qinxuan Gu, Greg Wang, Lihong Wang.Social capital and innovation in R&D teams:The mediating roles of psychological safety and learning from mistakes.R&D Management(SSCI),2013,43(2),89-102.
Qinxuan Gu,Wan Jiang,Greg Wang.Effects of external and internal sources on innovation performanceinChinese high-tech SMEs:A resource-based perspective.Journal of Engineering &Technology Management(SSCI). 2016,Accepted.
Wan Jiang,Qinxuan Gu.A moderated mediation examination of proactive personality on employee creativity: A person-environment fit perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management(SSCI).2015,28(3),393-410
Wan Jiang,Qinxuan Gu, Greg G Wang.To guide and not to divide: The dual-side effects of transformational leadership on team innovation. Journal of Business and Psychology(SSCI),
Wan Jiang,Qinxuan Gu.How abusive supervision and abusive supervisory climate influence salesperson creativity and sales team effectiveness in China.Management Decision (SSCI), 2016,54(2),455-475.
Wan Jiang,Qinxuan Gu.Leader creativity expectations motivate employee creativity: A moderated mediation examination. International Journal of Human Resource Management (SSCI), Accepted.
Elodie Dentina, Thomas Li-Ping Tang,Qinxuan GuDoes bad company corrupt good morals? Socil bonding and academic cheating among French and Chinese teens. Journal of Business Ethics(SSCI).Published online in Link.Springer.com.DOI: 10.1007/s10551-015-2939-z
Judy Yi Sun,Qinxuan Gu. For public causes or personal interests? Examining public service motives in the Chinese context. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources(SSCI),Accepted.
Elodie Dentina, Thomas Li-Ping Tang,Qinxuan Gu.Do Parents and Peers Influence Adolescents' Monetary Intelligence and Consumer Ethics? French and Chinese Adolescents and Behavioral Economics.Journal of Business Ethics(SSCI),Accepted.
Qinxuan Gu,Lihong Wang. Team identification and individual differentiation under social capital: Interactive effects on performance in R & D teams. African Journal of Business Management. 2012,.6,4926-4938 Hong Hu,Qinxuan Gu, Jixiang Chen. How and When does Transformational Leadership Affect Organizational Creativity and Innovation?Critical Review and Future Directions. Nankai Business Review International, 2013,4 ( 2),147-166. 蔣琬,顧琴軒,王博藝,人力資源管理實踐與組織創新關係研究脈絡梳理與啟示,國人力資源開發,2013(11)
姜秀珍,顧琴軒,王莉紅,金思宇,錯誤中學習與研發團隊創新:基於人力資本與社會資本視角,管理世界,11(12) 王莉紅,顧琴軒, 團隊學習行為、個體社會資本及學習傾向:個體創新行為的多層次視角,研究與發展管理,2011(4),11-18 顧琴軒,姜秀珍,王莉紅,青年公務員職業傾向影響實證研究,中國人力資源開發,2011(4),13-19 Qinxuan Gu, Yingting Gu. A Factorial Validation of Knowledge-Sharing Motivation Construct. Journal of Service Science and Management, 2011(1),59-65. Qinxuan Gu, Lihong Wang, Judy Y. Sun and Yanni Xu. Understanding China’s Post-80 Employees’ Work Attitudes: An Explorative Study. Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management,2010( 2), 74-94. 王莉紅,顧琴軒, 許彥妮, 組織人力和社會資本與探索性和拓展性績效:知識共享中介效應, 人力資源管理評論,2010(1), 39-50 顧琴軒,王莉紅,人力資本與社會資本對創新行的影響:基於科研人員個體的實證研究,科學學研究, 2009(10), 1564-1570