2014-2016 香港中文大學 博士後
2010-2011 英國赫瑞瓦特大學 訪問學者
2009.6-2010 莫斯科大學 訪問學者
2010-2013 天津大學精儀學院 博士
2007-2010 天津大學精儀學院 碩士
2003-2007 天津大學精儀學院 學士
1.J. Fan, W. Chen,C. Gu*, Y Song, L. Chai, C. Wang, and M. Hu*, "Noise characteristics of high power fiber-laser pumped femtosecond optical parametric generation" Optics Express,(accepted)
2. Y. Chang, C. Wen,C. Gu, and S. Chen, “Synchronization-free Light Sheet Microscopy based on a 2-D Phase Mask,”Optica ,Vol. 4,Issue 9,pp. 1030-1033,(2017).
3. Q. Geng,C. Gu, J. Cheng, and S. Chen, “Digital Micromirror Device-based Two-photon Microscopy for Three-dimensional and Random-access Imaging,”Optica, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 674-677, 2017.
4.C. Gu, D. Zhang, D. Wang, Y. Yam, C. Li, and S. Chen, “Parallel Femtosecond Laser Light Sheet Micro-manufacturing based on Temporal Focusing,”Precision Engineering ,Vol. 50, pp. 198-203, 2017.
5. W Liu, J Fan, C Xie, Y Song,C Gu, L Chai, C Wang, M Hu,"Programmable controlled mode-locked fiber laser using a digital micromirror device," Optics Letters 42 (10), 1923-1926,2017.
6.J. Cheng,C. Gu*, D. Zhang, D. Wang, and S. Chen*,“Ultrafast Axial Scanning for Two-photon Microscopy via a Digital MicromirrorDevice and Binary Holography,”Optics Letters, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp.1451-54, 2016.
7.J. Cheng,C. Gu*, D. Zhang, and S. Chen, “High-speed Femtosecond Laser BeamShaping based on Binary Holography using a Digital MicromirrorDevice,”Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 21, pp. 4875-78, 2015.
8.J. Jiang, D. Zhang,C. Gu, S. Walker, Y. Ke, W. Yung, and S. Chen, “Fast 3-D TemporalFocusing Microscopy Using an Electrically-tunable-lens,”Optics Express,Vol. 23, No. 19, pp. 24362-68, 2015.
9.C. Gu, Y. Chang, D.Zhang, J. Cheng, and S. Chen, “Femtosecond Laser Pulse Shaping at MegahertzRate via a Digital Micromirror Device,”Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 17,pp. 4018-21, 2015.
10.J. Chen,C.Gu, H. Lin, and S. Chen, “Soft Mold-based Hot Embossing Process forPrecision Imprinting of Optical Components on Nonplanar Surfaces,”Optics Express, Vol.23, No. 16, pp. 20977-985, 2015.
11.C. Gu, D. Zhang, Y.Chang and S. Chen, “Digital Micromirror Device-based Ultrafast Pulse Shapingfor Femtosecond Laser,”Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 2870-73, 2015.
12.C. Gu, M. Hu and C. Wang, “High Power Tunable Femtosecond Ultraviolet LaserSource Based on an Yb-fiber-laser Pumped Optical Parametric Oscillator.”Opticsexpress,23(5), 6181-6186. (2015).
13.C. Gu, M. Hu, L. Zhang and C. Wang, High Average Power, “WidelyTunable Femtosecond Laser Source From Red to Mid-infrared Based on an Yb-fiber Laser-pumpedOptical Parametric Oscillator,” Optics Letters, 38(11): 1820-1822, 2013
14.C. Gu, M. Hu and C.Wang, High power, “Dual-wavelength Femtosecond LiB3O5 Optical Parametric OscillatorPumped by Fiber Laser,” Optics Letters ,39(13): 3896-3899,2014
15.Z. Zhang,C.Gu, J. Sun, “Asynchronous Midinfrared Ultrafast Optical Parametric Oscillatorfor Dual-Comb Spectroscopy,” Optics Letters, 37(2): 187-189,2012
16.S. Wang, B. Liu,C. Guand C. Wang, “Self-similar Evolution in a Short Fiber Amplifierthrough Nonlinear Pulse Preshaping,” Optics Letters, 38(3): 296-298,2013
17.X. Zhang, H. He, J. Fan,C. Guand C. Wang, “SumFrequency Generation in Pure Zinc-blende GaAs Nanowires,”Optics Express,21(23), 28432-28437,2013
18.Y. Song, M. Hu,C.Guand C. Wang, “Mode‐locked Yb‐doped large‐mode‐area Photonic CrystalFiber Laser Operating in the Vicinity of Zero Cavity Dispersion. Laser PhysicsLetters, 2010, 7(3): 230-235
19.C. Xie, M. Hu, D. Zhang,C. Guand C. Wang, “Generation of 25-fs High Energy Pulses bySPM-Induced Spectral Broadening in a Photonic Crystal Fiber Laser System,” IEEEPhotonics Technology Letters 24(7) 551-553