


  • 中文名:顧有松
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:教授


1986/8 - 1992/5,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,物理學專業研究生,獲得碩士、博士學位
1982/9 - 1986/7,復旦大學,物理學專本科生,獲得學士學位



1、Y Zhang, Y Yang, YS Gu, XQ Yan, QL Liao, PF Li, Z Zhang, ZZ Wang, Performance and Service Behavior in 1-D Nanostructured Energy Conversion Devices[J]. Nano Energy, 2015, 6, 30-48.
2、SN Lu, JJ Qi, YS Gu, S Liu, Y Zhang*, Influence of the Carrier Concentration on Piezotronic Effect in ZnO/Au Schottky Junction[J]. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 4461 – 4467.
3、CQ Qin, YS Gu*, XQ Wang, X Sun, Y Zhang*, Structure Dependence of Piezoelectric Size Effects and Macroscopic Polarization in ZnO Nanowires: A First Principles Study[J]. Nano Research, 2015, 8, 2073.
4、Z Kang, YS Gu, XQ Yan, Y Zhang*, Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Property of ZnO Nanorods Array Synthesized on Reduced Graphene Oxide for Self-powered Biosensing Application[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 64, 499-504.
5、YG Zhao, XF Fang, YS Gu, XQ Yan, Z Kang, X Zheng, P Lin, LC Zhao, Y Zhang*, Gold nanoparticles coated zinc oxide nanorods as the matrix for enhanced L-lactate sensing[J]. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2015, 126, 476-480.
6、X Sun, YS Gu, XQ Wang, Z Zhang, Y Zhang*, Strain-modulated Transport Properties of Cu/ZnO-Nanobelt/Cu nanojunctions[J] Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, 2015, 252, 8: 1767-1772.
7、QJ Liang, XQ Yan*, YS Gu, K Zhang, MY Liang, X Zheng, Y Zhang* Highly transparent triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting water-related energy reinforced by antireflection coating [J]. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 9080.
8、ZZ Wang, YS Gu, JJ Qi, SN Lu, PF Li, P Lin, Y Zhang*, Size dependence and UV irradiation tuning of s urface potential in single conical ZnO nanowire[J]. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 42075 – 42080.
9、P Wang, YS Gu, P. Lin, YG Zao, Y. Cui, Y. Hu,Y. Min and Y. Zhang, Asymmetric Behavior in Flexible Piezoelectric Strain Sensors Made of Single ZnO Nanowires. J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2014, 14(8): 6084–6088.
10、 XQ. Wang, Y.S. Gu, X. Sun, H. Wang, and Y. Zhang, Third-order elastic constants of ZnO and size effect in ZnO nanowires, J. Appl. Phys., 2014, 115(21): 213516.
11、 X. Sun, Y.S. Gu, X.Q. Wang, and Y.Zhang, First-principles studies on transport properties and contact effects of Cu(111)/ZnO-nanobelt(1010)/Cu(111) systems. .Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP, 2013, 15(31): 13070–6.
12、 X.Q. Wang, Y.S. Gu, X. Sun, and Y. Zhang, Nonlinear elastic response of cubic crystals to biaxial strain.Computational Materials Science, 2013, 79: 284–288.
13、 Gao, Zhanjun、Gu, Yousong、Zhang, Yue ,First-Principles Studies on the Structural Transition of ZnO Nanowires at High Pressure ,Journal of Nanomaterials, 2010
14、 Yang, Ya、Qi, Junjie、Gu, Yousong、Guo, Wen、Zhang, Yue ,Electrical and mechanical coupling nanodamage in single ZnO nanobelts ,Applied Physics Letters, 96(12), 2010/3/22,
15.Wang, Ying、Gu, Yousong、Peng, Shou、Ding, Wanyu、Wang, Hualin、Chai, Weiping ,Influence of substrate temperature on surface textured ZnO:Al films etched with NaOH solution ,Applied Surface Science, 257(18),pp 8044-8047, 2011




1. 教育部自然科學一等獎,2014
2. 北京市科學技術獎一等獎,2011
3. 教育部自然科學獎二等獎,2007
4. 北京市教育教學成果一等獎,2005



研究生課程: 功能納米材料與器件






