- 中文名:顧兆炎
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:江蘇
- 出生日期:1961年11月
- 性別:男
1992-1996年曾在美國加州大學Scripps海洋研究所作為Research Associate從事宇宙成因核素研究工作,現為中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所研究員。
呂延武,顧兆炎,許冰,Aldahan Ala,Possnert Göran. 雲南怒江丙中洛河段第三級階地10Be暴露年齡. 第四紀研究
Xu B, Gu Z Y, Han J T, Hao Q Z, Lu Y W. Radiocarbon age anomalies of land snail shells in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology
Lu Y W, Gu Z Y, Aldahan A, Zhang H C, Possnert G, Lei G L. 10Be in quartz gravel from the Gobi Desert and evolutionary history of alluvial sedimentation in the Ejina Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. Chinese Science Bulletin
顧兆炎, 劉宗秀, 許冰, 吳乃琴. 末次冰期黃土中蝸牛殼體碳酸鹽同位素組成及其環境指示意義。第四紀研究,
陳永福, 顧兆炎, 儲國強, 許冰, 呂延武, 孫小虹. 渾善達克沙地近 50 年來風沙活動的湖泊記錄. 第四紀研究,
孫小虹, 顧兆炎, 王旭. 細紋灰尖巴蝸牛殼體氧同位素組成的季節性變化。第四紀研究
Xu B, Gu Z Y, Han J T, Liu Z X, Pei Y P, Lu Y W, Wu N Q, Chen Y F. Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes analyses of land snails from the Chinese loess plateau: environmental and chronological implications. Radiocarbon,
Xu B, Gu Z Y, Han J T, Zhang Y H, Chen Y F, Lu Y W. Sequential extractions and isotope analysis for discriminating the chemical forms and origins of Pb in sediment from Liaodong Bay, china. Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Xu B, Gu Z Y, Han J T, Wang C Y. Environmental changes during Frasnian -Famennian transition in south China: A multiproxy approach. J. Geophys. Res
Liu Z X, Gu Z Y, Wu N Q, Xu B. Diet control on carbon isotopic composition of land snail shell carbonate. Chinese Science Bulletin,
劉宗秀,顧兆炎,許冰,吳乃琴. 夏季風降水對黃土高原現生蝸牛殼體碳酸鹽氧同位素組成的影響. 第四紀研究,
顧兆炎, 郭正堂, Lal D, Southon J, Caffee M W, 劉東生. 黃土和紅粘土中宇宙成因核素定年的潛力:10Be濃度與化學成分的關係. 第四紀研究
顧兆炎, 許冰, 呂延武, Aldahan A, Lal D. 怒江峽谷構造地貌的演化:階地宇宙成因核素定年的初步結果. 第四紀研究
顧兆炎, 許冰, 劉強, 王成源, 李鎮梁. 弗拉-法門期碳循環變化的沉積物同位素記錄.生物大滅絕與復甦-來自華南古生代的證據(戎嘉余等主編), 科技大學出版社
Lal D, Harris N B W, Sharma, K K, Gu Z Y, Ding L, Liu T S, Dong W Q, Caffee M C and Jull A J T. Erosion history of the Tibetan Plateau since the last interglacial: constraints from the first studies of cosmogenic 10Be from Tibetan bedrock. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Gu, Z.Y., Liu, Q., Xu, B., Han, J.M., Yang, S.L., Ding, Z.L. and Liu, T.S. Climate as the dominant control on C3 and C4 plant abundance in the Loess Plateau: Organic carbon isotope evidence from the last glacial-interglacial loess-soil sequences. Chinese Science Bulletin
Xu, B., Gu, Z.Y., Liu, Q., Wang, C.Y., and Li, Z.L. Carbon isotopic record from Upper Devonian carbonates at Dongcun in Guilin, southern China, supporting the world-wide pattern of carbon isotope excursions during Frasnian-Famennian transition. Chinese Science Bulletin
顧兆炎,Lal D, 郭正堂,Southon, J.,Caffee, M. W.,劉東生. 黃土高原黃土和紅粘土10Be地球化學特徵。第四紀研究
Sharma, K.K., Gu, Z.Y., Lal, D., Caffee, M.W. and Southon, J. Late Quaternary morphptectonic evolution of Upper Indus valley profile: A cosmogenic radionuclide study of river polished surfaces. Current Science
Gu, Z.Y., Lal, D., Liu, T.S., Guo, Z.T., Southon, J. and Caffe, M.W Weathering histories of Chinese loess deposits based on U-Th series nuclides and cosmogenic 10Be. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
顧兆炎,劉東生,Lal, D. 10Be和26Al在地表形成和演化研究中的套用. 第四紀研究
Gu, Z.Y., Lal, D., Liu, T.S., Southon, J., Caffe, M.W., Guo, Z.T. and Chen, M.Y. Five million year 10Be record in Chinese Loess and red-clay: climate and weathering relationships. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Lal, D., Pavich, M., Gu, Z.Y., Jull, A.J.T., Caffee, M., Finkel, R., and Southon, J. Recent rrosional history of a soil profile based on cosmogenic in-situ radionuclides 14C and 10Be. Earth Processes: Reading the Isotopic Code, Geophysical Monograph
Gu, Z.Y., 1991. The carbonate isotopic composition of the loess-paleosol sequence and its implication of paleoclimatic change. Chinese Science Bulletin
顧兆炎,劉東生,陳明揚,鄭淑蕙,陳成葉,劉妍, 1991, 中國南海沉積物有孔蟲氧同位素研究. 第四紀研究,第1期
Gu, Z.Y., Liu, R.M. and Liu, Y.. Response of the stable isotopic composition of loess-paleosol carbonate to paleoenvironmental changes. In: Loess, Environment and Global Change (Ed., Liu T.S.), Beijing: Science Press
Gu, Z.Y., Liu, T.Y. and Zheng, S.H. A preliminary study on quartz oxygen isotope in Chinese loess and soils. In: Aspects of Loess Research (Eds., Liu T.S. et al.), Beijing: China Ocean Press