他是香港第一位,也是最具盛名私家執業的臨床心理學家。顧博士的著作﹝書、錄像帶、錄音帶、 CD 、 VCD 等﹞有三十餘種,他接受過 500 次以上的電視訪問,報刊專訪有 1,200 次以上,破了專業人士「曝光」的記錄,成為香港家傳戶曉的人物。
80 年代開始,顧博士已經推廣商業心理學。他以儒入商,由製造、分銷、零售至貿易等生意無不涉及。他事師的世界級商場名家包括:Peter Drucker 、 Tom Peters 、 Edward Deming 、 Ries & Trout 、 Jay Abraham 、 Robert Kiyosaki 等,理論與實踐兼備,令他可以成為當代的「商場帝王鑄造者」。
⒈ X. Q. Gu,L. P. Zhu,Z. Z. Ye,H. P. He,Y. Z. Zhang,F. Huang,M. X. Qiu,Y. J. Zeng,F. Liu,and W. Jaeger,Room-temperature photoluminescence from ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum wells grown on Si(111) substrate,Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 022103
⒉ Xiuquan Gu,Kaifuo Huo,Guixiang Qian,Jijiang Fu,and Paul Chu,Temperature dependent photoluminescence study of ZnO nanosheets and nanowires in situ on brass substrates,Applied Physics Letters,93 (2008) 203117
⒊ X. Q. Gu,L. P. Zhu,Z. Z. Ye,Q. B. Ma,H. P. He,Y. Z. Zhang,and B. H. Zhao,Highly transparent and conductive Zn0.85Mg0.15O:Al thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition,Solar energy materials and solar cells 92 (2008) 343
⒋ X. Q. Gu,L. P. Zhu,Z. Z. Ye,H. P. He,F. Liu,W. Jaeger,Paul K. Chu,M. X. Qiu,Y. Z. Zhang,and J. Y. Huang,Structural and optical properties of ZnO/ZnMgO multi-quantum wells grown on Si(111) substrates,Superlattice and microstructures 44 (2008) 197
⒌ X. Q. Gu,L. P. Zhu,Z. Z. Ye,H. P. He,and B. H. Zhao,Fabrication and photoluminescence ofEr-doped ZnO thin films on SiO2/Si substrate by pulsed laser deposition,Rare Metals 25 (2006) 30
⒍ X. Q. Gu,L. P. Zhu,Z. Z. Ye,H. P. He,B. H. Zhao,Y. Z. Zhang,Preparation of Li and Er codoped ZnO thin films and their photoluminescence,Thin Solid Films,517 (2009) 5134
⒎ X. Q. Gu,H. P. He,L. P. Zhu,Z. Z. Ye,K. F. Huo,Paul K. Chu,Dependence of photoluminescence of ZnO/Zn0.85Mg0.15O multi-quantum wells on barrier width,Physics Letters A (in press)
⒐ L. P. Zhu,X. Q. Gu,H. P. He,F. Huang,M. X. Qiu,Z. Z. Ye,Y. Z. Zhang,and B. H. Zhao,Temperature-dependent photoluminescence from ZnO/Zn0.85Mg0.15O heterostructure grown on Si(111) Substrates,Journal of the Korean Physics Society 53 (2008) 2985
⒑H. P. He,Y. Z. Zhang,Z. Z. Ye,H. H. Huang,X. Q. Gu,L. P. Zhu,and B. H. Zhao,Photoluminescence properties of ZnO/Zn0.9Mg0.1O multi-quantum wells with different well widths,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (2007) 5039