1、Gu B. A microstructure model for finite element simulation of 3-D 4-step rectangular braided composite under ballistic penetration. Philosophical Magazine 2007, 87(30): 4643-4669
2、Sun B, Pan N, Gu B*. 3-D textile structural composites under high strain rate compression: Z-transform and discrete frequency-domain analysis. Philosophical Magazine 2007, 87(34): 5461-5484
3、Gu BH. Analytical modeling for the ballistic perforation of planar plain-woven fabric target by projectile. Composites Part B 2003, 34 (4): 361-371
4、Gu BH, Li YL. Ballistic perforation of conically cylindrical steel projectile into three-dimensional braided composites. AIAA Journal 2005, 43 (2): 426-434
5、Gu BH. Ballistic penetration of conically cylindrical steel projectile into plain-woven fabric target - A finite element simulation. Journal of Composite Materials 2004,38 (22): 2049-2074
6、Gu BH, Xu JY. Finite element calculation of 4-step 3-dimensional braided composite under ballistic perforation. Composites Part B 2004, 35 (4): 291-297
7、Gu BH. Prediction of the uniaxial tensile curve of 4-step 3-dimensional braided preform. Composite Structures 2004, 64 (2): 235-241
8、Gu BH, Chang FK. Energy absorption features of 3-D braided rectangular composite under different strain rates compressive loading. Aerospace Science and Technology 2007, 11(7-8): 535-545
9、Gu BH, Zhang HP. Ballistic impact damage of laminated composite penetrated by cylindrical rigid projectile: A finite element simulation. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 2005, 6 (3): 215-222
10、Sun B,Gu B*. Frequency analysis of stress waves in testing 3-D angle-interlock woven composite at high strain rates. Journal of Composite Materials 2007,41 (24): 2915-2938