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顏慶雲,男, 博士,中山大學環境科學與工程學院教授、博士生導師。


  • 中文名:顏慶雲
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院水生生物研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境微生物群落構建與演替的生態學機制
  • 任職院校:中山大學





2013.04-2015.08美國俄克拉荷馬大學環境基因組研究所,訪問學者 & 博士後







Li XH, Yu YH, Li C,Yan QY*. 2018. Comparative study on the gut microbiotas of four economically important Asian carp species. Science China Life Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11427-016-9296-5.
He ZL, Zhang P, Wu LW, Rocha AM, Tu QC, Shi Z, Wu B, Qin YJ, Wang JJ,Yan QY, Curtis D, Ning DL, Van Nostrand JD, Wu LY, Yang YF, Elias DA, Watson DB, Adams MWW, Fields MW, Alm EJ, Hazen TC, Adams PD, Arkin AP, Zhou JZ. 2018. Microbial functional gene diversity predicts groundwater contamination and ecosystem functioning.mBio, 9: e02435-17.
Liu KH, Ding XW, Tiang XF, Wang JJ, Li WJ,Yan QY, Liu ZH. 2018. Macro and microelements drive diversity and composition of prokaryotic and fungal communities in hypersaline sediments and saline-alkaline soils.Frontiers in Microbiology, 9: 352.
Hou DW, Huang ZJ, Zeng SZ, Liu J, Wei DD, Deng XS, Weng SP,Yan QY, He JG. 2018. Intestinal bacterial signatures of white feces syndrome in shrimp.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, doi.org/10.1007/s00253-018-8855-2.
Yan QY*, Stegen JC, Yu YH*, Deng Y, Li XH, Wu S, Dai LL, Zhang X, Li JJ, Wang C, Ni JJ, Li XM, Hu HJ, Xiao FS, Feng WS, Ning DL, He ZL, van Nostrand JD, Wu LY, Zhou JZ*. 2017. Nearly a decade-long repeatable seasonal diversity patterns of bacterioplankton communities in the eutrophic Lake Donghu (Wuhan, China).Molecular Ecology,26: 3839-3850.
Li XH, Zhou L, Yu YH, Ni JJ, Xu WJ,Yan QY*. 2017. Composition of gut microbiota in the gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) varies with host development.Microbial Ecology, 74: 239-249.
Li H, Yang S, Xu ZW,Yan QY, Li XB, van Nostrand JD. He ZL, Yao F, Han XG, Zhou JZ, Deng Y, Jiang Y. 2017. Responses of soil microbial functional genes to global changes are indirectly influenced by aboveground plant biomass variation.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 104: 18-29.
Ni JJ,Yan QY, Yu YH, Wu HH, Chen F. 2017. Dispersal patterns of endogenous bacteria among grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) guts.Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 16: 605-618.
Lu QH, Yu L, Liang ZW,Yan QY, He ZL, Luan TG, Liang DW, Wang SQ. 2017.Dehalococcoidesas a potential biomarker evidence for uncharacterized organohalides in environmental samples.Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 1677.
Yan QY*, Li JJ, Yu YH*, Wang JJ, He ZL, van Nostrand JD, Kempher ML, Wu LY, Wang YP, Liao LJ, Li XH, Wu S, Ni JJ, Wang C, Zhou JZ*. 2016. Environmental filtering decreases with fish development for the assembly of gut microbiota.Environmental Microbiology, 18(12): 4739-4754.
Zhou JJ, Deng Y, Shen LN, Wen CQ,Yan QY, Ning DL, Qin YJ, Xue K, Wu LY, He ZL, Voordeckers JW, van Nostrand J, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Enquist BJ, Weiser MD, Kaspari M, Waide R, Yang YF, Brown JH. 2016. Temperature mediates continental-scale diversity of microbes in forest soils.Nature Communications, 7: 12083.
Tu QC, Deng Y,Yan QY, Shen LN, Lin L, He ZL, Wu LY, Van Nostrand J, Buzzard V, Michaletz ST, Enquist BJ, Weiser MD, Kaspari M, Waide R, Brown JH, Zhou JZ. 2016. Biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities across six forests in the North America.Molecular Ecology, 25(12): 2937-2948.
Li XM,Yan QY, Ringø E, Wu XB, He YF, Yang DG. 2016. The influence of weight and gender on intestinal bacterial community of wild largemouth bronze gudgeon (Coreius guichenoti, 1874).BMC Microbiology, 16: 191
Yan QY, Bi YH, Deng Y, He ZL, Wu LY, Van Nostrand JD, Shi Z, Li JJ, Wang X, Hu ZY, Yu YH, Zhou JZ. 2015. Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam on microbial structure and potential function.Scientific Reports,5: 8605.
Zhang YY, Ling J, Yang QS, Wen CQ,Yan QY, Sun HY, Van Nostrand JD, Shi Z, Zhou JZ, Dong JD. 2015. The functional gene composition and metabolic potential of coral-associated microbial communities.Scientific Reports, 5: 19161.
Lin J, Chen J, He J, Chen J,Yan QY, Zhou JZ, Xie P. 2015. Effects of microcystin-LR on bacterial and fungal functional genes profile in rat gut.Toxicon, 96: 50-56.
Ni JJ,Yan QY(co-first author), Yu YH, Zhang TL. 2014. Factors influencing the grass carp gut microbiome and its effect on metabolism.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 87(3): 704-714.
Li JJ, Ni JJ, Li JL, Wang C, Li XH, Wu S, Zhang TL, Yu YH,Yan QY*. 2014. Comparative study on gastrointestinal microbiota of eight fish species with different feeding habits.Journal of Applied Microbiology, 117(6): 1750-1760.
Li XM, Zhu YJ,Yan QY, Ringø E, Yang DG. 2014. Do the intestinal microbiotas differ between paddlefish (Polyodon spathala) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) reared in the same pond?Journal of Applied Microbiology, 117(5): 1245-1252.
Ni JJ,Yan QY, Yu YH, Zhang TL. 2014. Fish gut microecosystem: a model for detecting spatial pattern of microorganisms.Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32(1): 54-57.
Zhang X,Yan QY, Yu YH, Dai LL. 2014. Spatio-temporal pattern of bacterioplankton in Donghu Lake.Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32(3): 554-564.
Ni JJ,Yan QY(co-first author), Yu YH. 2013. How much metagenomic sequencing is enough to achieve a given goal?Scientific Reports, 3: 1968.
Li XM,Yan QY(co-first author), Xie SQ, Hu W, Yu YH, Hu ZH. 2013. Gut microbiota contributes to the growth of fast-growing transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpioL.).PLoS ONE,8(5): e64577.
Yan QY, Yu YH, Dai LL. 2013.Tetrahymena-specific biomass evaluation with a DNA-based method.ScienceAsia, 39(1): 36-41.
Dai LL,Yan QY, Li L, Li H, Wang LJ, Feng WS, Pan G, Yu YH. 2013. Microplankton community dynamics during the algae removal process for nutrient control.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 22(12b): 3759-3767.
Zhang X, Feng WS,Yan QY, Yu YH. 2013. Differences in DNA fingerprints of bacterioplankton community as affected by biomass collection approaches.Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 7(4): 2731-2738.
Yan QY, van der Gast CJ, Yu YH. 2012. Bacterial community assembly and turnover within the intestines of developing zebrafish.PLoS ONE, 7(1): e30603.
Li XM, Yu YH, Feng WS,Yan QY, Gong YC. 2012. Host species as a strong determinant of the intestinal microbiota of fish larvae.Journal of Microbiology, 50(1): 29-37.
Li XM, Yu YH, Zhang TL, Feng WS, Ao HY,Yan QY. 2012.Seasonal variation of plankton communities in an artificial lake and its relationship with environmental factors.Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30(3):397-403.
Yan QY, Yu YH. 2011. Metagenome-based analysis: a promising direction for plankton ecological studies.Science China Life Sciences, 54(1): 75-81.
Yan QY, Yu YH, Feng WS. 2011. Diversity ofnifHgene amplified from plankton community DNA in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Donghu, Wuhan).Limnology,12(3): 245-251.
Li XM, Yu YH, Xie SQ,Yan QY, Chen YH. 2011. Effect of chitosan on intestinal bacteria of allogynogenetic crucian carp,Carassius auratus gibelioas depicted by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.Journal of the World Aquaculture Society,42(4): 539-548.
Ni JJ, Yu YH, Feng WS,Yan QY, Pan G, Yang B, Zhang X, Li XM. 2010. Impacts of algal blooms removal by chitosan-modified soils on zooplankton community in Taihu Lake, China.Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 22(10): 1500-1507.
Yan QY,Yu YH, Feng WS, Pan G, Chen H, Chen J, Yang B, Li XM, Zhang X.2009. Plankton community succession in artificial systems subjected to cyanobacterial blooms removal using chitosan-modified soils.Microbial Ecology, 58(1): 47-55.
Yu YH,Yan QY(co-first author), Feng WS. 2008. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of plankton communities in Lake Donghu, China, as revealed by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and its relation to biotic and abiotic factors.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 63(3): 328-337.
Yan QY, Yu YH, Feng WS,Yu ZG, Chen HT. 2008.Plankton community composition in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region revealed by PCR-DGGE and its relationships with environmental factors.Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 20(6): 732-738.
Yan QY, Yu YH, Feng WS, Deng WN, Song XH. 2007. Genetic diversity of plankton community as depicted by PCR-DGGE fingerprinting and its relation to morphological composition and environmental factors in Lake Donghu.Microbial Ecology,54(2): 290-297.
Yan QY, Yu YH, Feng WS. 2006. Genetic fingerprinting of plankton community provides new insights into aquatic ecology.Progress in Natural Science,16(9): 893-898.
Yan QY, Yu YH, Feng WS, Zhang WJ. 2006. DNA polymorphism of the plankton community and its relationships to species composition in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of the Yangtze River.Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 21(3): 385-390.
顧航,肖凡書,賀志理,顏慶雲*. 2018.濕地微生物介導的甲烷排放機制.微生物學報, 58(4): 618-632.
楊雪琴,連英麗,顏慶雲*,賀志理*. 2018.濱海濕地生態系統微生物驅動的氮循環研究進展.微生物學報, 58(4): 633-648.
饒劉瑜,李學梅,李星浩,朱文根,余育和,顏慶雲*. 2018.轉基因鯉魚與對照鯉腸道微生物群落差異研究.水生生物學報, 42(2): 349-355.
吳波,馮凱,職曉陽,何強,許玫英,鄧曄,肖凡書,汪善全,於玲,魯祺鴻,連英麗,羅麗娟,原珂,陳保衛,顏慶雲,仇榮亮,欒天罡,賀志理. 2017.環境微生物組多樣性及功能研究進展.中山大學學報(自然科學版), 56(05): 1-11.
胡紅娟,黃小龍,倪加加,余育和,吳辰熙,顏慶雲. 2016.武漢市湖泊微型裸腹溞種群遺傳結構比較分析.水生態學雜誌, 37(6): 37-41.
王純,倪加加,顏慶雲,李金金,李星浩,余育和. 2014.草魚與團頭魴腸道菌群結構比較分析.水生生物學報, 38(5): 868-875.
李星浩,顏慶雲,胡紅娟,李金金,王純,余育和. 2014.異育銀鯽消化道微生物群落對恢復投餵的回響.水生生物學報, 38(5): 854-859.
胡紅娟,顏慶雲,倪加加,余育和,李學梅,王純. 2013.武漢東湖圓形盤腸溞種群遺傳結構分析.水生生物學報, 37(6): 1007-1012.
李金金,倪加加,李學梅,顏慶雲,余育和. 2013.南方大口鮎消化道微生物與胃腸分化的關係.水生生物學報, 37(4): 613-619.
倪加加,余育和,吳含含,顏慶雲,陳芳. 2012.不同DGGE譜帶信息提取方法對分析結果的影響.水生生物學報,36(5): 1009-1011.
潘綱,代立春,李梁,尚媛媛,李宏,畢磊,何林宸,王麗靜,王丹,李巧霞,黎麗雯,古小治,鐘繼承,余育和,顏慶雲.2012.改性當地土壤技術修復富營養化水體綜合效果研究: I.水質改善的應急與長期效果與機制.湖泊科學, 24(6): 801-810.
李學梅,余育和,解綬啟,顏慶雲,陳宇航,董小林. 2011.三種室內飼養魚類腸道微生物群落PCR-DGGE指紋分析.水生生物學報, 35(3): 423-429.
顏慶雲,余育和,馮偉松. 2010.武漢東湖浮游生物宏基因組與環境重金屬的關係.中國環境科學, 30: 52-56.
顏慶雲,余育和,張堂林,馮偉松,李學梅. 2009.濾食性鰱、鱅腸含物PCR-DGGE指紋分析.水產學報, 33(6): 972-979.
顏慶雲,余育和,馮偉松,劉永定,胡春香,唐輝遠,彭亮,邱子健. 2008.松花江浮游生物群落DNA指紋與物種組成比較研究.套用與環境生物學報, 14(1): 59-63.
顏慶雲,余育和,馮偉松,於志剛,陳洪濤. 2008.三峽庫區浮游生物群落DNA指紋結構空間異質性.水生生物學報, 32: 18-23.
顏慶雲,余育和. 2008.草履蟲的運動與攝食.生物學通報, 43(8): 19-20.
李學梅,余育和,馮偉松,顏慶雲,敖鴻毅. 2008.轉基因魚試驗湖浮游生物群落DNA指紋與理化因子的關係.水生態學雜誌, 1(1): 20-24.
張翔,余育和,馮偉松,顏慶雲,吳利,劉志新. 2008.原生動物在水環境監測中的作用.水生生物學報, 32:149-154.
張翔,余育和,馮偉松,周偉,顏慶雲. 2008.污水處理廠中浮游生物群落DNA指紋及其與水質指標的關係.環境科學學報, 28(8): 1526-1533.
吳利,余育和,張堂林,馮偉松,顏慶雲,龔迎春,宋曉紅. 2008.牛山湖浮游生物群落DNA指紋結構與理化因子的關係.湖泊科學, 20(2): 235-241.
宋曉紅,余育和,馮偉松,顏慶雲,鄧文娜. 2007.東湖浮游生物群落DNA指紋結構及其與環境理化因子的關係.套用生態學報, 18(12): 2860-2864.
鄧文娜,余育和,馮偉松,顏慶雲,宋曉紅,劉志新. 2007.三峽庫區浮游生物群落結構與DNA多態性比較分析.湖泊科學, 19(3): 333-339.
顏慶雲,舒少武,馮偉松,胡煒,宋碧玉,汪亞平,余育和. 2006.轉基因魚試驗湖浮游生物群落DNA指紋拓撲結構與優勢種的關係.自然科學進展, 16(7):889-893.
張文靜,余育和,沈韞芬,顏慶雲.2006.七株眼蟲基於微衛星DNA指紋圖譜的區分和關係分析.湖泊科學, 18(3): 285-292.
顏慶雲,余育和,馮偉松. 2005.洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指紋拓撲結構與物種組成對應關係.生態學報, 25(9):2221-2226.
顏慶雲,余育和,張文靜. 2005.武漢東湖浮游生物群落DNA多態性與富營養化.生態學報, 25(3):461-465.
顏慶雲,余育和,馮偉松,梁小民,謝平. 2005.洞庭湖浮游生物群落DNA指紋與理化因子的關係.水生生物學報, 29(6):601-606.
余育和,張文靜,顏慶雲. 2004. DNA指紋分析技術在群落級生命系統套用的可能性.水生生物學報, 28(5):457-463.




