項延訓,男,1979年生,浙江蒼南人,工學博士,教授,博士生導師,國家自然科學基金優青獲得者。現任華東理工大學 機械與動力工程學院 黨委書記、院長(兼)。
- 中文名:項延訓
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:浙江蒼南
- 出生日期:1979
- 職業:大學教師
- 畢業院校:華東理工大學
- 主要成就:超聲檢測;超聲導波;超聲相控陣等。
[2] 國家自然科學基金優青項目:“非線性超聲導波”,項目負責人,批准號:11622430, 2017-2019年;
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:“基於非線性超聲導波混頻的結構塑性損傷定位及表征方法”,項目負責人,批准號:11774090, 2018-2021年;
[4] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:“微細觀尺度下材料蠕變行為的非線性蘭姆波評價理論與表征方法”,項目負責人,批准號:11474093,2015-2018年;
[5] 裝備預研教育部聯合基金項目:“極端條件服役結構健康監測方法及系統”,項目負責人,2018-2019年;
[6] 國家重點研發計畫項目子任務:“承壓設備早期損傷的非線性導波混頻定位及表征方法”,項目負責人,2016-2019年
[7] 國家自然科學基金青年項目:“材料蠕變損傷和微組織演化的非線性超聲蘭姆波評價方法”,項目負責人,項目批准號:11004056,2011-2013年;
[8] 上海市科技啟明星計畫項目:“微細觀尺度下材料蠕變行為的非線性超聲導波表征技術”,項目負責人,項目批准號:14QA1401200,2014-2016年;
[9] 上海市人才發展資金資助計畫:“材料蠕變行為的非線性蘭姆波評價理論與表征方法”,項目負責人,2016-2018。
[2] 2016年獲國家自然科學基金委優秀青年基金資助:“非線性超聲導波”
[3] 2015年獲上海市自然科學獎一等獎(排名1):“機械裝備服役損傷的非線性超聲導波評價原理和方法”,項延訓(排名1),2015年12月
[4] 2014年入選上海市青年科技啟明星計畫(A類),上海
[5] 獲上海市優秀博士學位論文(2011),上海
[6] 2013年獲上海市教學成果獎一等獎(排名4),上海
[7] “高溫下結構的失效與安全評價技術”,教育部科技進步二等獎,項延訓(排名4),2011年11月。
[8] “高溫過程裝備結構完整性原理與套用”,中國石油和化學工業科學技術獎:科技進步一等獎,項延訓(排名10),2010年10月
[1]Maoxun Sun, Yanxun Xiang*, Mingxi Deng, Bo Tang, Wujun Zhu and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Experimental and numerical investigations of nonlinear interaction of counter-propagating Lamb waves. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114: 011902.
[2]. Ben Li, Rong Liu, Wujun Zhu, Qiaoxin Zhang*, Jingui Yu, Yanxun Xiang*, Hongyan Zhou. Research on the interaction between surface laser-pit of Ni-based single crystal alloy and lamb wave under micro-conditions. Applied Surface Science,2019, 483: 840-848.
[3]Ming-Liang Li, Liang-Bing Liu, Guang-Jian Gao, Ming-Xi Deng*, Ning Hu, Yan-Xun Xiang*, and Wu-Jun Zhu. Response features of nonlinear circumferential guided wave on early damage in inner layer of a composite circular tube. Chinese Physics B, 2019, 28(4): 044301.
[4]Yanxun Xiang, Da Teng, Mingxi Deng, Yunze Li , Changjun Liu and Fuzhen Xuan*. Characterization of Local Residual Stress at Blade Surfaces by the V(z) Curve Technique. Metals,2018, 8: 651-662.
[5]. Wujun Zhu, Yanxun Xiang*, Chang-Jun Liu, Mingxi Deng, Fu-Zhen Xuan. A feasibility study on fatigue damage evaluation using nonlinear Lamb waves with group-velocity mismatching. Ultrasonics, 2018, 90: 18-22.
[6]. Weibin Li, Mingxi Deng*, Ning Hu, Yanxun Xiang*. Theoretical analysis and experimental observation of frequency mixing response. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018. 124: 044901.
[7]. Wujun Zhu, Yanxun Xiang*, Chang-Jun Liu, Mingxi Deng* and Fu-Zhen Xuan. Symmetry properties of second harmonics generated by antisymmetric Lamb waves. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018. 123: 104902.
[8]. Wujun Zhu, Yanxun Xiang*, Chang-jun Liu, Mingxi Deng, Congyun Ma and Fu-zhen Xuan. Fatigue Damage Evaluation Using Nonlinear Lamb Waves with Quasi Phase-Velocity Matching at Low Frequency. Materials, 2018, 11, 1920; doi:10.3390/ma11101920.
[9] Maoxun Sun, Yanxun Xiang*, Mingxi Deng, Jichao Xu, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Scanning non-collinear wave mixing for nonlinear ultrasonic detection and localization of plasticity. NDT&E International, 2018. 93: 1-6.
[10]. Mingliang Li, Mingxi Deng, Guangjian Gao, Yanxun Xiang*. Modeling of second-harmonic generation of circumferential guided wave propagation in a composite circular tube. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018. 421: 234-245.
[11]Mingliang Li, Mingxi Deng*, Guangjian Gao, Yanxun Xiang*. Mode pair selection of circumferential guided waves for cumulative second-harmonic generation in a circular tube. Ultrasonics, 2018, 82: 171-177.
[12]. Han Chen, Ming-Xi Deng*, Ning Hu, Ming-Liang Li, Guang-Jian Gao, Yan-Xun Xiang*. Analysis of Second-Harmonic Generation of Low-Frequency Dilatational Lamb Waves in a Two-Layered Composite Plate. Chinese Physics Letters, 2018, 35(11): 114302.
[13] Yanxun Xiang, Congyun Ma, Mingxi Deng, Fu-Zhen Xuan* and Jianfeng Zhang. Lamb wave mode and frequency selection for assessment of creep damage in titanium alloy plates. Insight, 2017, 59(4): 196-202.
[14] Mingxi Deng*, Guang-Jian Gao, Yan-Xun Xiang*, Ming-Liang Li. Assessment of accumulated damage in circular tubes using nonlinear circumferential guided wave approach A feasibility study. Ultrasonics, 2017, 75: 209-215.
[15]Wei-Bin Li, Ming-Xi Deng*, Yan-Xun Xiang*. Review on second-harmonic generation of ultrasonic guided waves in solid media: (I) theoretical analyses. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(11): 114302.
[16] Ming-Liang Li, Mingxi Deng*, Guang-Jian Gao, Han Chen, Yan-Xun Xiang*. Influence of change in inner layer thickness of composite circular tube on second-harmonic generation by primary circumferential ultrasonic guided wave propagation. Chinese Physics Letters, 2017, 34(6): 064302.
[17] Yanxun Xiang, Wujun Zhu, Mingxi Deng, Fu-Zhen Xuan*, and Chang-Jun Liu. Generation of cumulative second-harmonic ultrasonic guided waves with group velocity mismatching: Numerical analysis and experimental validation. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2016, 116: 34001.
[18] Yanxun Xiang, Wujun Zhu, Mingxi Deng, Fu-Zhen Xuan*. Experimental and numerical studies of nonlinear ultrasonic responses on plastic deformation in weld joints. Chinese Physics B,2016, 25(2): 024303.
[19] Wujun Zhu, Mingxi Deng, Yanxun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan, Changjun Liu, Yi-Ning Wang. Modeling of ultrasonic nonlinearities for dislocation evolution in plastically deformed materials Simulation and Experimental Validation. Ultrasonics, 2016, 68: 134-141.
[20] Wu-Jun Zhu, Ming-Xi Deng, Yan-Xun Xiang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan, Chang-Jun Liu. Second Harmonic Generation of Lamb Wave in Numerical Perspective. Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 33(10):104301.
[21] Ming-Liang Li, Ming-Xi Deng*, Wu-Jun Zhu, Guang-Jian Gao, Yan-Xun Xiang*. Numerical Perspective of Second-Harmonic Generation of Circumferential Guided Wave Propagation in a Circular Tube. Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 33(12):124301.
[22] 陳天瑞, 項延訓*, 陳 虎, 軒福貞, 陳定岳. 基於相位-頻率測量的材料殘餘應力超聲表征方法. 機械工程學報, 2016. 52(22): 9-14.
[23] 趙珊珊, 鄧明晰, 項延訓*, 軒福貞. 超聲Lamb波二次諧波發生效率分析與模式選擇. 聲學學報, 2017. 42(3): 290-296.
[24] 葉有俊, 朱武軍, 王一寧, 項延訓*. 鈦合金蠕變損傷的非線性Lamb波檢測. 聲學技術, 2016, 35(4): 345-348.