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2012年 - 2016年,昆士蘭大學,營養與食品科學中心,哲學博士
2005年 - 2009年,西南大學,食品科學學院,工學學士


2019年 - 至今,西南大學心理學部,教授
2016年 - 2018年,德勒斯登工業大學嗅覺與味覺跨學科研究中心,博士後






International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 編委 2020 - 2022


國家自然科學基金青年項目(主持),2022 - 2024
重慶市自然科學基金面上項目(主持),2020 - 2023
重慶市留學創新計畫啟動項目(主持),2021 - 2023
西南大學博士啟動基金項目(主持),2019 - 2022
西南大學心理學部“三五計畫”青年項目(主持),2021 - 2022


(#co-first author; *corresponding author)


Su T, Gao X, Zhang L, Li H, Han P*, Chen H*. Spicy food consumption is associated with reduced oral capsaicin and salty taste perception but unchanged intranasal trigeminal sensitivity. Food Quality and Preference
Han P*, Su T; Qin M; Chen H; Hummel, T. (2021) A systematic review of olfactory related questionnaires and scales, Rhinology
Han P* Roizsch C; Horstmann A; Pössel M; Hummel T. (2021) Increased brain reward responsivity to food-related odors in obesity. Obesity
Han P*. (2021) Advances in research on brain processing of food odors using different neuroimaging techniques, Current Opinion in Food Science 39: 134-139
Han P*; Müller L; Hummel T. (2021) Peri-threshold trigeminal stimulation with capsaicin increases taste sensitivity in humans; Chemosensory Perception
Han P*, Mahmut MK, Musch M, Abolmaali N, Hummel T. (2021) Improved odor identification ability and increased regional gray matter volume after olfactory training in patients with idiopathic olfactory loss, i-Perception 12(2), 20416695211005811.
Gellrich J*, Breuer AS, Han P, Güdücü C, Hummel T, Schriever VA. Central nervous system processing of floral odor and mother's milk odor in infants, Chemical Senses, in press


Han P.*, Mohebbi M., Hummel, T. (2020) Sensitivity to sweetness correlates to elevated reward brain responses to sweet and high-fat food odors in young healthy volunteers, Neuroimage, 208, 116413
Han P*, Warr J., Hummel T. (2020) Frequent minty chewing gum use is associated with increased trigeminal sensitivity: an fMRI study. Brain research, 1730, 146663
Han P*, Weber C, Hummel T. (2020) Brain response to intranasal trimethylamine stimulation: a preliminary human fMRI study; Neuroscience Letters, 735: 135166
Han P* Chen, H; Hummel T. (2020) Brain responses to food odors associated with BMI change at two-year follow-up. Frontier Human Neuroscience, 14.
Han P*, Croy I, Raue C, Bensafi M, Larsson M, Cavazzana A, Hummel T. (2020) Neural processing of odor-associated words: an fMRI study of patients with acquired olfactory loss. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 14: 1164-1174
Faria V #*, Han P#, Joshi A. Hummel T. (2020) Verbal suggestions of nicotine content modulate ventral tegmental neural activity during the presentation of a nicotine-free odor in cigarette smokers European Neuropsychopharmacology, 31, 100-108.


Han P*, Zang Y, Joshi A, Hummel T. (2019) Magnetic resonance imaging of human olfactory dysfunction. Brain Topography, 10.1007/s10548-019-00729-5
Han P*, Hummel C, Stoiser L, Hummel T. Short or long runs: an exploratory study of odor-induced fMRI design, The Laryngoscope, in press
Han P*, Gerber J, Hummel T, Croy I. (2019) Olfactory loss is associated with reduced hippocampal activation in response to emotional pictures. Neuroimage, 188: 84-91 (IF = 5.43)
Han P.*, Fark T, de Wijk R, Iannilli E, Seo H-S, Hummel T. (2019) Modulation of sensory perception of cheese attributes intensity and texture liking via ortho- and retro- nasal odors. Food Quality and Preference, 73, 1-7 (IF = 3.65)
Han, P, Bagenng, B. Fu, M.* (2019) The sweet taste signaling pathways in the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract affect human appetite and food intake: a review. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2018.1492522. (IF = 2.32)


Han P., Keast RJ, Roura E. (2018) TAS1R1/TAS1R3 polymorphisms are related to energy and protein-rich food choice from buffet meal respectively. Nutrients, 10 (12) (IF = 4.60)
Han P*, Winkler N, Hummel C, Hähner A, Gerber J. Hummel, T. (2018) Impaired brain response to odors in patients with varied severity of olfactory loss after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurology, 265:10, 2322-2332 (IF = 3.78)
Han P*, Winkler N, Hummel C, Hähner A, Gerber J, Hummel T. (2018) Alteration of brain gray matter density and olfactory bulb volume in patients with olfactory loss after trauma brain injury, Journal of Neurotrauma, 35:22 (IF = 5.00)
Han P*, Mohebbi M, Hummel C, Hummel T. (2018) Different neural processing of umami and salty taste determined by umami identification ability independent of repeated umami exposure, Neuroscience, 383: 74-83. (IF = 3.38)
Han P*, Schriever V, Peters P, Olze H, Uecker FC, Hummel T. (2018) Influence of airflow rate and stimulus concentration on olfactory event-related potentials (OERP) in humans. Chemical Senses, 43, 2: 89-96. (IF = 3.24)
Han P*, Mann S, Raue C., Warr J., Hummel T. (2018) Pepper with and without a sting: brain processing of intranasal trigeminal and olfactory stimuli from the same source, Brain Research, 1700: 41-46. (IF = 3.13)
Rottstädt F, Han P, Weidner K, Schellong J, Wolff-Stephan S, Hummel T, Croy I. (2018). Reduced anterior insula volume moderates the relation between olfactory bulb volume and depression, Human Brain Mapping, 39(6): 2573-2582 (IF = 4.93)


Han P, Keast RJ, Roura E* (2017). Salivary leptin and TAS1R2/TAS1R3 polymorphisms are related to sweet taste sensitivity and carbohydrate intake in a buffet meal. British Journal of Nutrition, 118 (10): 763-770. (IF = 3.66)
Han P*, Whitcroft KL, Fischer J, Gerber J, Cuevas M, Andrews P, Hummel T. (2017) Olfactory brain gray matter volume reduction in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, 7, 551-556. (IF = 2.45)


