- 中文名:韓秀君
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:山東
- 出生日期:1975年6月
- 畢業院校:山東大學材料學院
研究方向:1. 材料模擬與計算;2. 複雜液體熱物性、結構及動力學研究;3.納米層片結構的力學性能。
1. X. J. Han and H. Schober, "Transport properties and Stokes-Einstein relation in computer simulated glass forming Cu33Zr67 melt", Physical Review B, 83, 224201, 2011.
2. X. J. Han, et al., "Polarizable Interatomic Force Field for TiO2 Parametrized using Density Function Theory", Physical Review B, 81, 134108, 2010.
3. X. J. Han and H. Teichler, "Liquid-to-Glass Transition of Bulk-glass Forming Cu60Zr20Ti20 Alloy by Molecular Dynamics Simulations", Physical Review E, 75, 061501, 2007.
4. X. J. Han, M. Chen, and Z. Y. Guo, “Thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid Au-Cu alloys by a molecular dynamics simulation”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 16, 705-713,2004.
5. X. J. Han and B. Wei, “Thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid Co-Mo alloys”, Philosophical Magazine, 83 (13): 1511-1532, 2003.
6. X. J. Han, N. Wang, and B. Wei, "Rapid eutectic growth under containerless condition", Applied Physics Letters, 81 (4): 778-780, 2002.
7. X. J. Han and B. Wei, “Microstructural characteristics of Ni-Sb eutectic alloys under substantial undercooling and containerless solidification conditions”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 33A (2002) 1225-1232.