
韓源平,哲學博士。作為海外人才引進成員,現任四川大學生命科學學院教授。兼任首都醫科大學北京佑安醫院客座教授。他在生物醫學,特別是組織損傷,修復,纖維化,肝硬化等領域有著豐富經驗。作為美國南加州大學(University of Southern California)助理教授, 博士導師, 他的研究得到National Institutes of Health多個基金的支持, 包括兩個R01, 共$2.7 million以及其他基金。他是美國NIH, NSF, 歐洲Wellcome Foundation的基金評審。為多個專業期刊, 如Hepatology, Am J Pathology, J Biological Chemistry, J of Immunology審稿。主要研究領域是組織損傷, 修復及組織纖維化的分子及細胞機理。在肝臟方面, 主要從事肝星狀細胞及肝硬化研究。在皮膚方面,主要研究傷口癒合,潰瘍,瘢痕的細胞機理。研究方法涉及分子生物學,生物化學,組織及細胞生物學,免疫學,人體生理及病理,等多學科的整合,轉化, 及臨床套用。





  1978-1982, 四川大學, 生物系, 主修生物化學, 學士學位
1990-1996, 西奈山醫學院 (The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York), 主修生物醫學科學(Biomedical Science), 獲哲學博士學位(PhD), 導師, Dr. Ronald A. Kohanski
1996-1999, 南加大洛杉磯兒童醫院Los Angeles Children’s Hospital/University of Southern California, 做博士後(1996-1999), 導師, Dr. Yun-Kai (Teddy) Fong


  1982-1985, 地質礦產部工藝研究所,助理研究員
1985-1989, 四川抗菌素研究所, 助理研究員
1989-1990, SmithKline Pharmaceuticals(SKF,美國, 費城),從事新藥發現研究
2000-2003, 南加州大學 University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, 助理研究員
2004-2007, 南加州大學 University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine,研究助理教授
2007-2011, 南加州大學 University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, 助理教授 (Assistant Professor at Tenure Track)。 USC Keck School of Medicine, PIBBS 博士研究生導師。USC Department of Pathology 碩士研究生導師。
2004年-現在,南加州大學,Keck School of Medicine, 酒精肝病及胰腺疾病研究中心會員
2011-至今, 四川大學生命科學學院教授,首都醫科大學北京佑安醫院客座教授。


Liyan Chen, Feng Ren, Haiyan Zhang, Tao Wen, Zhengfu Piao, Li Zhou, Sujun Zheng, Jing Zhang, Yu Chen, Yuanping Han, Zhongping Duan, Yingji Ma. “Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3b Ameliorates D-GalN/LPS-Induced Liver Injury by Reducing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Triggered Apoptosis” PLoS One, 2011. September 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 9 | e45202
Yujiro Kida, Zan Xian Xia, Sujun Zheng, Nick M. Mordwinkin, Stan G. Louie, Song Guo Zheng, Min Feng, Hongbo Shi, Zhongping Duan, and Yuan-Ping Han*. “Interleukin-1 as an injury signal mobilizes retinyl esters in hepatic stellate cells through down regulation of lecithin retinol acyltransferase”. PLoS One, 2011. , November 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 11 | e26644
Xiaohui Zhou,Zanxian Xia,Qin Lan,Julie Wang,Wenru Su, Yuan-Ping Han,Huimin Fan,Zhongmin Liu,William Stohl,and Song Guo Zheng. “BAFF Promotes Th17 Cells and Aggravates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis”. PloS One, 2011;6(8): Published online 2011 August 29.PMCID:PMC3163640,
Ling Lu,Jilin Ma,Zhiyuan Li,Qin Lan,Maogen Chen,Ya Liu,Zanxian Xia,Julie Wang,Yuan-Ping Han, Wei Shi,Valerie Quesniaux,Bernhard Ryffel,David Brand,Bin Li,Zhongmin Liu,Song Guo Zheng. “All-TransRetinoic Acid Promotes TGF-β-Induced Tregs via Histone Modification but Not DNA Demethylation on Foxp3 Gene Locus”.
PloS One, 2011;6(9):e24590.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024590.
Qin and Yuan-Ping Han*. “Epigenetic Repression of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Myofibroblastic Hepatic Stellate Cells through Histone Deacetylases 4,Implication in Tissue Fibrosis ”. American Journal of Pathology, 2010, volume 177, Issue 4, page 1915 (Monthly Highlight in the issue). PMCID:PMC2947286, Official journal of American Society for Investigative Pathology.
Chunli Yang, Wesley Grimm, Warren Garner, and Yuan-Ping Han*, “Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced epithelial-to-mesencymal transition in human skin fibrogenesis is mediated by bone morphogenetin protein-2”. American Journal of Pathology, 2010, May. 176: 2247-2258. PMID: 20304956 (Cover story in the issue). Official journal of American Society for Investigative Pathology.
Keigo Machida, Hidekazu Tsukamoto, Jian-Chang Liu, Yuan-Ping Han, Sugantha Govindarajan, Michael Lai, Shizuo Akira, James Ou, “c-Jun mediates HCV hepatocarcinogenesis through STAT3 and nitric oxide-dependent impairment of oxidative DNA repair”. Hepatology, 2010 Aug; 52(2): 480-92. PMID: 20683948.
MJ Reiss, Yuan-Ping Han, E Garcia, YK Hong, and WL Garner “Excessive Amount of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Delays Wound Healing in a Murine Wound Model”.
Surgery, 2010, February, Volume 147, Issue 2, Pages 295-302,
Yuan-Ping Han*, Ming Kong, Sujun Zheng, Yang Ren, Hongbo Shi, and Zhongping Duan. “Vitamin D In Liver Diseases: From Mechanisms to Clinical Trials”. Journal of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, accepted, in press 2012


