- 中文名:韓德專
- 畢業院校:復旦大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:微納光子結構等
- 職務:重慶大學物理學院博士生導師
微納光子結構(micro- and nano- photonic structure),包括表面等離激元(plasmonics)、光子晶體(photonic crystal)、和超構材料(meta-material)以及電磁系統中的拓撲性質和類量子效應(topological and quantum-like effects)。
2001年本科畢業於復旦大學物理系,同年因Mini-CUSPEA項目赴紐約大學(New York University)留學,獲碩士學位。2006年獲復旦大學博士學位,隨後於香港科技大學從事訪問研究。2013年7月至今任重慶大學“百人計畫”研究員。
1. Hong Xiang, Lixin Ge, Liang Liu, Tianshu Jiang, Z. Q. Zhang, C. T. Chan*, andDezhuan Han*,A minimal discrete model for toroidal moments and its experimental realization, Physical Review B 95, 045403 (2017).
2. Lixin Ge, Liang Liu, Meng Xiao, Guiqiang Du, Lei Shi,Dezhuan Han*, C. T. Chan, Jian Zi*,Topological phase transition and interface states in hybrid plasmonic-photonic systems, Journal of Optics (Paper of the Week), 19(6), 06LT02 (2017).
3. Yan Meng, Hong Xiang, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Xiaoxiao Wu,Dezhuan Han*, C. T. Chan, and Weijia Wen,Topological interface states in multiscale spoof-insulator-spoof waveguides, Optics Letters (Editors’ Pick), 41, 3698 (2016).
4. Lixin Ge, Li Wang, Meng Xiao, Weijia Wen, C. T. Chan, andDezhuan Han*,Topological edge modes in multilayer graphene systems, Optics Express 23, 21585 (2015).
5. Lixin Ge, Tianrong Zhan,Dezhuan Han*, Xiaohan Liu, Jian Zi*,Determination of the quantized topological magneto-electric effect in topological insulators from Rayleigh scattering, Scientific Reports 5, 7948 (2015).
6. Xindi Yu, Lei Shi,Dezhuan Han, Jian Zi, and Paul V. Braun,High Quality Factor Metallodielectric Hybrid Plasmonic-Photonic Crystals, Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 1910 (2010).
7.Dezhuan Han, Yun Lai, Jian Zi, Zhao-Qing Zhang, and C. T. Chan,Dirac Spectra and Edge States in Honeycomb Plasmonic Lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 123904 (2009).
8.Dezhuan Han, Fengqin Wu, Xin Li, Chun Xu, Xiaohan Liu, and Jian Zi,Transmission and absorption of metallic films coated with corrugated dielectric layers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 091104 (2006).