- 中文名:韓庸燮
- 外文名:한용섭
- 國籍:韓國
- 職業:韓國國防大學 副總長(副校長)
1978年韓國首爾大學 政治學專業畢業(政治學學士)
1983年韓國首爾大學 政治學專業研究生畢業(政治學碩士)
1991年美國蘭德公司研究生畢業(安保政策學 博士)
1977年 第21屆行政高等考試合格;
1979---1982 以海軍軍官身份服役;
1982—1985 韓國國防部政策規劃官辦公室 負責韓美年度安保會議
1991—1992 韓國國防部軍備控制官辦公室 核政策擔當官兼南北韓 核控制共同委員會專門委員
1992---1993 聯合國軍控研究所 高級客座研究員
1993—1994 國防部長政策輔佐官
1994年至今 韓國國防大學 教授
1995—2009 韓國統一部顧問
1998---2000 美國蘭德公司研究員
2000-2004 韓國青瓦台總統府國家安保會議 常任委員會 顧問
2005-2008 韓國國防大學安全問題研究所所長
2005年至今 韓美同盟研究委員會委員長 (2005)
2008年12月—2009年6月,中國外交學院 訪問學者。
《美中競爭時代東北亞和平論》(高麗大學 亞世亞問題硏究所, 2010);
《美國國防政策和軍事戰略, 2010》,韓國國防大學安全問題研究所;
《美日中俄軍事戰略》(한울 出版社, 2009);
North Korea’s Second Nuclear Crisis and Northeast Asia Security (2007)
Peace and Arms Control on the Korean Penisula(2005)
Sunshine in Korea: the south korea debate over policies toward north korea.
Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Northeast Asia (1995)
Designing and Evaluating Arms Control Measures: The Case of the Korean Peninsula (1993)
Yong-Sup Han, "Arming North Korea," Andrew T.H.Tan (ed.), The Global Arms Trade, Routledge International, 2010.
Yong-Sup Han, Peace and Arms Control on the Korean Peninsula , Kyungnam University Press, Seoul, Korea, 2005.
Yong-Sup Han and Norman Levin, Sunshine in Korea : The South Korean Debate over Policies Toward North Korea , RAND , 2002.
Yong-Sup Han, Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Northeast Asia , UNIDIR Publication Series, No. 33, 1995.
Yong-Sup Han, Designing and Evaluating Arms Control Measures: The Case of the
Korean Peninsula , The RAND Corporation, N-3411, 1993.
Norman D. Levin and Charles Wolf, Jr (eds.), Modernizing the North Korean System ,
RAND , RINSA, CRF, IIPS, CCKS collaborative study (forthcoming), 2008.
Yong-Sup Han, “The Six Party Talks and Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia ,”
Seoung-Ho Joo and Tae-Hwan Kwak (eds.), North Korea 's Second Nuclear Crisis and
Northeast Asian Security , Ashgate: 2007.
Kyungyung Jung and Yong-Sup Han, “Multilateral Security Cooperation in Northeast
Asia ," Korean Journal of Security Affairs , Vol.11, No.2, December 2006.
Yong-Sup Han, “Applying European Success of Economic and Security Cooperation to the Korean
Peninsula and Northeast Asia ," Korean Journal of Security Affairs, Vol.11, No.2, June 2006.
Yong-Sup Han, “Analyzing South Korea 's Defense Reform 2020," Korean Journal of Defense
Analysis , Vol.18, No.1, Spring, 2006.
Yong-Sup Han, " South Korea 's Military Capabilities and Strategy," The U.S. Naval War College
Yong-Sup Han, "The Role of US Forces in Korea for Korea's Security," KAIS International Seminar Paper
Yong-Sup Han, "Arms Control and Confidence Building Measures in the Korean Peninsula ,"
KNDU Review, Vol.8, No.1, 2003.
Yong-Sup Han, “A New Wine in A New Bottle: Enhancing Prospects of Conventional Arms
Control on the Korean Peninsula , KNDU Review , Vol. 7, No. 2, 2002.
Yong-Sup Han, "The Sunshine Policy and Security on the Korean Peninsula ," Asian Perspective ,
Vol. 26, No.3, 2002.
Yong-Sup Han, "Time for Conventional Arms Control on the Korean Peninsula ," Arms Control
Today , Vol.30, No.10, December 2000.
Yong-Sup Han, "Promoting Conventional Arms Control Through the Korean Summit Diplomacy,"
Korea and World Affairs , June 2000.
Yong-Sup Han, "North Korean Behavior in Nuclear Negotiations," The Nonproliferation Review . Vol.7, No.1. Spring 2000.
Yong-Sup Han, "Will the Kim Dae-jung Administration's Sunshine Policy Effect Change in North
Korea ?" Korea and World Affairs, September 1998.
Yong-Sup Han, " Korea 's Security Strategy for the 21st Century: Cooperation and Conflict," Korea
Focus , Vol.5, No. 4, July 1997.
Yong-Sup Han, "Resolving the Arms Control Dilemma on the Korean Peninsula : An Alternative
Approach,” Japan Association of International Relations Studies Association. September 1996.