韋茂貴,女,博士,廣西大學講師 。
- 中文名:韋茂貴
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:木薯高產高效栽培與利用
- 任職院校:廣西大學
1. 2011/09-2014/07,中國農業大學,農學院,博士,導師:謝光輝;
2. 2008/09-2011/07,廣西大學,農學院,碩士,導師:羅興錄;
3. 2004/09-2008/07,廣西大學,農學院,學士。
1. 2017/09開始,廣西大學,農學院,講師;
2. 2014/10-2016/11,Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology, 博士後, 合作導師:Shaojun Xiong, Paul Geladi.
(1) Zhongying Shan, Xinglu Luo*, Maogui Wei, Tangwei Huang, Aziz Khan, Yanmei Zhu. Physiological and proteomic analysis on long-term drought resistance of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1). DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-35711-x.
(2) Shaojun Xiong*, Carlos Martín, Lill Eilertsen, Maogui Wei, Olena Myronycheva, Sylvia H. Larsson, Torbjörn A. Lestander, Lars Atterhem, Leif J. Jönsson . Energy-efficient substrate pasteurisation for combined production of shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) and bioethanol. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 274: 65-72.
(3) Maogui Wei*, Roger Andersson, Guanghui Xie, Shahrbanoo Salehi, Dan Boström, Shaojun Xiong. Properties of cassava stem starch being a new starch resource. Starch-Stärke, 2017, DOI:10.1002/star. 201700125.
(4) Maogui Wei*, Paul Geladi, Shaojun Xiong. NIR hyperspectral imaging and multivariate image analysis to characterize spent mushroom substrate: a preliminary study. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 409: 2449-2460.
(5) Maogui Wei*, Paul Geladi, Torbjörn Lestander, Guanghui Xie, Shaojun Xiong. Multivariate modelling on biomass properties of cassava stems based on an experimental design. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 407(18): 5443-5452.
(6) Maogui Wei, Wanbin Zhu, Guanghui Xie, Torbjörn Lestander, Shaojun Xiong*. Cassava stem wastes as potential feedstock for fuel ethanol production: A basic parameter study. Renewable Energy, 2015, 83: 970-978.
(7) Maogui Wei, Wanbin Zhu*, Guanghui Xie, Torbjörn Lestander, Jishi Wang, Shaojun Xiong. Ash composition in cassava stems originating from different locations, cultivars, and harvest times. Energy and fuels, 2014, 28: 5086-5094.
(8) YaJing Guo, XingLu Luo*, MaoGui Wei, ZhaoLiang Liu, WuJing Fan, RuiNing Zhai, YanMei Zhu. RNA Sequence Analysis of Cassava Varieties with High-Starch Content Using De Novo Assembly. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s00344-017-9749-8.
(9) Carlos Martín*, Maogui Wei, Shaojun Xiong, Leif J. Jönsson. Enhancing saccharification of cassava stems by starch hydrolysis prior to pretreatment. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017, 97: 21-31.
(10) Wanbin Zhu, Torbjörn Lestander, Håkan Örberg, Maogui Wei, Björn Hedman, Jiwei Ren, Guanghui Xie, Shaojun Xiong*. Cassava stems: A new resource to increase food and fuel production. GCB Bioenergy, 2015, 7(1): 72-83.
3.瑞典能源局項目,P37816-1,Development of Optimal Regulation for Efficient Combustion of Ash Rich Biomass,2014/09-2016/11,500萬克朗,已結題,參加。
4.瑞典能源局項目,P32805-1,Verifiering och komplettering av preliminära resultat för innovation och demonstration I möjligt bioenrgikombinat baserat på biprodukter av cassava som råvara, (木薯莖稈能源化利用),2010/12 -2012/11,180萬克朗,已結題,參加。
韋茂貴(5/10), 木薯新品種新選048選育與套用, 廣西壯族自治區人民政府,廣西科學技術進步獎二等獎,2011.
(羅興錄; 勞天源; 吳子愷; 黃秋鳳; 韋茂貴; 莫凡; 韋昌聯; 唐振權; 黃京華; 陳仲南)