1991.07-2003.08: 廣西職業技術學院,數學系,講師。
2003.09-2006.11: 廣西師範學院數學系,講師。
2006.12-2013.12: 廣西師範學院數學科學學院,副教授。
2013.12-至今: 廣西師範學院數學與統計科學學院,教授。
2010.10-2011.07: 日本信州大學數學系,訪問學者。
2016.08-2017.08: 美國威斯康星大學密爾沃基分校數學系,訪問學者。
[1] 國家自然科學基金:有限交換環的不動點動力系統理論研究。項目持續時間:2015年1月至2018年12月。研究經費:36萬。(項目編號:11461010)
[2] 廣西自然科學基金:域的疊代及其理論研究。項目持續時間:2014年6月至2017年5月。研究經費:5萬。(項目編號:2014GXNSFAA118005)
[1] 國家自然科學基金:環的單點陣圖、單位凱萊圖和Comaximal 圖的結構及其套用。項目持續時間:2017年1月至2020年12月。研究經費:36萬。(項目編號:11661013) (排名第二)
[2] 國家自然科學基金:形式矩陣環的環性質、圖性質及同調理論。項目持續時間:2017年1月至2020年12月。研究經費:36萬。(項目編號:11661014)(排名第二)
[1] Yangjiang Wei, Yimin Zou, Inverses of Cartan matrices of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, Linear Algebra and its Application, 2017, 521: 283-298 (SCI)
[2] Yangjiang Wei,Huadong Su, Gaohua Tang, Unit groups of quotient rings of
complex quadratic rings, Front. Math. China, 2016, 11(4) :1037-1056 (SCI)
complex quadratic rings, Front. Math. China, 2016, 11(4) :1037-1056 (SCI)
[3] Yangjiang Wei, Guangwu Xu, Yimin Zou, Dynamics of linear systems over finite commutative rings, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing , 2016, 27: 469-479 (SCI)
[4] Yangjiang Wei, Gaohua Tang, The iteration digraphs of finite commutative rings, Turkish Journal of Mathematics,2015, 39: 872 -883 (SCI)
[5] Yangjiang Wei,Gaohua Tang,Jizhu Nan, The iteration digraphs of group rings over finite fields,J. Algebra Appl. DOI: 10.1142/S0219498813501624,2014(SCI)
[6] Gaohua Tang, Yangjiang Wei, Yuanlin Li, Unit Groups of Group Algebras of some small groups, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2014, 64 (139) : 149-157 (SCI)
[7] Jizhu Nan, Yangjiang Wei, Gaohua Tang, The Fundamental Constituents of Iteration Digraphs of Finite Commutative Rings, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2014, 64 (139) : 199-208 (SCI)
[8] Yangjiang Wei,Gaohua Tang, Su Hua dong, The square mapping graphs of finite commutative rings, Algebra Colloquium, 2012, 19 (3): 569-580 (SCI)
[9] Yangjiag Wei, Jizhu Nan, Gaohua Tang, Structure of cubic mapping graphs for the ring of Gaussian integers modulo n,Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2012, 62 (137) : 527-539 (SCI)
[10] Yangjiag Wei, Jizhu Nan, Gaohua Tang, The cubic mapping graph for the ring of Gaussian integers modulo n, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2011, 61 (136): 1023-1036 (SCI)
[11] Yangjiang Wei,Gaohua Tang, Huadong Su, The Commuting Graphs of Some Subsets in the Quaternion Algebra Over the Ring of Integers Modulo n, Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics, 2011, 42(5): 387-402 (SCI)
[12] Yangjiang Wei,Gaohua Tang, Digraphs from finite fields, Ars Combinatoria, 2011, 102: 297-304 (SCI)
[13] Yangjiang Wei, Jizhu Nan, Gaohua Tang, The cubic mapping graph of the residue classes of integers, Ars Combinatoria, 2010, 97: 101-110 (SCI).
[14] Yangjiang Wei,Gaohua Tang, Su Hua dong, The commuting graph of the Quaternion algebra over residue classes of integers, Ars Combinatoria, 2010, 95: 113-127 (SCI)
[15] 韋揚江, 唐高華, The square mapping graphs of the ring Zn[i], 數學雜誌, 2016, 36 (4) : 676-682.
[16] 韋揚江, 梁藝耀, 唐高華, 蘇磊磊, 陳蔚凝. 模 n 高斯整數環的商環的立方映射圖 , 廣西師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2016, 34 (3) : 53-61.