


  • 中文名:韋存虛
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽省臨泉縣
  • 出生日期:1973年10月
  • 職業:博士,教授,博士生導師
  • 畢業院校華中農業大學


起止時間 學習或工作單位 本人職務或承擔任務
1992.09—1996.06 安徽師範大學 本科生
1996.09—1999.06 中科院上海昆蟲研究所 碩士生
1999.09—2002.06 華中農業大學 博士生
2002.07—2005.06 揚州大學 講師,碩士生導師(2003.10)
2005.07—2011.06 揚州大學 副教授,碩士生導師
2006.10—2007.09 德國海德堡大學植物研究所 訪問學者
2011.07—至今 揚州大學 教授,博士生導師(2013.01)


教師:王娟 博士;張龍 博士






[1] 植物C-型澱粉資源、晶態分布和功能特性研究(2016-2019),國家自然科學基金,項目負責人
[2] 高直鏈澱粉水稻胚乳中空狀和細長狀澱粉粒的發育和結構特性(2013-2016),國家自然科學基金,項目負責人
[3] 利用澱粉合成相關基因的轉基因系研究水稻穎果和澱粉粒的發育及結構(2011-2013),國家自然科學基金,項目負責人
[4] 高直鏈抗性澱粉水稻澱粉粒的發育、結構和特性研究(2009-2011),江蘇省自然科學基金,項目負責人
[5] 禾穀類胚乳PCD過程中去核化發育機制研究(2004-2006),國家自然科學基金,項目負責人


[1] Wei CX, QinFL, Zhu LJ, Zhou WD, Chen YF, Wang YP, Gu MH, Liu QQ*. Microstructure and ultrastructure of high-amylose rice resistant starch granules modified by antisense RNA inhibition of starch branching enzyme. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58: 1224−1232. (2010IF: 2.816; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[2] Wei CX, Xu B, Qin FL, Yu HG, Chen C, Meng XL, Zhu LJ, Wang YP, Gu MH, Liu QQ*. C-type starch from high-amylose rice resistant starch granules modified by antisense RNA inhibition of starch branching enzyme. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58: 7383−7388. (2010IF: 2.816; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[3] Wei CX, Qin FL, Zhou WD, Chen YF, Xu B, Wang YP, Gu MH, Liu QQ*. Formation of semi-compound C-type starch granule in high-amylose rice developed by antisense RNA inhibition of starch branching enzyme. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58: 11097−11104. (2010IF: 2.816; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[4] Wei CX, Qin FL, Zhou WD, Yu HG, Xu B, Chen C, Zhu LJ, Wang YP, Gu MH, Liu QQ*. Granule structure and distribution of allomorphs in C-type high-amylose rice starch granule modified by antisense RNA inhibition of starch branching enzyme. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58: 11946−11854. (2010IF: 2.816; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[5] Wei CX, Zhang J, Chen YF, Zhou WD, Xu B, Wang YP, Chen JM*. Physicochemical properties and development of wheat large and small starch granules during endosperm development. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2010, 32: 905−916. (2010IF: 1.344; JCR四區)
[6] Wei CX, Qin FL, Zhou WD, Xu B, Chen C, Chen YF, Wang YP, Gu MH, Liu QQ*. Comparison of the crystalline properties and structural changes of starches from high-amylose transgenic rice and its wild type during heating. Food Chemistry, 2011, 128: 645−652. (2011IF: 3.655; JCR二區TOP期刊)
[7] Wei CX, Xie PS, Chen YF, Yu HG, Su YJ, Gu MH, Yan CJ*. Anatomical and chemical characteristics of culm of rice brittle mutant bc7(t). Functional Plant Biology, 2011, 38: 227−235. (2011IF: 2.929; JCR四區)
[8] Qin FL, Man JM, XuB, Hu MZ, Gu MH, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Structural properties of hydrolyzed high-amylose rice starch by α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011, 59: 12667−12673. (2011IF: 2.823; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[9] Man JM, Cai JW, Cai CH, Xu B, Huai HY, Wei CX*. Comparison of physicochemical properties of starches from seed and rhizome of lotus. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2012, 88: 676−683. (2012IF: 3.479; JCR三區)
[10] Qin FL, Man JM, Cai CH, Xu B, Gu MH, Zhu LJ, Shi YC, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Physicochemical properties of high-amylose rice starches during kernel development. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2012, 88: 690−698. (2012IF: 3.479; JCR三區)
[11] Man JM, Cai JW, Cai CH, Huai HY, Wei CX*. Physicochemical properties of rhizome starch from a traditional Chinese medicinal plant of Anemone altaica. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2012, 89: 571−577. (2012IF: 3.479; JCR三區)
[12] Man JM, Qin FL, Zhu LJ, Shi YC, Gu MH, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Ordered structure and thermal property of acid-modified high-amylose rice starch. Food Chemistry, 2012, 134: 2242−2248. (2012IF: 3.334; JCR二區TOP期刊)
[13] Man JM, Yang Y, Zhang CQ, Zhou XH, Dong Y, Zhang FM, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Structural changes of high-amylose rice starch residues following in vitro and in vivo digestion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60: 9332−9341. (2012IF: 2.906; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[14] Man JM, Yang Y, Huang J, Zhang CQ, Zhang FM, Wang YP, Gu MH, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Morphology and structural properties of high-amylose rice starch residues hydrolyzed by amyloglucosidase. Food Chemistry, 2013, 138: 2089−2098. (2013IF: 3.259; JCR二區TOP期刊)
[15] Cai CH, Wei CX*. In situ observation of crystallinity disruption patterns during starch gelatinization. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92: 469−478. (2013IF: 3.916; JCR三區)
[16] Man JM, Yang Y, Zhang CQ, Zhang FM, Wang YP, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Morphology and structural characterization of high-amylose rice starch residues hydrolyzed by porcine pancreatic α-amylase. Food Hydrocolloids, 2013, 31: 195−203. (2013IF: 4.28; JCR二區)
[17] Man JM, Yang Y, Huang J, Zhang CQ, Chen YF, Wang YP, Gu MH, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Effect of simultaneous inhibition of starch branching enzymes I and IIb on the crystalline structure of rice starches with different amylose content. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61: 9930−9937. (2013IF: 3.107; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[18] Cai CH, Cai JW, Man JM, Yang Y, Wang ZF, Wei CX*. Allomorph distribution and granule structure of lotus rhizome C-type starch during gelatinization. Food Chemistry, 2014, 142: 408−415. (2014IF: 3.391; JCR二區TOP期刊)
[19] Cai JW, Yang Y, Man JM, Huang J, Wang ZF, Zhang CQ, Gu MH, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Structural and functional properties of alkali-treated high-amylose rice starch. Food Chemistry, 2014, 145: 245−253. (2014IF: 3.391; JCR二區TOP期刊)
[20] Cai JW, Cai CH, Man JM, Zhou WD, Wei CX*. Structural and functional properties of C-type starches. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 101: 289−300. (2014IF: 4.074; JCR三區)
[21] Cai CH, Zhao LX, Huang J, Chen YF, Wei CX*. Morphology, structure and gelatinization properties of heterogeneous starch granules from high-amylose maize. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 102: 606−614. (2014IF: 4.074; JCR三區)
[22] Cai JW, Cai CH, Man JM, Yang Y, Zhang FM, Wei CX*. Crystalline and structural properties of acid-modified lotus rhizome C-type starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 102: 799−807. (2014IF: 4.074; JCR三區)
[23] Gao HM, Cai JW, Han WL, Huai HY, Chen YF, Wei CX*. Comparison of starches isolated from three different Trapa species. Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 37: 174−181. (2014IF: 4.09; JCR二區)
[24] Cai CH, Huang J, Zhao LX, Liu QQ, Zhang CQ, Wei CX*. Heterogeneous structure and spatial distribution in endosperm of high-amylose rice starch granules with different morphologies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62: 10143−10152. (2014IF: 2.912; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[25] Man JM, Lin LS, Wang ZF, Wang YP, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Different structure of heterogeneous starch granules from high-amylose rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62: 11254−11263. (2014IF: 2.912; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[26] Cai CH, Lin LS, Man JM, Zhao LX, Wang ZF, Wei CX*. Different structural properties of high-amylose maize starch fractions varying in granule size. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62: 11711-11721. (2014IF: 2.912; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[27] Cai CH, Cai JW, Zhao LX, Wei CX*. In situ gelatinization of starch using hot stage microscopy. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2014, 23: 15−22. (2014IF: 0.653; JCR四區)
[28] Huang J, Shang ZQ, Man JM, Liu QQ, Zhu CJ, Wei CX*. Comparison of molecular structures and functional properties of high-amylose starches from rice transgenic line and commercial maize. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 46: 172−179. (2015IF: 3.858; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[29] Huang J, Zhao LX, Huai HY, Li EP, Zhang FM, Wei CX*. Structural and functional properties of starches from wild Trapa quadrispinosa, japonica, mammillifera and incisa. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 48: 117−126. (2015IF: 3.858; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[30] Cai JW, Man JM, Huang J, Liu QQ, Wei WX, Wei CX*. Relationship between structure and functional properties of normal rice starches with different amylose contents. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 125: 35−44. (2015IF: 4.219; JCR二區TOP期刊)
[31] Huang J, Zhao LX, Man JM, Wang J, Zhou WD, Huai HY, Wei CX*. Comparison of physicochemical properties of B-type nontraditional starches from different sources. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 78: 165−172. (2015IF: 3.138; JCR三區)
[32] Lin LS, Huang J, Zhao LX, Wang J, Wang ZF, Wei CX*. Effect of granule size on the properties of lotus rhizome C-type starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 134: 448−457. (2015IF: 4.219; JCR二區TOP期刊)
[33] Cai JW, Cai CH, Man JM, Xu B, Wei CX*. Physicochemical properties of ginkgo kernal starch. International Journal of Food Properties, 2015, 18: 380−391 (2015IF: 1.586; JCR四區)
[34] Wang P, Huang J, Zhao LX, Chen YF, Wei CX*. Structural and functional properties of endosperm starch and flour from dicotyledon Mirabilis jalapa. Starch, 2015, 67: 328−337. (2015IF: 1.523; JCR三區)
[35] Lin LS, Guo DW, Zhao LX, Zhang XD, Wang J, Zhang FM, Wei CX*. Comparative structure of starches from high-amylose maize inbred lines and their hybrids. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 52: 19−28. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[36] Lin LS, Cai CH, Gilbert RG, Li EP, Wang J, Wei CX*. Relationships between amylopectin molecular structures and functional properties of different-sized fractions of normal and high-amylose maize starches. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 52: 359−368. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[37] Huang J, Lin LS, Wang J, Wang ZF, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. In vitro digestion properties of heterogeneous starch granules from high-amylosr rice. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 54: 10−22. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[38] Lin LS, Guo DW, Huang J, Zhang XD, Zhang L, Wei CX*. Molecular structure and enzymatic hydrolysis properties of starches from high-amylose maize inbred lines and their hybrids. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 58: 246−254. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[39] Fan XX, Zhang SC, Lin LS, Zhao LX, Liu AZ, Wei CX*. Properties of new starches from tubers of Arisaema elephas, yunnanense and erubescens. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 61: 183−190. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[40] Zhao LX, Huang J, Man JM, Huai HY, Chen YF, Wei CX*. Physicochemical properties of Euryale ferox kernel starches from two different regions. International Journal of Food Properties, 2016, 19: 289−299. (2016IF: 1.427; JCR四區)
[41] Zhao LX, Pan T, Cai CH, Wang J, Wei CX*. Application of whole sections of mature cereal seeds to visualize the morphology of endosperm cell and starch and the distribution of storage protein. Journal of Cereal Science, 2016, 71: 19−27. (2016IF: 2.223; JCR二區)
[42] Zhang SC, Fan XX, Lin LS, Zhao LX, Liu AZ, Wei CX*. Properties of starch from root tuber of Stephania epigaea in comparison with potato and maize starches. International Journal of Food Properties, 2017, 20: 1740−1750. (2016IF: 1.427; JCR四區)
[43] Pan T, Zhao LX, Lin LS, Wang J, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Changes in kernel morphology and starch properties of high-amylose brown rice during the cooking process. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 66: 227−236. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[44] Fan XX, Zhao LX, Zhang L, XuB, Wei CX*. A new allomorph distribution of C-type starch from root tuber of Apios fortunei. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 66: 334−342. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[45] Wang J, Hu P, Chen ZC, Liu QQ, Wei CX*. Progress in high-amylose cereal crops through inactivation of starch branching enzymes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 469. (2016IF: 4.298; JCR二區)
[46] Hu P, Fan XX, Lin LS, Wang J, Zhang L, Wei CX*. Effects of surface proteins and lipids on molecular structure, thermal properties, and enzymatic hydrolysis of rice starch. Food Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1590/1678-457X.35016. (2016IF: 0.833; JCR四區)
[47]He W, Wei CX*. Progress in C-type starches from different plant sources. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[1] 滿建民, 蔡燦輝, 嚴秋香, 胡茂志, 劉巧泉, 韋存虛*. 紅外光譜技術在澱粉粒有序結構分析中的套用. 作物學報, 2012, 38: 505−513.
[2] 滿建民, 蔡金文, 徐斌, 張奉民, 劉巧泉, 韋存虛*. 作物澱粉晶體結構的波譜分析. 作物學報, 2012, 38: 691−698.
[3] 滿建民, 周興華, 董英, 劉巧泉, 韋存虛*. 體內外消化高直鏈抗性水稻澱粉的波譜特性. 食品科學, 2012, 33(13): 26−30.
[4] 徐斌, 滿建民, 韋存虛*. 粉末X射線衍射圖譜計算植物澱粉結晶度方法的探討. 植物學報, 2012, 47: 278−285.
[1] Wang M, Wang KJ, Tang D, Wei CX, Li M, Shen Y, Chi ZC, Gu MH, Cheng ZK*. The central element protein ZEP1 of the synaptonemal complex regulates the number of crossovers during meiosis in rice. Plant Cell, 2010, 22: 417−430. (2010IF: 9.396; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[2] 路玉彥, 呂超, 韋存虛, 黃祖六, 許如根*. 高溫脅迫對大麥主要農藝性狀及產量性狀的影響. 麥類作物學報, 2011, 31(4): 731−734.
[3] Jiang JJ, Shao YL, Li AM, Zhang YT, Wei CX, Wang YP*. FT-IR and NMR study of seed coat dissected from different colored progenies of Brassica napus-Sinapis alba hybrids. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2013, 93: 1898−1902. (2013IF: 1.879; JCR三區)
[4] Shao YL, Jiang JJ, Ran LP, Lu CL, Wei CX, Wang YP*. Analysis of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in rapeseeds (Brassica napus L. var. napus) by HPLC-PDA−ESI(−)-MS/HRMS. Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62: 2935−2945. (2014IF: 2.912; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[5] 裔傳燈, 黃正金, 徐中根, 周衛東, 韋存虛, 顧銘洪*. 稻屬植物穀粒形態和稃面乳突結構研究. 揚州大學學報(農業與生命科學版), 2014, 35(2): 53−58.
[6] Li RD, Guo M, LuY, Yang YH, Liu M, Zhu Q, Wei CX, Gu MH, Yan CJ*. Genetic dissection of hybrid breakdown in an indica/japonica cross and fine mapping of a quantitative trait locus qSF-12 in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Molecular Breeding, 2015, 35: 144 (2015IF: 2.108; JCR二區)
[7] Zhu DW, Zhang HC*, Guo BW, Xu K, Dai QG, Wei CX, Wei HY, Gao H, Huo ZY, Hu YJ, Cui PY. Effects of nitrogen management on structure and physicochemical properties of rice starch. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64: 9019−8025. (2015IF: 2.857; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[8] Zhu DW, Zhang HC*, Guo BW, XuK, Dai QG, Wei CX, Zhou GS, Huo ZY. Physicochemical properties of indica-japonica hybrid rice starch from Chinese varieties. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 63: 356−363. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[9] Zhu DW, Zhang HC*, Guo BW, XuK, Dai QG, Wei CX, Zhou GS, Huo ZY. Effects of nitrogen level on structure andphysicochemical properties of rice starch. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 63: 525−532. (2016IF: 4.747; JCR一區TOP期刊)
[10] Zhu DW, Wei HY, Guo BW, Dai QG, Wei CX, Gao H, Hu YJ, Cui PY, Li M, Huo ZY, Zhang HC*. The effects of chilling stress after anthesis onthe physicochemical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.)starch. Food Chemistry, 2017. (2016IF: 4.529; JCR二區TOP期刊)


[1] 韋存虛, 林令尚, 蔡燦輝. 一種蓮藕澱粉5級顆粒的純化方法. 專利號: ZL201510179660.5
[2] 韋存虛, 蔡燦輝, 趙凌霄. 一種穀物成熟種子的樹脂切片製作方法. 申請號: 201410743579.0
[3] 韋存虛, 蔡燦輝, 趙凌霄. 一種穀物種子胚乳細胞的形態學分析方法. 申請號: 201410811254.1
[4] 韋存虛, 趙凌霄, 潘婷, 王娟. 一種玉米成熟種子粉質胚乳指甲油輔助完整切片製作方法. 申請號: 201610021972.8
[5] 韋存虛, 范孝旭, 張龍. 一種從土圞兒塊根C-型澱粉中分離純化A-型澱粉粒的方法. 申請號: 201610654467.7
[6] 韋存虛, 林令尚, 張龍.一種高直鏈澱粉各組分含量的分析方法. 申請號: 201611012536.0
[7] 韋存虛, 何巍, 范孝旭.一種澱粉傅立葉變換衰減全反射紅外光譜樣品製備裝置及使用方法. 申請號: 201611177339.4
[8] 韋存虛, 何巍, 范孝旭, 王志峰. 一種澱粉小角X射線散射波譜參數的圖形分析方法. 申請號: 201710011976.2


