鞠高升,男,德州農工大學 (Texas A&M University) 經濟學博士,2011年9月進入復旦大學,現任復旦大學經濟學院講師。
- 中文名:鞠高升
- 職業:講師
- 性別:男
- 學位:經濟學博士
1. How to Bridge the Gap between Economics and Finance?(With Q. Li, Under Review, 2016);
2. Nonparametric Estimation of Structural Labor Supply and Exact Welfare Change under Nonconvex Piecewise-linear Budget Sets (with L. Gan and X. Zhu, Journal of Econometrics, 188 (2015), pp. 526-544);
3. Nonparametric Estimation of Multivariate CDF with Categorical and Continuous Data (with R. Li and Z. Liang, Advances in Econometrics, 2009);
4. Nonparametric Panel Estimation of Structural Labor Supply in the Presence of Nonlinear Budgets and Nonseparable Endogenous Unobserved Heterogeneity (with L. Gan and Q. Li, Under Revision, 2016);
5. The Declining Interstate Family Migration in the United States (with L. Gan and S. Zhu, Under Review, 2016);
6. Identifying Latent Grouped Patterns in Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects (With L. Su, Under Revision, 2016);
7. Conservative Coalitional Equilibrium (Working Paper, 2013);
8. Game-Theoretic Family Joint Labor Supply and Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation (In Progress);
9. An Estimation of the Coefficient of Relative Risk Aversion and the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution (In Progress);
10. Understanding the Volatility Smile in the Option Markets (In Progress);
11. Can Ambiguity and Ambiguity Aversion Explain the Equity Premium Puzzle? (In Progress);
12. Grouped Patterns in Predictability of Stock Returns. (In Progress);
目前為碩士和博士研究生開設:計量經濟學 I (碩博連讀)、高級計量經濟學 II (博)、個體經濟學實證專題--結構化經濟建模(碩/博)、非參數計量經濟學(碩/博)、資產定價和金融數據分析(金融專碩)。