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鞠峰, 湖北武漢人,特聘研究員,博士生導師,現為西湖大學工學院教師。


  • 中文名:鞠峰
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:香港大學、江漢大學
  • 職業:科研工作者,大學教師
  • 學歷:博士研究生


2008 年和 2011 年分別獲得江漢大學和華南理工大學環境工程學士與碩士學位


1.Ju F, Beck K, Yin X, McArdell Christa, Singer H, Johnson D, Zhang T, Buergmann H *. 2019. Wastewater treatment plant resistomes are shaped by bacterial composition, genetic exchange and up-regulated expression in the effluent.The ISME Journal13 (2), 346
2. Zhao F,Ju F, Huang K, Mao Y, Zhang XX, Ren H, Zhang T. 2019. Comprehensive insights into the key components of bacterial assemblages in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plants.Science of The Total Environment651, 2148-2157.
3.Ju F,Wang Y, Zhang T. 2018. Bioreactor microbial ecosystems with differentiated methanogenic phenol biodegradation and competitive metabolic pathways unraveled with genome-resolved metagenomics.Biotechnology for Biofuels11 (1), 135
4. Jiang XT, Ye L,Ju F,Wang YL, Zhang T*. 2018. Toward an intensive longitudinal understanding of activated sludge bacterial assembly and dynamics.Environmental Science & Technology.52 (15), 8224-8232
5.Ju F,Lau, F, Zhang T. 2017. Linking microbial community, environmental variables and methanogenesis in anaerobic biogas digesters of chemically enhanced primary treatment sludge.Environmental Science & Technology. 51 (7), 3982-3992
6. Hu AY,Ju F,Hou LY, Li JW, Yang XY, Wang HJ, Mulla SI, Sun Q, Bürgmann H, Yu CP. 2017. Strong impact of anthropogenic contamination on the co-occurrence patterns of a riverine microbial community.Environmental Microbiology.19(12):4993-5009.
7.Ju F,Li B, Ma LP, Wang YB, Huang DP, Zhang T. 2016. Antibiotic resistance genes and human bacterial pathogens: co-occurrence, removal, and enrichment in municipal sewage sludge digesters.Water Research. 91, 1-10
8.Ju F, Wang YB, Lau FTK, Fung WC, Huang DP, Xia Y, Zhang T. 2016. Anaerobic digestion of chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) sludge and the microbial community structure.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100 (20), 8975-8982
9.Ju F,Zhang T. 2015. Bacterial assembly and temporal dynamics in activated sludge of a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant.The ISME Journal. 9: 683-695
10.Ju F,Zhang T. 2015. Experimental design and bioinformatics analysis for the application of metagenomics in environmental sciences and biotechnology.Environmental Science & Technology. 49(21), 12628-12640
11.Ju F, Fang, HHP, Zhang T. 2015. Application of Metagenomics in Environmental Anaerobic Technology. Book chapter V of “Anaerobic Biotechnology: Environmental Protection and Resource Recovery”, published byImperial College Press
12. Li B,·Ju F,·Cai L,·Zhang T. 2015. Profile and fate of bacterial pathogens in sewage treatment plants revealed by high-throughput metagenomic approach.EnvironmentalScience & Technology.49 (17), 10492–10502 (equal contribution)
13. Li B, Yang Y, Ma LP,Ju F, Guo F, Tiedje J. Zhang T. 2015. Metagenomic and network analysis reveal wide distribution and co-occurrence of environmental antibiotic resistance genes.The ISME Journal. 9(11):2490-2502
14.Ju F, Xia Y, Guo F, Wang ZP, Zhang T. 2014. Taxonomic relatedness shapes bacterial assembly in activated sludge of globally distributed wastewater treatment plants.Environmental Microbiology.16(8):2421-2432
15.Ju F,Guo F, Ye L, Xia Y, Zhang T. 2014. Metagenomic analysis on seasonal microbial variations of activated sludge from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant over 4 years.Environmental microbiology reports6(1), 80-89


