鞏增泰,男,漢族, 1965年生,甘肅省甘谷縣人,博士後。西北師範大學數學與統計學院教授、數學系主任,博士研究生導師,甘肅省教學名師;現為中國生態經濟學會生態恢復專業委員會理事,中國系統工程學會模糊數學與系統委員會常務理事,甘肅省數學會模糊系統與數學專業委員會主任。
- 中文名:鞏增泰
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:實分析積分理論
2000年4月在哈爾濱工業大學獲理學博士學位,師從著名數學家吳從炘教授;曾於1991年在新加坡國立大學與原國際數學教育委員會副主席李秉彝(Dr. Lee Pengyee)博士進行合作研究;2003年受香港理工大學計算學系(Department of Computing)講座教授(Chair Professor)楊蘇博士(Dr. Daniel Yeung)(楊教授為IEEE院士 (Fellow)) 的邀請,在香港理工大學進行合作研究;2000年9月至2003年5月在中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所博士後流動站工作,合作導師為程國棟院士。
1.主持國家自然科學基金項目“高維模糊數值函式分析學、模糊凸分析與最佳化理論”(11461062) (2015.01-2018.12);
6.主持甘肅省自然科學基金項目“模糊數、粗糙集理論及其套用模型研究(0803RJZA108)” (2009.01-2010.12);
7.主持甘肅省自然科學基金項目“非絕對模糊積分理論與非連續模糊微分方程(3ZS041-A25-004)” (2006.01-2007.12);
8.主持甘肅省自然科學基金項目——“模糊分析學的研究及其套用”的研究(ZS011-A25-012-Z) (2003.01-2004.12);
9.主持甘肅省教育廳基金項目“模糊數、粗糙集理論及其套用模型研究(0601-20)” (2006.01-2008.12);
10.主持西北師範大學第三期“知識與科技創新工程”自然科學類第三批項目“不確定性的數學理論及其套用模型研究”(nwnu-kjcxgc-03-61) (2010.01-2013.12);
13.參與西北師範大學數學系丁傳松教授主持的教改項目——“實分析課程教學改革與研究” 的研究,獲甘肅省政府頒發的教學成果一等獎;
18.主持西北師範大學科技創新工程 (NWNU-KJCXGC-212)子項目——“模糊數學的研究及其套用”;
6.主持甘肅省自然科學基金項目“模糊數、粗糙集理論及其套用模型研究(0803RJZA108)” (2009.01-2010.12);
7.主持甘肅省自然科學基金項目“非絕對模糊積分理論與非連續模糊微分方程(3ZS041-A25-004)” (2006.01-2007.12);
8.主持甘肅省自然科學基金項目——“模糊分析學的研究及其套用”的研究(ZS011-A25-012-Z) (2003.01-2004.12);
9.主持甘肅省教育廳基金項目“模糊數、粗糙集理論及其套用模型研究(0601-20)” (2006.01-2008.12);
10.主持西北師範大學第三期“知識與科技創新工程”自然科學類第三批項目“不確定性的數學理論及其套用模型研究”(nwnu-kjcxgc-03-61) (2010.01-2013.12);
13.參與西北師範大學數學系丁傳松教授主持的教改項目——“實分析課程教學改革與研究” 的研究,獲甘肅省政府頒發的教學成果一等獎;
18.主持西北師範大學科技創新工程 (NWNU-KJCXGC-212)子項目——“模糊數學的研究及其套用”;
1.2015年, 主持完成的“模糊積分集成運算元與模糊信息融合器設計”獲2015年度甘肅省高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎——自然科學獎3等獎;
2.2014年, 主持完成的“信息集成的數學理論及其數值計算方法”獲2014年度甘肅省高校科技進步2等獎;
7.2009 年9月,獲西北師範大學第4屆學生最喜歡的教師;
9.2007年,指導全國大學生數學建模兩隊, 國家2等獎1項,甘肅省省級1等獎;
14.2004年, 獲甘肅省高校青年教師成才獎;
22.丁傳松,李寶鱗,鞏增泰,馬振民,1995年—1996年,教改項目——“實分析課程教學改革與研究” 的研究,獲1996年度甘肅省省政府頒發的教學成果一等獎;
2.2014年, 主持完成的“信息集成的數學理論及其數值計算方法”獲2014年度甘肅省高校科技進步2等獎;
7.2009 年9月,獲西北師範大學第4屆學生最喜歡的教師;
9.2007年,指導全國大學生數學建模兩隊, 國家2等獎1項,甘肅省省級1等獎;
14.2004年, 獲甘肅省高校青年教師成才獎;
22.丁傳松,李寶鱗,鞏增泰,馬振民,1995年—1996年,教改項目——“實分析課程教學改革與研究” 的研究,獲1996年度甘肅省省政府頒發的教學成果一等獎;
1. Zeng-Tai Gong, Xue Feng,αβ-statistical convergence and strong αβ-convergence of γ-order for a sequence of fuzzy numbers, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 21(2) (2016) 228-236 (SCI)
2. Zengtai Gong, Hong Yang, Ill-posed fuzzy initial-boundarry value problems based on generalized differentiability and regularization, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 295 (2016) 99–113 (SCI)
3.Zengtai Gong, Shexiang Hai, The convexity of n-dimensional fuzzy-number-valued functions and its applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 295 (2016) 19–36 (SCI)
4.Zengtai Gong, Runli Chai, Covering multigranulation trapezoidal fuzzydecision-theoretic rough fuzzy set models and applications, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 31 (2016) 1621–1633 (SCI)
5. Zengtai Gong, Lu Zhang, Xinyun Zhu, The statistical convergence for sequences of fuzzy-number-valued functions, Information Sciences 295 (2015) 182–195 (SCI)
6. Muawya Elsheikh Hamid, Zeng-Tai Gong, The characterizations of McShane integral and Henstock integrals for fuzzy-number-valued functions with a small Riemann sum on a small set, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 19(5) (2015) 830-836 (SCI)
7. Zeng-tai Gong, Xiao-xia Liu, Xue Feng, Almost ideal statistical convergence and strongly almost ideal lacunary convergence of sequences of fuzzy numbers with respect to the Orlicz functions, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 19(5) (2015) 418-425 (SCI)
8. Zeng-tai Gong, and Ting Xie, Pseudo-differentiability, Pseudo-integrability and Nonlinear Differential Equations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 16(4) (2014) 713-721. (SCI)
9. Zengtai Gong, and Xiaoxia Zhang, Difference Methods for a Fuzzy Two-Dimensional Parabolic Equation with Variable Coefficients and Non-Local Boundary Conditions, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 17(3) (2014) 595-608. (SCI)
10.Zeng-tai Gong, Yu-juan Bai, Wen-qing Pan, Preinvex Fuzzy-Valued Function and Its Application in Fuzzy Optimization, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 211 (2014) 31-42 (EI)
11.Ya-bin Shao, Huan-huan Zhang, Zeng-tai Gong, The Generalized Solution for Initial Problems of Fuzzy Discontinuous Differential Equations, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 211 (2014) 229-140 (EI)
12.Zengtai Gong, Xiaobin Guo, Kun Liu, Approximate solution of dual fuzzy matrix equations, Information Sciences, 266 (2014) 112–133 (SCI)
13.Zengtai Gong, Li Chen, Gang Duan, Choquet integral of fuzzy-number-valued functions, the differentiability of the primitive with respect to fuzzy measures and Choquet integral equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 953893, 11 pages (SCI)
14.Zengtai Gong, Shexiang Hai, The interval-valued trapezoidal approximation of interval-valued fuzzy numbers and its application in fuzzy risk analysis, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 254853, 22 pages (SCI)
15.Zengtai Gong, Kun Liu, The Generalized LR-Fuzzy Numbers and its Application in Fully Fuzzy Linear Systems, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 15(1) (2013)133-141 (SCI)
16. Kun Liu, Zengtai Gong, Numerical solution of fully fuzzy linear matrix equations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 15(6) (2013) 1026-1035 (SCI)
17. Li Chen, Zengtai Gong, Duan Gang, Genetic algorithm optimization for determining fuzzy measures from fuzzy data, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2013, Article ID 542153, 11 pages (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/542153) (SCI)
18.Zengtai Gong, Liangliang Wang, The Henstock-Stieltjes Integral for Fuzzy-number-valued Functions, Information Sciences 2012, 188: 276–297 (SCI)
19.Gong Zengtai, Guo Xiaobin, Inconsistent fuzzy matrix equations and its fuzzy least squares solutions, Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1456–1469 (SCI)
20.Zengtai Gong, Yabin Shao The Controlled Convergence Theorems for the Strongly Henstock Integrals of Fuzzy-Number-valued Functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160 (2009) 1528–1546 (SCI)
21.Zengtai Gong, Yabin Shao, Global Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Fuzzy Differential Equations under Dissipative-type Conditions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 56(2008)2716-2723(SCI檢索)
22.Zeng-tai Gong, Hong-xia Li, Saddle point optimality conditions in fuzzy optimization problems, Advances in Soft Computing 54: Fuzzy Information and Engineering (Janusz Kacprzyk Eds.), BerLin Heidelberg:Springer,7-14
23.Chen Li, Gong Zengtai, Duan Gang, On the Probability in Sugeno Measure Space Based on /sigma-/lambda Rules, Int. J. of Pure and Applications 49(1)(2008) 21-27
24.Zengtai Gong, Ling Wang, The numerical calculus of expectations of fuzzy random variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(2007)722-738 (SCI)
25.Wangling, Gong Zengtai, The Perron integral of fuzzy-valued functions: background, definition and characterizations. Int. J. of Pure and Applications 19(3) (2005) 321-336
26.Gong Zengtai, On the problem of characterizing derivatives for the fuzzy-valued functions (II): almost everywhere differentiability and strong Henstock integral, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 145 (2004) 381-393 (SCI、EI)
27.Wangling, Gong Zengtai, The Perron integral of fuzzy-valued functions: background, definition and characterizations. Int. J. of Pure and Applications 19(3) (2005) 321-336
28.Gong Zengtai, Wu Congxin, Li Baolin, On the problem of characterizing derivatives for the fuzzy-valued functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 127 (2002) 315-322 (SCI、EI)
29.Gong Zengtai, Wu Congxin, Bounded variation, absolute continuity and absolute integrability for fuzzy-number-valued functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 128 (2002) 132-140 (SCI)
30.Gong Zengtai, The convergence theorems for the McShane integral of fuzzy-valued functions , South-east Asian Bulletin of Math. (2003)27(1):55-62
31.Gong Zengtai, A new characterization theorem for Henstock-Kurzweil integrals, South-east Asian Bulletin of Math. 27(3) (2003): 445-450
32.Wu Congxin, Gong Zengtai, On Henstock integrals of interval-valued functions and fuzzy-valued functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 115 (2000) 377-391 (SCI)
33.Wu Congxin, Gong Zengtai, On Henstock integrals of fuzzy number valued functions (I), Fuzzy Sets and Systems Fuzzy Sets and Systems 120 (2001) 523-532 (SCI)
34.Gong Zengtai, Wu Congxin, The McShane integral of fuzzy-valued functions, South-east Asian Bulletin of Math. 24 (2000) 365-373 (SCI)
35.Wu Congxin, Gong Zengtai, K.P. Shum, The characteristic theorems for the primitives of non-absolute integrals of fuzzy-valued functions, The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium
2. Zengtai Gong, Hong Yang, Ill-posed fuzzy initial-boundarry value problems based on generalized differentiability and regularization, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 295 (2016) 99–113 (SCI)
3.Zengtai Gong, Shexiang Hai, The convexity of n-dimensional fuzzy-number-valued functions and its applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 295 (2016) 19–36 (SCI)
4.Zengtai Gong, Runli Chai, Covering multigranulation trapezoidal fuzzydecision-theoretic rough fuzzy set models and applications, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 31 (2016) 1621–1633 (SCI)
5. Zengtai Gong, Lu Zhang, Xinyun Zhu, The statistical convergence for sequences of fuzzy-number-valued functions, Information Sciences 295 (2015) 182–195 (SCI)
6. Muawya Elsheikh Hamid, Zeng-Tai Gong, The characterizations of McShane integral and Henstock integrals for fuzzy-number-valued functions with a small Riemann sum on a small set, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 19(5) (2015) 830-836 (SCI)
7. Zeng-tai Gong, Xiao-xia Liu, Xue Feng, Almost ideal statistical convergence and strongly almost ideal lacunary convergence of sequences of fuzzy numbers with respect to the Orlicz functions, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 19(5) (2015) 418-425 (SCI)
8. Zeng-tai Gong, and Ting Xie, Pseudo-differentiability, Pseudo-integrability and Nonlinear Differential Equations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 16(4) (2014) 713-721. (SCI)
9. Zengtai Gong, and Xiaoxia Zhang, Difference Methods for a Fuzzy Two-Dimensional Parabolic Equation with Variable Coefficients and Non-Local Boundary Conditions, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 17(3) (2014) 595-608. (SCI)
10.Zeng-tai Gong, Yu-juan Bai, Wen-qing Pan, Preinvex Fuzzy-Valued Function and Its Application in Fuzzy Optimization, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 211 (2014) 31-42 (EI)
11.Ya-bin Shao, Huan-huan Zhang, Zeng-tai Gong, The Generalized Solution for Initial Problems of Fuzzy Discontinuous Differential Equations, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 211 (2014) 229-140 (EI)
12.Zengtai Gong, Xiaobin Guo, Kun Liu, Approximate solution of dual fuzzy matrix equations, Information Sciences, 266 (2014) 112–133 (SCI)
13.Zengtai Gong, Li Chen, Gang Duan, Choquet integral of fuzzy-number-valued functions, the differentiability of the primitive with respect to fuzzy measures and Choquet integral equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 953893, 11 pages (SCI)
14.Zengtai Gong, Shexiang Hai, The interval-valued trapezoidal approximation of interval-valued fuzzy numbers and its application in fuzzy risk analysis, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 254853, 22 pages (SCI)
15.Zengtai Gong, Kun Liu, The Generalized LR-Fuzzy Numbers and its Application in Fully Fuzzy Linear Systems, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 15(1) (2013)133-141 (SCI)
16. Kun Liu, Zengtai Gong, Numerical solution of fully fuzzy linear matrix equations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 15(6) (2013) 1026-1035 (SCI)
17. Li Chen, Zengtai Gong, Duan Gang, Genetic algorithm optimization for determining fuzzy measures from fuzzy data, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2013, Article ID 542153, 11 pages (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/542153) (SCI)
18.Zengtai Gong, Liangliang Wang, The Henstock-Stieltjes Integral for Fuzzy-number-valued Functions, Information Sciences 2012, 188: 276–297 (SCI)
19.Gong Zengtai, Guo Xiaobin, Inconsistent fuzzy matrix equations and its fuzzy least squares solutions, Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2011) 1456–1469 (SCI)
20.Zengtai Gong, Yabin Shao The Controlled Convergence Theorems for the Strongly Henstock Integrals of Fuzzy-Number-valued Functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160 (2009) 1528–1546 (SCI)
21.Zengtai Gong, Yabin Shao, Global Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Fuzzy Differential Equations under Dissipative-type Conditions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 56(2008)2716-2723(SCI檢索)
22.Zeng-tai Gong, Hong-xia Li, Saddle point optimality conditions in fuzzy optimization problems, Advances in Soft Computing 54: Fuzzy Information and Engineering (Janusz Kacprzyk Eds.), BerLin Heidelberg:Springer,7-14
23.Chen Li, Gong Zengtai, Duan Gang, On the Probability in Sugeno Measure Space Based on /sigma-/lambda Rules, Int. J. of Pure and Applications 49(1)(2008) 21-27
24.Zengtai Gong, Ling Wang, The numerical calculus of expectations of fuzzy random variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(2007)722-738 (SCI)
25.Wangling, Gong Zengtai, The Perron integral of fuzzy-valued functions: background, definition and characterizations. Int. J. of Pure and Applications 19(3) (2005) 321-336
26.Gong Zengtai, On the problem of characterizing derivatives for the fuzzy-valued functions (II): almost everywhere differentiability and strong Henstock integral, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 145 (2004) 381-393 (SCI、EI)
27.Wangling, Gong Zengtai, The Perron integral of fuzzy-valued functions: background, definition and characterizations. Int. J. of Pure and Applications 19(3) (2005) 321-336
28.Gong Zengtai, Wu Congxin, Li Baolin, On the problem of characterizing derivatives for the fuzzy-valued functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 127 (2002) 315-322 (SCI、EI)
29.Gong Zengtai, Wu Congxin, Bounded variation, absolute continuity and absolute integrability for fuzzy-number-valued functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 128 (2002) 132-140 (SCI)
30.Gong Zengtai, The convergence theorems for the McShane integral of fuzzy-valued functions , South-east Asian Bulletin of Math. (2003)27(1):55-62
31.Gong Zengtai, A new characterization theorem for Henstock-Kurzweil integrals, South-east Asian Bulletin of Math. 27(3) (2003): 445-450
32.Wu Congxin, Gong Zengtai, On Henstock integrals of interval-valued functions and fuzzy-valued functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 115 (2000) 377-391 (SCI)
33.Wu Congxin, Gong Zengtai, On Henstock integrals of fuzzy number valued functions (I), Fuzzy Sets and Systems Fuzzy Sets and Systems 120 (2001) 523-532 (SCI)
34.Gong Zengtai, Wu Congxin, The McShane integral of fuzzy-valued functions, South-east Asian Bulletin of Math. 24 (2000) 365-373 (SCI)
35.Wu Congxin, Gong Zengtai, K.P. Shum, The characteristic theorems for the primitives of non-absolute integrals of fuzzy-valued functions, The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium
1.Zengtai Gong, Qian Wang, Fuzzy share functions for cooperative fuzzy games, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 21(3) (2016) 597-607(SCI)
2.Zengtai Gong, Xiaoxia Zhang, The further investigation of variable precision intuitionistic fuzzy rough set model, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (DOI 10.1007/s13042-016-0528-9) (SCI)
3.Zengtai Gong, Xiaoxia Zhang, On characterization of soft fuzzy rough sets based on a pair of implicators, Fundamenta Informaticae 137 (2015) 457–491 (SCI)
4.Zhan-hong Shi, and Zeng-tai Gong, Measuring Fuzziness of Generalized Fuzzy Rough Sets Induced by Pseudo-Operations, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 16(1) (2014) 56-66. (SCI)
5.Zengtai Gong, Lei Tao, Rough set theory for the incomplete interval valued fuzzy information systems, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 26 (2014) 889–900 (SCI)
6.Zengtai Gong, Xiaoxia Zhang, Variable precision intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets model and its application, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 5(2) (2014) 263-280 (SCI)
7.Zengtai Gong, Wei Zhao, Ying Qi, Lei Tao, Similarity and ( )-equalities of intuitionistic fuzzy choice functions based on triangular norms, Knowledge-Based Systems 53 (2013) 185–200 (SCI)
8.Zengtai Gong, Zhanhong Shi, Hongxia Yao, VARIABLE PRECISION ROUGH SET MODEL FOR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ITS REDUCTS, Computing and Informatics (formerly Computers and Artificial Intelligence), Vol. 31(6+), 2012, 1385–1399(SCI)
9.Zengtai Gong, Zhiyong Xiao, Communicating between information systems based on including degrees, International Journal of General Systems 39 ( 2) 2010: 189–206(SCI)
10.Zhanhong Shi, Zengtai Gong, The Further Investigation of Covering Rough Sets: Uncertainty Characterization, Similarity Measure and Applied Models, Information Sciences 180 (2010) 3745–3763 (SCI)
11.Shi Zhanhong, Gong Zengtai, Knowledge Reduction and Knowledge Significance Measure Based on Covering Rough Sets,Int. J. of Pure and Applications 48 (1) 2008: 1-9
12. Zengtai Gong, Bingzhen Sun,Rough Set Theory on the Interval-valued Fuzzy Information Systems,Information Science 178(2008)1968-1985(SCI)
13.Bingzhen Sun,Zengtai Gong, Fuzzy Rough Set Theory on the Interval-valued Fuzzy Information Systems,Information Science 178 (2008) 2794-2815(SCI)
1.Zengtai Gong, Yongping Guo, Homomorphisms Between the Covering Information Systems, 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15), pp.923-927
2.Zeng-tai Gong, Yu-juan Bai, Wen-qing Pan, Preinvex Fuzzy-Valued Function and Its Application in Fuzzy Optimization, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 211 (2014) 31-42
3.ZENG-TAI GONG, ZHAN-HONG SHI, YA-BIN SHAO, ON CHARACTERIZATION OF FUZZY ROUGH SETS BASED ON PSEUDO-OPERATIONS, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xi’an, 15-18 July 2012, pp 226-232,
4.ZHAN-HONG SHI,ZENG-TAI GONG, A NOVEL SIMILARITY MEASURE OF INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY SETS INDUCED BY TRIANGULAR NORM,Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xi’an, 15-18 July 2012, pp 233-237
5.YA-BIN SHAO, ZENG-TAI GONG, THE CONVERGENCE THEOREMS OF THE MCSHANE-STIELTJES INTEGRAL FOR FUZZY-NUMBER-VALUED FUNCTIONS, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xi’an, 15-18 July 2012, pp 238-242
6.Zengtai Gong, Ting Xie, A multiparameter group decision making method based on the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy soft set, Proceedings of the Eight-th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guilin, 11-14 July 2011, pp125-130.
7.XIAO-BIN GUO, ZENG-TAI GONG, Undetermined coefficients method for solving semi-fuzzy matrix equation,Proceedings of the Eight-th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 11-14 July 2010, pp596-600
8.ZENG-TAI GONG, Liu Kun, Fuzzy approximate solution of General fully fuzzy linear systems based on GLR-fuzzy numbers, Proceedings of the Eight-th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 11-14 July 2010, pp567-570
9.ZENG-TAI GONG, YAN MA, Multicriteria Fuzzy Decision Making Method under Interval-valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Baoding, 12-15 July 2009, Page 728-731
10.ZHAN-HONG SHI, ZENG-TAI GONG, THE SIMILARITY MEASURE BETWEEN COVERING ROUGH SETS BASED ON TRIANGULAR NORMS, IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008, KunMing,Page 2417-2420
11.ZENG-TAI GONG, ZHAN-HONG SHI, THE TOPSIS METHOD BASED ON COVERING ROUGH SETS,IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008, KunMing, Page 2430-2433
12.Zengtai Gong, Yabin Shao, The Decomposition and Representation Theorem of Rough Fuzzy Set, 2008 International Symposium on Information Proceeding, 23-25, May 2008, Moscow RussiaS
13.ZENG-TAI GONG , BING-ZHEN SUN, PROBABILITY ROUGH SETS MODEL BETWEEN DIFFERENT UNIVERSES AND ITS APPLICATIONS Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Kunming, 12-15 July 2008, Page 561-565
14.Zeng-Tai Gong,Bing-Zhen Sun,Two rough set operators based on the neighborhood systems and its applications,IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2007, HongKong 3752-3757
15.ZHAN-HONG SHI, ZENG-TAI GONG, THE SIMILARITY MEASURE BETWEEN COVERING ROUGH SETS BASED ON TRIANGULAR NORMS, IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008, KunMing,Page 2417-2420
16.ZENG-TAI GONG, ZHAN-HONG SHI, THE TOPSIS METHOD BASED ON COVERING ROUGH SETS,IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008, KunMing, Page 2430-2433
17.ZENG-TAI GONG , BING-ZHEN SUN, PROBABILITY ROUGH SETS MODEL BETWEEN DIFFERENT UNIVERSES AND ITS APPLICATIONS Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Kunming, 12-15 July 2008, Page 561-565
18.LI-CHEN, ZENG-TAI GONG, GANG-DUAN, THE SUGENO INTEGRAL AND ITS APPLICATIONS OF NONADDITIVE SET FUNCTIONS BASED ON $/sigma-/lambda$ RULES, IEEE On The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'08) 25-27 August 2008, Jinan, China
19.Zeng-Tai Gong,Bing-Zhen Sun,Two rough set operators based on the neighborhood systems and its applications,IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2007, HongKong 3752-3757 (EI, ISTP)
20.Bing-Zhen Sun, Zeng-Tai Gong, The fuzzy description of the boundary region in rough sets and its applications, IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2007, HongKong 3648-3653 (EI, ISTP)
21. Zeng-tai Gong, Bing-zhen Sun, Zhong-min Xu, Ai-hua Long, The Rough Set Analysis Approach to Water Resources Allocation Decisions in the Inland River Basin of Arid Regions, IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2005, 3179-3182
22.Zengtai Gong, Bingzhen Sun, Zhong-min Xu, Zhiqiang Zhang, The Rough Set Analysis Approach to Water Resources Allocation Decision in the Inland River Basin of Arid Regions (II): The Conflict Analysis of Satisfaction of the Decision, IEEE On Tranc. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2006. 1358-1361
23.Wu Congxin, Gong Zengtai, K.P. Shum, The characteristic theorems for the primitives of non-absolute integrals of fuzzy-valued functions, The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposiu
1.鞏增泰, 雷文婧, 基於σ-λ 律非可加測度的移動加權平均方法, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版) 2016, 52(5):
2.鞏增泰, 賈永, 完備格上基於t運算元的直覺模糊粗糙集模型, 雲南大學學報(自然科學版),2016, 38(4): 515-523
3.鞏增泰,柴潤麗, 覆蓋多粒度梯形模糊數決策理論粗糙集模型, 計算機工程與套用, 2016,52(14): 78-83
4.鞏增泰, 魏朝琦, 集值函式關於非可加集值測度的Choquet積分, 山東大學學報(自然科學版)50(4) (2015) 14-23
5.鞏增泰, 趙文翠, 完全模糊線性規劃及其近似計算, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版) 50(4) (2014) 546-551
6.鞏增泰, 張小蕾, 對數copulas函式與一類推廣的Frank方程, 雲南大學學報(自然科學版) 36 (4) (2014): 455-463
7.鞏增泰, 王芳弟, Vague集的擴展及其在模糊近似空間中的粗糙近似, 工程數學學報, 30(5) (2013) 683-694
8.鞏增泰, 齊穎, 基於Archimedean三角模的廣義直覺模糊不確定語言變數集成方法, 山東大學學報 48(3) (2013)53-63
9.鞏增泰,白玉娟,模糊數值函式的距離導數和模糊有界變差函式全變差的積分表示,數學學報(中文版) 54 (4) (2011) 633-642
10.鞏增泰, 陶蕾, 不完備區間值模糊信息系統的粗糙集理論, 計算機套用研究 47 (13)(1) (2011) 25-29
11.鞏增泰, 張璐, 模糊數值函式的統計收斂, 一致統計收斂及等度統計收斂, 雲南大學學報(自然科學版)33 (4) (2011) 383-388
12.鞏增泰, 趙偉, 基於對偶三角模的直覺模糊粗糙集模型, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版)47(6) (2011) 84-92
13.鞏增泰, 馬延, 覆蓋直覺粗糙集模型, 計算機工程與套用 46 (3) (2010): 42-45
14.鞏增泰,李紅霞,模糊數值函式的微分和梯度及其套用,高校套用數學學報 2010, 25(2): 229-238
15.鞏增泰, 郭永平, 史戰紅, 廣義信息系統的屬性約簡, 計算機工程與套用,2010, 46 (23) 34-37
16.鞏增泰, 王亮亮, 模糊數值函式的 Henstock-Stieltjes 積分, 蘭州大學學報,46(4)(2010)89-96
17.謝婷,鞏增泰,模糊測度的廣義可加性、轉化定理和可加性估計,山東大學學報, 2010, 45(10) 53-60
18.鞏增泰,劉坤,完全模糊線性系統解的討論,蘭州大學學報 45(1)(2009)78-82
20.鞏增泰, 郭元偉, 區間值和模糊數值函式的Choquet積分及其性質, 蘭州大學學報, 2009, 45(4):112-117
21.鞏增泰, 陳莉, 基於σ-λ 律的Sugeno測度及其可加性誤差估計, 模糊系統與數學 22 (2) (2008) 126-129
22.鞏增泰, 史戰紅, 基於覆蓋關係的機率粗糙集模型及其Bayes決策, 模糊系統與數學22 (4) (2008)142-148
23.Gong Zengtai, Nonabsolute Fuzzy Integrals, Absolute Integrability and Its Absolute-value Inequality,數學研究與評論28(3)(2008) 479-488
24.鞏增泰,趙乖霞,模糊直線上模糊數值函式的Henstock積分,雲南大學學報 30(6)(2008)541-548
25.鞏增泰, 李紅霞, 直覺模糊數的表示和結構刻劃, 工程數學學報 25(6)(2008)1102-1106
26.Gong Zengtai, A new fuzzy arithmetic and its applications, 模糊系統與數學 22 (5) (2008) 101-108
27.Gong Zengtai, Kong Fangdi, H-difference, H-differentiability and H-differentiability for Fuzzy Valued Functions, 數學研究與評論 27(1)(2007) 35-40
28.鞏增泰,孫秉珍,邵亞斌,陳得剛,一般關係下的變精度粗糙集模型,蘭州大學學報 (自然科學版)41(6) (2005) 110-114
29.鞏增泰, Henstock引理,導函式的可積性,積分原函式的可導性, 數學的實踐與認識35(9) (2005) 148-154
30.鞏增泰,吳沖,陳得剛, 模糊數空間的序、距離和確界問題,蘭州大學學報(自然科學版)42(4) (2006) 95-100
31.鞏增泰, 模糊有界變差函式及其可導性, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版)39(3) (2003) 17-21
32.鞏增泰, 實數完備性的另一個刻劃及其套用——從實分析非絕對積分理論中的 -精細分法說起, 數學的實踐與認識34(1) (2004) 157-163
33.鞏增泰, Henstock引理,導函式的可積性,積分原函式的可導性, 數學的實踐與認識35(9) (2005) 148-154
34.鞏增泰,模糊數值函式的強可導性、連續性、局部平均McShane 可積性,模糊系統與數學16 (4) (2002): 45-52
35.鞏增泰,模糊數值函式積分原函式的可導性問題, 模糊系統與數學(2003)(2) 17:48-52
36.鞏增泰, 徐中民,乾旱區內陸河流域水資源管理配置數學模型, 冰川凍土,2002(4)380-386
37.Gong Zengtai, Discontinuous fuzzy systems and fuzzy Henstock integral, 模糊系統與數學 16 (2002) 211-214
38.鞏增泰, 實數完備性的另一個刻劃及其套用——從實分析非絕對積分理論中的 -精細分法說起, 數學的實踐與認識 34(1)(2004)157-163
39.鞏增泰,吳從炘,模糊數值函式Henstock積分的原函式刻畫,模糊系統與數學 14(4)(2000)24-30
40.鞏增泰,吳從炘,模糊數值函式Henstock積分的收斂定理,模糊系統與數學 15(1)(2001)15-23
2.鞏增泰, 賈永, 完備格上基於t運算元的直覺模糊粗糙集模型, 雲南大學學報(自然科學版),2016, 38(4): 515-523
3.鞏增泰,柴潤麗, 覆蓋多粒度梯形模糊數決策理論粗糙集模型, 計算機工程與套用, 2016,52(14): 78-83
4.鞏增泰, 魏朝琦, 集值函式關於非可加集值測度的Choquet積分, 山東大學學報(自然科學版)50(4) (2015) 14-23
5.鞏增泰, 趙文翠, 完全模糊線性規劃及其近似計算, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版) 50(4) (2014) 546-551
6.鞏增泰, 張小蕾, 對數copulas函式與一類推廣的Frank方程, 雲南大學學報(自然科學版) 36 (4) (2014): 455-463
7.鞏增泰, 王芳弟, Vague集的擴展及其在模糊近似空間中的粗糙近似, 工程數學學報, 30(5) (2013) 683-694
8.鞏增泰, 齊穎, 基於Archimedean三角模的廣義直覺模糊不確定語言變數集成方法, 山東大學學報 48(3) (2013)53-63
9.鞏增泰,白玉娟,模糊數值函式的距離導數和模糊有界變差函式全變差的積分表示,數學學報(中文版) 54 (4) (2011) 633-642
10.鞏增泰, 陶蕾, 不完備區間值模糊信息系統的粗糙集理論, 計算機套用研究 47 (13)(1) (2011) 25-29
11.鞏增泰, 張璐, 模糊數值函式的統計收斂, 一致統計收斂及等度統計收斂, 雲南大學學報(自然科學版)33 (4) (2011) 383-388
12.鞏增泰, 趙偉, 基於對偶三角模的直覺模糊粗糙集模型, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版)47(6) (2011) 84-92
13.鞏增泰, 馬延, 覆蓋直覺粗糙集模型, 計算機工程與套用 46 (3) (2010): 42-45
14.鞏增泰,李紅霞,模糊數值函式的微分和梯度及其套用,高校套用數學學報 2010, 25(2): 229-238
15.鞏增泰, 郭永平, 史戰紅, 廣義信息系統的屬性約簡, 計算機工程與套用,2010, 46 (23) 34-37
16.鞏增泰, 王亮亮, 模糊數值函式的 Henstock-Stieltjes 積分, 蘭州大學學報,46(4)(2010)89-96
17.謝婷,鞏增泰,模糊測度的廣義可加性、轉化定理和可加性估計,山東大學學報, 2010, 45(10) 53-60
18.鞏增泰,劉坤,完全模糊線性系統解的討論,蘭州大學學報 45(1)(2009)78-82
20.鞏增泰, 郭元偉, 區間值和模糊數值函式的Choquet積分及其性質, 蘭州大學學報, 2009, 45(4):112-117
21.鞏增泰, 陳莉, 基於σ-λ 律的Sugeno測度及其可加性誤差估計, 模糊系統與數學 22 (2) (2008) 126-129
22.鞏增泰, 史戰紅, 基於覆蓋關係的機率粗糙集模型及其Bayes決策, 模糊系統與數學22 (4) (2008)142-148
23.Gong Zengtai, Nonabsolute Fuzzy Integrals, Absolute Integrability and Its Absolute-value Inequality,數學研究與評論28(3)(2008) 479-488
24.鞏增泰,趙乖霞,模糊直線上模糊數值函式的Henstock積分,雲南大學學報 30(6)(2008)541-548
25.鞏增泰, 李紅霞, 直覺模糊數的表示和結構刻劃, 工程數學學報 25(6)(2008)1102-1106
26.Gong Zengtai, A new fuzzy arithmetic and its applications, 模糊系統與數學 22 (5) (2008) 101-108
27.Gong Zengtai, Kong Fangdi, H-difference, H-differentiability and H-differentiability for Fuzzy Valued Functions, 數學研究與評論 27(1)(2007) 35-40
28.鞏增泰,孫秉珍,邵亞斌,陳得剛,一般關係下的變精度粗糙集模型,蘭州大學學報 (自然科學版)41(6) (2005) 110-114
29.鞏增泰, Henstock引理,導函式的可積性,積分原函式的可導性, 數學的實踐與認識35(9) (2005) 148-154
30.鞏增泰,吳沖,陳得剛, 模糊數空間的序、距離和確界問題,蘭州大學學報(自然科學版)42(4) (2006) 95-100
31.鞏增泰, 模糊有界變差函式及其可導性, 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版)39(3) (2003) 17-21
32.鞏增泰, 實數完備性的另一個刻劃及其套用——從實分析非絕對積分理論中的 -精細分法說起, 數學的實踐與認識34(1) (2004) 157-163
33.鞏增泰, Henstock引理,導函式的可積性,積分原函式的可導性, 數學的實踐與認識35(9) (2005) 148-154
34.鞏增泰,模糊數值函式的強可導性、連續性、局部平均McShane 可積性,模糊系統與數學16 (4) (2002): 45-52
35.鞏增泰,模糊數值函式積分原函式的可導性問題, 模糊系統與數學(2003)(2) 17:48-52
36.鞏增泰, 徐中民,乾旱區內陸河流域水資源管理配置數學模型, 冰川凍土,2002(4)380-386
37.Gong Zengtai, Discontinuous fuzzy systems and fuzzy Henstock integral, 模糊系統與數學 16 (2002) 211-214
38.鞏增泰, 實數完備性的另一個刻劃及其套用——從實分析非絕對積分理論中的 -精細分法說起, 數學的實踐與認識 34(1)(2004)157-163
39.鞏增泰,吳從炘,模糊數值函式Henstock積分的原函式刻畫,模糊系統與數學 14(4)(2000)24-30
40.鞏增泰,吳從炘,模糊數值函式Henstock積分的收斂定理,模糊系統與數學 15(1)(2001)15-23
1. 鞏增泰, 馮雪, 幾類基於Orlicz 函式及強缺項收斂的模糊數列空間,陝西師範大學學報(自然科學版) 43(1) (2015) 1-7
2. 鞏增泰,柴潤麗, 基於區間值模糊機率測度的多粒度區間值決策粗糙集模型, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)51(6) (2015): 21-27
3. 鞏增泰, 馮雪, 模糊數列的加權收斂和加權統計收斂, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版) 50(5) (2014) 1-6
4. 鞏增泰,王芳弟, 廣義Vague粗糙集的公理化刻劃,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版),49(2) (2013) 1-4
5. 鞏增泰, 白玉娟, 預不變凸模糊數值函式及其套用, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)2010,46(1):1-6
6. 鞏增泰,劉坤,對偶完全模糊線性系統的模糊近似解, 蘭州理工大學學報, 2009, 35(3) 150-155
7. 劉坤,鞏增泰,兩類特殊的完全模糊線性系統的模糊近似解, 黑龍江大學學報, 2009, 26(4) 445-448
8. 史戰紅, 鞏增泰, 基於覆蓋的區間值粗糙模糊集模型, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)44(1)(2008)15-20
9. 趙乖霞,鞏增泰,模糊數值函式列的弱一致可積性與收斂性, 西北師範大學學報 44(5)(2008) 13-16
10. 鞏增泰,肖志勇,完全模糊線性規劃的近似解,蘭州理工大學學報 25 (5) (2008) 151-15
11. 劉坤, 鞏增泰, 廣義完全模糊線性系統解的討論, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)44 (6) (2008) 6-10
12. 李娟,鞏增泰, 維模糊數值函式的Denjoy積分, 甘肅科學學報19(1)(2007)39-43
13. 鞏增泰,姚紅霞, 李娟, 孫秉珍, 基於Rough 集屬性重要度的模糊聚類決策方法及其套用, 甘肅工業大學學報33(3)(2007)135-138
14. 李紅霞,鞏增泰,模糊數值函式的凸性與可導性,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)43(5)(2007)1-6
15. 孫秉珍, 鞏增泰, 變精度機率粗糙集模型, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版) 42(4)(2005) 23-26
16. 汪玲, 鞏增泰, 無窮區間上模糊積分及數值積分: 公式與誤差, 甘肅科學學報 18(1)(2006) 6-10
17. 鞏增泰, 模糊需求價格函式:背景,套用及逼近算法, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)42(1)(2006)1-5
18. 汪玲, 鞏增泰, 無窮區間上模糊積分及數值積分: 公式與誤差, 甘肅科學學報 18(1) 6-10
19. 孫秉珍, 鞏增泰, 模糊隸屬度的粗糙集表示及其相互關係,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)42(4) (2006) 23-26
20. 鞏增泰, 李娟, 姚紅霞, 模糊數值函式的Denjoy積分, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)42(3) (2006) 1-5
21. 孫秉珍, 鞏增泰, 變精度機率粗糙集模型, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版) 42(4)(2005) 23-26
22. 鞏增泰, 模糊需求價格函式:背景,套用及逼近算法, 西北師範大學學報(自然科學版) 42(1) (2006)1-4
23. 汪玲, 鞏增泰, 無窮區間上模糊積分及數值積分: 公式與誤差, 甘肅科學學報 18(1) 6-10
24. 鞏增泰,一類非連續模糊系統與Henstock積分,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)38 (4) (2002):16-19
25. 鞏增泰,模糊數值函式的可測性,近似連續性,積分原函式的可導性,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)39(1)(2003):1-3
26. 鞏增泰,經典實分析中的幾個基礎性問題,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)39(4)(2003):1-
27. 鞏增泰,一般Henstock積分的另一個收斂定理,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)36(3)(2000)10-14
28. 劉笑潁,鞏增泰,壓縮混合單調運算元的耦合不動點存在性定理,西北師範大學學報(自然科學版)36(3)(2000)15-