

《電磁理論(英文)》是2020年哈爾濱工業大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是 A.H.陶布、埃里克·賴斯納、[美] R。本書是一本物理學方面的書籍,在講解基礎知識的基礎上還做了相應的拓展,使讀者在閱讀本書的過程中能夠起到融會貫通的作用。


  • 書名:電磁理論(英文)
  • 作者: A.H.陶布、埃里克·賴斯納、[美] R
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787560389141




●The new quantum electrodynamics. By HERMAN FESHBACH
A method of analytical continuation in the eigenvalue and scattering problems of quantum theory (Abstract). By EuoENE FEENBERG
Electromagnetism without metric. By J. L. SYTNGE
Discontinuity in electromagnetism. By W. H. WATSON
The factorization method and its application to differential equations in theoretical physics. By LEoPolD INFELD
Nonlinear electrical networks. By R. J. DUFFIN
Ray theory vs. normal mode theory in wave propagation problems. By C. L. PEERIS
Systems of Wiener-Hopf integral equations and their application to some boundary value problems in electromagnetic theory. By ALBERT E. HEINS
Orbits of charged particles in constant fields (Abstract). By A. H. TAus
Reflections from bends and corners in electromagnetic wave guides (Abstract). By S. O. RICE
Wave propagation in electromagnetic horns (Abstract). By A. F. STEVENSON
Problems related to measuring the field strength of high frequency electromagnetic fields (Abstract). By Roan TRUELL
Aberration correction with electron mirrors (Abstract). By E. G. RAMBERG
Distribution problems in the theory of random noise (Abstract). By MARK KAC
Entropy and information (Abstract). By NORBERT WIENEE
The statistical theory of message transmission (Abstract). By Y. W. LEE
Transient response and the central limit theorem of probability (Abstract). By HENRY WALLMAN


