



  • 中文名:電氣信息類科技英語教程第2版
  • 作者:何宏
  • 出版時間:2018年5月3日
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • ISBN:978-7-111-59352-2
  • 定價:34 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




第2 版前言
第1 版前言
PART I Techniques of EST E-C Translation
Unit 1 1
A An Introduction to EST (科技英語基礎知識) 1
B Circuit Theory (電路理論) 8
C Basic Concepts of Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧基本概念) 12
Unit 2 16
A Translation of Scientific and Technological Terminology (科技術語的翻譯方法) 16
B Introduction to Signals and Systems (信號與系統介紹) 20
C On the Nature of Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧的特徵) 22
Unit 3 28
A Selecting and Determining the Meaning of a Word (詞義的選擇和確定) 28
B Communication Modeling (通信建模) 32
C Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (醫療中的人工智慧) 34
Unit 4 39
A The Extension of the Meaning of a Word or a Phrase (詞義的引申) 39
B Typical DSP Applications (數位訊號處理的典型套用) 42
C Fundamentals of IoT (物聯網基礎) 45
Unit 5 50
A The Conversion of Parts of Speech (詞性的轉換) 50
B GPS Vehicle Surveillance Equipment Is Here to Help You (全球衛星定位系統汽車監視裝置正在幫助你) 53
C Adaptive Assistance: Smart Home Nursing (自適應幫助: 智慧型家居護理) 56
Unit 6 60
A Amplification (增詞) 60
B Introduction to Control Systems (控制系統介紹) 62
C IoT Challenges and Future Directions (物聯網的挑戰與未來發展) 65
Unit 7 72
A Omission (減詞) 72
B Design of Control Systems (控制系統設計) 75
C The Internet of Things in Manufacturing: Benefits, Use Cases and Trends (製造業的Ⅵ  電氣信息類科技英語教程物聯網: 優點、實例和發展趨勢) 77
Unit 8 81
A The Conversion of the Elements of a Sentence (句子成分的轉換) 81
B Introduction to PID Controllers (比例積分微分控制入門) 83
C Applications of Social Robots (社交機器人的套用) 86
Unit 9 93
A Translation of Passive Sentences (被動句的翻譯) 93
B Electric Motors (電動機) 96
C Data-Mining Concepts (數據挖掘概念) 99
Unit 10 103
A Translation of Negative Sentences (否定句的翻譯) 103
B Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems (風能轉換系統控制) 107
C Data-Mining Process (數據挖掘過程) 109
Unit 11 113
A Translation of Complex Sentences (複雜句的翻譯) 113
B Thermal Power Plant Simulation and Control (熱電站仿真與控制) 116
C Industry 4. 0: the Fourth Industrial Revolution (工業4. 0: 第四次工業革命) 119
Unit 12 123
A Translation of Numerals (數的翻譯) 123
B Chasing the Clouds—Distributed Computing and Small Business (追逐雲———分散式計算與小型商業) 126
C Challenges and Benefits of Industry 4. 0 (工業4. 0 的挑戰和優勢) 130
PART II Practical Writing Techniques
Unit 1 Abstracts (摘要) 138
1. Types of Abstracts (摘要的類型) 138
2. Essential Elements of the Abstract (摘要的基本要素) 139
3. Writing Techniques of the Abstract (摘要撰寫技巧) 139
4. Key Words (關鍵字) 140
5. Sample Abstracts (摘要舉例) 141
6. Useful Sentence Structures in English Abstracts (英文摘要常用句式) 142
Unit 2 Resumes (簡歷) 145
1. Introduction (概述) 145
2. Writing Techniques of the Resume (簡歷寫作技巧) 145
3. Key Points for Resume Writing (簡歷寫作要點) 147
4. Sample Resumes (個人簡歷例文) 147
目 錄 Ⅶ
PART III Techniques of EST C-E Translation
Unit 1 Techniques of Chinese Words Translation I (漢語辭彙翻譯方法I) 150
Unit 2 Techniques of Chinese Words Translation II (漢語辭彙翻譯方法II) 156
Unit 3 Techniques of Chinese Words Translation III (漢語辭彙翻譯方法III) 160
Unit 4 Techniques of Chinese Words Transaltion IV (漢語辭彙翻譯方法IV ) 162
Unit 5 Translation of Emphatic Sentences (強調句的翻譯) 166
Unit 6 Translation of Attributive Clauses (定語從句的翻譯) 168
Unit 7 Translation of Adverbial Clauses (狀語從句的翻譯) 172
Unit 8 Omission in Sentence Translation (句子翻譯中的省略) 175
附 錄
附錄I Glossary for Electronic Engineering (電子工程專業技術辭彙) 179
附錄II Glossary for Communication Engineering (通信工程專業技術辭彙) 185
附錄III Glossary for Automation (自動化專業技術辭彙) 191
附錄IV Glossary for Electrical Engineering (電氣工程專業技術辭彙) 198
附錄V Glossary for Computer Science (計算機專業技術辭彙) 204
附錄VI Expression of Numerals, Mathematic Symbols and Formulas (數字、符號和公式的表達) 211
參考文獻 215


