雷衛東,水利部岩土力學與工程重點實驗室開放基金資助項目:“岩石節理對爆炸應力波傳播影響的研究” ,負責人。
- 1988年7月獲學士學位,北京科技大學
2. 1991年3月獲碩士學位,北京科技大學
3. 2006年2月獲博士學位,南洋理工大學
1. 1991年3月~1997年7月:北京有色冶金設計研究總院
2. 1997年7月~1999年1月:香港城市大學
3. 1999年1月2000年3月:北京有色冶金設計研究總院
2. 武鋼礦山公司“余華寺礦區粉礦礦體中巷道支護技術的最佳化研究”,負責人
3. “首雲鐵礦爆破參數最佳化的研究”,負責人
1. Lei Weidong, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Zhao Jian. Pilot study on two dimensional elastic wave propagation in rocks. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 15(4): 949-955. (SCI)
2. Lei Weidong, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Teng Jun, Zhao Jian. Transmission ratio (Tn) in the radian direction normal to rock joints in 2-D compressional wave propagation in rock masses. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2006, 13 (3): 199-206. (SCI)
3. Lei Weidong, Teng Jun, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Zhao Jian, Guan Jiong. Numerical study on maximum rebound ratio in blasting wave propagation along radian direction normal to joints. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2006, 13(6): 743-748. (SCI)
4. Lei Weidong, Teng Jun, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Zhao Jian, Guan Jiong. Experimental study on prediction model for maximum rebound ratio. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2007. 14(1): 115-119 (SCI)
5. Lei Weidong, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Yan Shi, Teng Jun. A numerical study on 2-D compressive wave propagation in rock masses with a set of joints along the radial direction normal to the joints. Computers and Geotechnics. 2007, 34(6): 508-523 (SCI )
6. Lei Weidong, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Teng Jun, Zhao J, Song H W. Verification of numerical modeling in 2-D wave propagation in rock. Journal of China University of Mining and Technology (English Version), 2005, 15(4): 309-313.(EI)
7. Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Lei Weidong, Teng Jun, Zhao Jian. A prediction model for the transmission ratio in 2-D compressional wave propagation in rock masses. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP): Soil and Rock Behavior and Modeling. Shanghai, 2006: 143-148. (EI)
8. Lei Weidong, Zhao J, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, Teng Jun. Validation of UDEC modeling 2 dimensional wave propagation in rock. Proceedings of the 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ISRM International symposium, Nov., 2006, Singapore (in CD ROM). (ISPT)
9. 雷衛東, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, 趙堅, 趙曉豹. 岩石動力學中離散元程式處理波幅的新方法. 中國礦業大學學報, 2005, 34(2): 170-174. (EI)
10. 雷衛東, Ashraf Mohamed Hefny, 滕軍, 趙堅, 宋宏偉. 二維波穿過單節理的透射率特性及其隱含意義. 中國礦業大學學報, 2006, 35 (4): 492-497. (EI)