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雷力 研究員


2013、2017年被Materials Chemistry and Physics期刊評為“傑出審稿人”


(1) 四川大學“青苗計畫”項目 (250萬)
(2) 國家自然科學基金NSAF聯合基金 (50萬)
(3) 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (65萬)
(4) 四川大學引進人才啟動項目 (50萬)
(5) 四川大學“985”三期“極端條件物理及技術研究科技創新平台”子項目(175萬)
(6) 國家自然科學基金青年基金(25萬)
(7) 教育部博士點基金新教師類 (4萬)
(8) 四川大學優秀青年學者基金(20萬)
(9) 橫向課題(逾100萬)


1. 雷力,戚磊,房雷鳴. 一種套用於高壓中子衍射的原位測壓裝置。國家發明專利. 公開(公告)號:201810285367.0.
2. 雷力,馮雷豪. 一種新型氮化鉭硬質合金及其製備方法。國家發明專利. 公開(公告)號:CN107311663A.
3. 雷力,張雷雷. 氧氯化鈰寬禁帶半導體材料的用途與製備方法,國家發明專利 (ZL 201610415195.5)
4. 雷力,賀端威. 利用固態置換反應製備氮化鎵晶體的方法,國家發明專利 (ZL 2008 10046279.1)。
5. 賀端威,寇自力,雷力,彭放,胡江林,袁源,樂興旺。"六面頂壓機密閉合成腔內的溫度測控裝置", 發明專利(ZL 2007 2 0078747.4)。
6. 王趙,賀端威,張偉,李文強,李文雍,雷力,秦家千,曹陽,李光。“攜帶型高壓及氣水合物實驗裝置”,發明專利/實用新型(ZL 2008 10148135.7、ZL 2008 20223940.7)。


37. Yu Tao, Leilei Zhang, and Li Lei*. Equation of state for generalized pressure. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 105 (2022) 174102.
36. Jingyi Liu(劉靜儀), Yu Tao(陶雨), Chunmei Fan(范春梅), Binbin Wu(吳彬彬), Qiqi Tang(唐琦琪), and Li Lei(雷力)*. High-pressure Raman study of osmium and rhenium up to 200 GPa and pressure dependent elastic shear modulus C44. Chinese Physics B, 31, (2022) 037801.
35. Chunmei Fan(范春梅), Shan Liu(劉珊), Jingyi Liu(劉靜儀), Binbin Wu(吳彬彬), Qiqi Tang(唐琦琪), Yu Tao(陶雨), Meifang Pu(蒲梅芳), Feng Zhang(張峰), Jianfu Li(李建福), Xiaoli Wang(王曉麗)*, Duanwei He(賀端威), Chunyin Zhou(周春銀), and Li Lei(雷力)*, Evidence for a High-Pressure Isostructural Transition in Nitrogen. Chinese Physics Letters (Express Letter), 39, (2022) 026401.
34. 張峰,陶雨,唐琦琪,吳彬彬,劉珊,雷力*, 三氧化二鎵的高壓拉曼光譜研究. 光散射學報, 33, (2021) 40-44.
33. 張峰, 劉珊, 蒲梅芳, 唐琦琪, 吳彬彬, 李林, 胡啟威, 夏元華, 房雷鳴, 雷力* , 固態離子晶體β-K0.294Ga1.969O3的高壓與變溫拉曼光譜研究 光譜學與光譜分析, 41, (2021) 807-812.
32. Binbin Wu†, Feng Zhang†, Qiwei Hu*, Qiqi Tang1, Shan Liu, Xiaojun Xiang, Yuanhua Xia, Leiming Fang, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Tetsuo Irifune and Li Lei*, The effect of interstitial-site nitrogen on structural, elastic, and magnetic properties of face-center cubic Co. Journal of Applied Physics, 129, (2021) 105901.
31. Binbin Wu, Li Lei*, Feng Zhang, Qiqi Tang, Shan Liu, Meifang Pu, Duanwei He, Yuanhua Xia, Leiming Fang*, Hiroaki Ohfuji and Tetsuo Irifune., Pressure-induced disordering of site occupation in iron–nickel nitrides. Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 6, (2021) 038401.
30. Shan Liu(劉珊), Qiqi Tang(唐琦琪), Binbin Wu(吳彬彬),Feng Zhang(張峰), Jingyi Liu(劉靜儀), Chunmei Fan(范春梅) and Li Lei(雷力)*. Raman scattering from highly-stressed anvil diamond. Chinese Physics B, 30, (2021) 016301.
29. Leihao Feng, Qiwei Hu, Li Lei*, Lei Qi, Leilei Zhang, Meifang Pu, Zili kou, Fang Peng, Duanwei He, Yohei Kojima, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Tetsuo Irifune. High-pressure synthesis of TaN compacts with high hardness and thermal stability. Ceramics International, 47, (2021) 30039–30042.
28. Jinyu Zhao, Meifang Pu, Shan Liu, Feng Zhang and Li Lei*. Hysteresis effect in pressure-induced B4-B1 phase transition of ZnO. Materials Research Express, 6, (2019) 126502.
27. Li Lei(雷力)*, Qi-Qi Tang(唐琦琪)., Feng Zhang(張峰), Shan Liu(劉珊), Bin-Bin Wu(吳彬彬), Chun-Yin Zhou(周春銀), Evidence for a New Extended Solid of Nitrogen. Chinese Physics Letters, 6, (2020) 068101.
26. Shan Liu, Meifang Pu, Qiqi Tang, Feng Zhang, Binbin Wu, Li Lei*. Raman spectroscopy and phase stability of λ-N2. Solid State Communications, 310, (2020) 113843.
25. Qiqi Tang,Shan Liu,Binbin Wu,Feng Zhang,Li Lei*. Raman spectroscopy and X‐ray diffraction of pressure‐induced reversible structure change in K2OsO2(OH)4. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, (2020) 1-8.
24. 范春梅,劉靜儀,劉珊,唐琦琪,吳彬彬,王曉麗*,雷力*, 氮化鎵低溫高壓光譜研究. 光散射學報,32, (2020) 259-265.
23. Meifang Pu, Shan Liu, Li Lei∗, Feng Zhang, Leihao Feng, Lei Qi, Leilei Zhang. Raman study of pressure-induced dissociative transitions in nitrogen. Solid State Communications, 298, (2019) 113645.
22. Meifang Pu(蒲梅芳), Feng Zhang(張峰), Shan Liu(劉珊), Tetsuo Irifune(入舩徹男) and Li Lei(雷力)*. Tensile-strain induced phonon splitting in diamond. Chinese Physics B, 28, (2019) 053102.
21. Leilei Zhang, Ya Cheng, Xianlong Wang, Qiwei Hu, Zhi Zeng, Duanwei He, Li Lei*. High‐pressure Raman spectroscopy of CeOCl: Observation of the isostructural phase transition. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, (2019) 1-7.20. Li Lei*, Leilei Zhang, Shangpan Gao, Qiwei Hu, Leiming Fang*, Xiping Chen, Yuanhua Xia, Xianlong Wang, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Yohei Kojima, Simon A. T. Redferne, Zhi Zeng, Bo Chen, Duanwei He, and Tetsuo Irifune Neutron diffraction study of the structural and magnetic properties of ε-Fe3N1.098 and ε-Fe2.322Co0.678N0.888 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 752(2018)99-105
19. Li Lei*, Leilei Zhang Recent advance in high-pressure solid-state metathesis reactions. Matter and Radiation at Extremes 3 (2018) 95-103 [約稿綜述]
18. Lei Qi, Li Lei*, Qiwei Hu, Leilei Zhang,Leihao Feng, Meifang Pu,Hiroaki Ohfuji,and Tetsuo Irifune Strengthening effects of interstitial nitrogen on rhenium. Journal of Applied Physics  123 (2018) 055901
17. Leilei Zhang, Ya Cheng, Li Lei*, Xianlong Wang,*, Qiwei Hu,Qiming Wang, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Yohei Kojima, Qiang Zhang, Zhi Zeng, Fang Peng, Zili Kou, Duanwei He, and Tetsuo Irifune High-Pressure Synthesis of CeOCl Crystals and Investigation of Their Photoluminescence and Compressibility Properties. Crystal Growth & Design 18 (2018) 1843-1847
16. Lei-hao Feng(馮雷豪), Qi-wei Hu(胡啟威), Li Lei(雷力)*, Lei-ming Fang(房雷鳴), Lei Qi(戚磊), Lei-lei Zhang(張雷雷), Mei-fang Pu(蒲梅芳), Zi-li kou(寇自力),Fang Peng(彭放), Xi-ping Chen(陳喜平), Yuan-hua Xia(夏元華), Yohei Kojima(小島洋平), Hiroaki Ohfuji(大藤宏明), Duan-wei He(賀端威), Bo Chen (陳波), and Tetsuo Irifune(入舩徹男) Neutron powder diffraction and high-pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of tantalum nitrides. Chin. Phys. B 27 (2018) 026201 [編輯推薦論文]
15. 戚磊,雷力*,馮雷豪,蒲梅芳 錸的彈性剪下參數C44對溫度與壓力回響的原位拉曼光譜研究 光譜學與光譜分析 38 (2018)
14. Qiwei Hu, Xiaozhi Yan, Li Lei*, bLeihao Feng, Lei Qi, LeiLei Zhang, Fang Peng, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Duanwei He Pressure induced solid-solid reconstruction phase transition in LiGaO2 dominanted by elastic strain. Physcial Review B 97 (2018) 014106
13. 雷力, 蒲梅芳, 馮雷豪, 戚磊, 張雷雷. 立方聚合氮(cg-N)的高溫高壓合成 高壓物理學報  32 (2018) 020102
12. Qiwei Hu, Li Lei*, Xiaozhi Yan, Leilei Zhang, Xiaodong Li, Fang Peng and Duanwei He Micro-stress dominant displacive reconstructive transition in lithium aluminate. Applied Physics Letters 109 (2016) 071903.
11. Leilei Zhang, Shangpan Gao, Qiwei Hu, Lei Qi, Leihao Feng, Li Lei* Synthesis and characterization of spherical-like bulk ε-Fe3-xCoxN (x=0.0, 0.25, 1.95) Materials Chemistry and Physics. 197 (2017) 94-99.
10. Lijie Tan, Qiwei Hu, Li Lei*, Xiaodong Jiang, Shangpan Gao, Duanwei He. Effects of substitution, pressure, and temperature on the phonon mode in layered-rocksalt-type Li(1-x)/2Ga(1-x)/2ZnxO (x=0.036–0.515) alloys. J. Appl. Phys. 118, 185903 (2015).
9. Xiaodong Jiang, Li Lei*, Qiwei Hu, Zhe Chuan Feng, Duanwei He . High-pressure Raman spectroscopy of Re3N crystals. Solid State Communications, 201 (2015) 107.
8. Qiwei Hu, Li Lei*, Zhe Chuan Feng, Mingjun Tang, Duanwei He. . Li ion diffusion in LiAlO2 investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Solid State Sciences, 37 (2014) 103-107.
7. Wenwen Yin, Li Lei*, Xiaodong Jiang, Pingping Liu, Fangming Liu, Yong Li, Fang Peng and Duanwei He. High pressure synthesis and properties studies on spherical bulk ε-Fe3N. High Pressure Research, 34 (2014) 317-326.
6. Li Lei*, Yin Wenwen, Jiang Xiaodong, Lin Sen*, Duanwei He*. A synthetic route to metal nitrides: high-pressure solid-state metathesis (HPSSM) reaction. Inorganic Chemistry 52 (2013) 13356–13362.
5. Li Lei*,Hiroaki Ohfuji, Jiaqian Qin, Xinyu Zhang, Fulong Wang, Tetsuo Irifune. High-pressure Raman spectroscopy study of LiGaO2.Solid State Communications 164 (2013) 6-10.
4. Li Lei*, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Tetsuo Irifune, Jiaqian Qin, Xinyu Zhang, Toru Shinmei. Disorder-activated Raman spectra of cubic Rocksalt-type Li(1-x)/2Ga(1-x)/2MxO (M = Mg, Zn) alloys. Journal of Applied Physics. 112 (2012) 043501.
3. Li Lei*, Tetsuo Irifune, Toru Shinmei, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Leiming Fang. Cation order-disorder phase transitions in LiGaO2: Observation of the pathways of ternary wurtzite under high pressure Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (2010) 083531.
2. Li Lei, Duanwei He*. Synthesis of GaN crystals through solid-state metathesis reaction under high pressure. Crystal Growth & Design , 9 (2009) 1264-1266.
1. Li Lei, Duanwei He*, Yongtao Zou, Wei Zhang, Zhao Wang, Ming Jiang, Maolu Du. Phase Transitions of LiAlO2 at High Pressure and High Temperature. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181 (2008) 1810-1815 .


雷力與20級碩士研究生陶雨、14級碩士研究生張雷雷一起提出“廣義壓強”(Generalized pressure)概念。該論文於2022年5月5日發表在國際物理學權威期刊《物理評論B》(Physical Review B)上。

