《雲上家居》是一款IOS平台的套用。雲上家居APP 是霍尼韋爾開發的通過iPhone和Wi-Fi,配合使用霍尼韋爾智慧型燈光系列控制器,實現無線控制家庭燈光、窗簾和場景的客戶端軟體。
- 軟體名稱:雲上家居
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體語言:英文
- 軟體大小:5.7MB
- 價格:免費
全開場景---- 在您結束工作回到家時,只需一鍵即可為您開啟門廊、客廳燈光,拉開幕簾。打造最溫馨的家迎接您的歸來。 全關場景---- 全家出行時是不是常常會擔心忘記關燈?“全光場景”讓您只需一鍵即可關閉家中燈光幕簾,省時又節能。
自定義場景---- 周末在家,躺在沙發上閒適讀報,只需一鍵即可為您關閉窗簾、漸暗燈光,讓你無需起身亦可馬上進入享受電影大片時間。深夜,睡眼惺忪的您是不是常在起夜時磕磕絆絆?“起夜場景”讓您不再有此顧憂。一鍵即可開啟通向衛生間的走道燈光。回到床上,也只需一鍵“全關場景”又可進入甜美夢鄉。 CloudHome is an ingenious product that use your iPhone, iTouch and your home Wi-Fi network to control Honeywell Smart Lighting System G2 series products like lighting, curtain, dimmer and scenarios. CloudHome is your home controller at your fingertips. It needs to work together with Honeywell IP-RF transmitter HRMS-2012. You can easily install transmitter and lighting, dimmer, curtain controllers by scanning barcode by using CloudHome APP. Even if you home is decorated, you can also easily replace the old switches by our controller products. Introducing My CloudHome: This APP is one of Honeywell Smart Lighting System G2 products, designed for using with other Honeywell Smart Lighting System G2 products to remotely control light or curtains, adjust the light brightness, and customize your scenarios. With My CloudHome you can turn on a light from another room, or turn off it from top floor or dimmer it when you are already on bed. Or you can check the dinner room device status after you are on bed. The beauty of CloudHome is its completely open for your customization. Scenarios can totally be customized by you. You can add or delete any light or curtain from scenarios. There is no limit to what My CloudHome can control. With My CloudHome you can dimmer your lights, close your curtain, then change to custom scenario with one click.1.修復了首界面調光燈狀態與控制問題; 2.修復了資料庫調光燈保存問題; 3.修復了燈光界面調光燈顯示與控制問題; 4.修復了場景窗簾與調光燈問題。
需要iOS 6.1 或更高版本。與 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已針對 iPhone 5 進行最佳化。