- 中文名:雙語背誦10分鐘名段
- 作者:楊金鑫
- 出版時間:2017年10月
- 出版社:水利水電出版社
- ISBN:9787517055549
- 類別:英語發音
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
“記誦者,學問之舟車也。” 作為提高語言素養的**途徑,背誦為我們打開了英語世界的大門。本書精選世界範圍內的名人名段、妙語短篇,通過背誦的方式強化學習者的英語習得。讓美麗好英文不斷融入讀者的靈魂,讓經典好英文點燃我們 的學習熱情。感受語言之美,聆聽名家睿語。全書辭彙配有美籍外教的純正高清錄音,同步學習,多聽多模仿朗讀,記憶效果更佳。學習者可以登錄www.wsbookshow.com免費下載。
第1 章 偉人的聲音:觸及靈魂的思想洗禮\ 001
1 Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演說\ 002
2 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 不自由,毋寧死\ 004
3 Blood, Toil,Tears and Sweat 鐵、血、淚\ 006
4 I Have a Dream 我有一個夢想\ 008
5 Dream and Responsibility 夢想與責任\ 010
6 An Ideal for Which I Am Prepared to Die 為理想我願意獻出生命\ 012
7 We Choose to Go to the Moon 我們選擇登月\ 014
8 The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself
我們害怕的就是害怕本身\ 016
9 The Tribute to Princess Diana 紀念黛安娜王妃\ 018
10 The Truman Doctrine 杜魯門主義\ 020
11 The Torch Has Been Passed to a New Generation of Americans
火炬已經傳給新一代美國人\ 022
12 War Comes to Europe 戰爭降臨歐洲\ 024
13 The Fourth Debate 第四次辯論\ 026
14 Address Before Congress 國會演講\ 028
15 Declaration of War 對日本宣戰\ 030
16 Order of the Day 反攻動員令 \ 032
第2 章 奮鬥的意義:心之所願,無所不成\ 034
1 Three Days to See 假如給我三天光明\ 035
2 Long for Freedom 渴望自由\ 038
3 Self–Reliance 論自立\ 040
4 Pursue 追尋\ 043
5 I Long to— 我渴望\ 045
6 Dreams 夢想\ 048
7 Three Passions I Have Lived for 我追求的三個願望\ 050
8 When I Have Fears 當我害怕的時候\ 052
9 Where the Mind Is Without Fear 心無所畏\ 054
10 Results and Roses 碩果與玫瑰\ 056
11 Death Be Not Proud 死神,你別得意\ 058
12 Something to Look Forward to 期盼\ 060
13 American Dream 美國夢\ 062
14 Hope Is the Thing with feathers 希望是鳥兒\ 064
15 Do You Fear the Wind 你怕風嗎\ 066
第3 章 濃情歲月:願你被世界溫柔相待\ 068
1 The Decay of Friendship 友誼的消逝\ 069
2 The Year of Wandering 徘徊的歲月\ 071
3 Of Friendship 談友誼\ 073
4 To Lord Byron 寫給拜倫\ 075
5 Friendship Is Like the Breeze 友誼如微風\ 077
6 The Doer of Deeds 有作為的人\ 079
7 Oread 奧力特,山嶽女神\ 081
8 Everyone Sang 眾人齊歌\ 083
9 Shakespeare 莎士比亞\ 085
10 The Happy Door 幸福之門\ 087
11 Fallen Flowers Without Trace 花落無痕\ 089
12 To Chatterton 致查特頓\ 091
第4 章 讀書學習:字裡行間,如此美好\ 093
1 Of Studies 談讀書\ 094
2 Companion of Books 以書為伴\ 096
3 The Pleasure of Reading 讀書的樂趣\ 098
4 The Delight of Books 書籍之樂\ 100
5 Find the Delight for Study 尋找學習的樂趣\ 102
6 How to Choose a Good Book 如何選一本好書\ 104
7 The Philosophy of Composition 寫作的哲學\ 106
8 The Importance of Reading 閱讀的重要性\ 108
9 Experience and Reading 經驗和閱讀\ 110
10 Reading Calmly 從容讀書\ 112
11 The Delight of Books 書之樂\ 114
第5 章 哲理人生:感悟真實的人生\ 116
1 Mayhew 生活的道路\ 117
2 Give Life Meaning 賦予生命意義\ 119
3 Salvation 救贖\ 121
4 A Fly in Buttermilk 酪乳里的一隻蒼蠅\ 123
5 Of Nature in Men 論人的天性\ 126
6 Reflections in Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂里的遐想\ 128
7 Of Gardens 談花園\ 131
8 Of Vicissitude of Things 論世界的變遷\ 133
9 Of Judicature 論司法\ 135
10 With Tolerance 心懷寬容\ 137
11 We Are What We Choose 選擇你的人生\ 139
12 Open Hearts to Life 擁抱生活\ 141
13 A Tear and a Smile 眼淚和微笑\ 143
14 On Joy and Sorrow 快樂和悲傷\ 145
15 Life Is a Chess Board 人生如棋盤\ 147
16 The Story of My Life 我的生活\ 149
17 The Road of Life 生活之路\ 151
18 Catch of a Lifetime 一生的收穫\ 153
第6 章 人在旅途:美的風景在路上\ 155
1 We Are on a Journey 人在旅途\ 156
2 Life Is a Journey 人生如旅\ 158
3 Marco Polo's Travel Story 馬可波羅的旅行故事\ 160
4 Travelling Helps You Encounter Compassion 旅行讓你心懷憐憫\ 162
5 Travelling Allows You to Get Culture 旅遊增長見識\ 164
6 The Pearl of Iberian Peninsula—Barcelona 伊比利亞半島的明珠——巴塞隆納\ 166
7 The Meaning of Travelling 旅行的意義\ 168
8 Traveling Alone and Meeting a Truest Self 一個人的旅行,遇見真實的自己\ 170
9 Rafting Down the Neckar 內卡河上木筏行\ 172
10 Flowery Tuscany 如花的托斯卡納\ 174
11 Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂\ 176
12 To Rome by Pisa and Siena 經比薩和錫耶納到羅馬\ 178
第7 章 珍惜時光:年少青春,不敗之花\ 180
1 Youth 青春 \ 181
2 To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time 致少女,珍惜時光\ 183
3 When Day Is Done 當時光已逝 \ 185
4 Rush 匆匆\ 187
5 Spirit in the Sky 靈魂在天空遊走\ 189
6 On His Ninetieth Birthday 當九十歲來臨時\ 191
7 Should We Choose Death 我們該選擇死亡嗎\ 193
8 On His Seventieth Birthday 在七十壽辰宴會上的講話\ 195
9 If I Were a Boy Again 假如我又回到了童年\ 197
10 The Tragedy of Old Age 老年的悲劇 \ 199
11 Cherish Now No Longer Missed 珍惜現在,別再錯過\ 201
12 Of Death 論死亡\ 203
第8 章 智慧背囊:小智慧,大道理\ 205
1 The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 披著羊皮的狼\ 206
2 TheThief and His Mother 小偷和他的母親\ 208
3 The Fox and the Grape 狐狸和葡萄\ 210
4 Two Pots 兩口鍋\ 212
5 The Lion and the Mouse 獅子和老鼠\ 214
6 The Goose with Golden Egg 生金蛋的鵝\ 216
7 The Hare and the Tortoise 龜兔賽跑\ 218
8 The Ant and the Grasshoper 小螞蟻和小蚱蜢\ 220
9 The Wolf and the Crane 狼與鶴\ 222
10 The Lion and the Bulls 獅子和牛\ 224
11 Making Sandcastles 堆沙堡\ 226
12 Carrot, Egg or Coffee 胡蘿蔔、雞蛋還是咖啡豆\ 228
第9 章 愛情滋味:幸福是糖,甜到憂傷\ 230
1 The Worst Sort of Husband 糟糕的丈夫\ 231
2 Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day 我可否將你比作璀璨的夏日\ 233
3 A Red, Red Rose 一朵紅紅的玫瑰\ 235
4 When You Are Old 當你老了\ 237
5 She Walks in Beauty 她在美中徜徉\ 239
6 I See Thee Weep 我見過你哭\ 242
7 Of Love 論戀愛\ 244
8 Our Eden 我們的伊甸園\ 246
9 Companion of My Loneliness 我孤獨中的伴侶\ 248
10 The Old Dream Comes Again to Me 舊夢重現\ 250
11 Night Thoughts 靜夜思\ 252
12 Walk with Me in Moonlight 漫步在月光下\ 254
13 Love Is Cruel, Love Is Sweet 愛情殘忍又甜蜜\ 256
14 To Wife 致妻子\ 258
15 Fleeting Time 似水年華\ 260
16 Quiet Girl 恬靜的女孩\ 262
第10 章 溫馨家庭:歲月的洗禮,不變的你我\ 264
1 My Mother's Gift 媽媽的禮物\ 265
2 Strangers 陌生父子\ 267
3 The Watcher 守望者\ 269
4 Home, Sweet Home 家,甜蜜的家\ 271
5 Children's Song 孩子們的歌\ 273
6 Homesick 鄉愁\ 275
7 To Father 致父親\ 277
8 Mother to Son 母親致兒子\ 279
9 Mother Machree 慈母頌\ 281
10 My Daughters Are Growing Up 吾家有女初長成\ 283
11 Prayer for Mother 為母親祈禱\ 285
12 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle 晃動搖籃的手\ 287
第11 章 重溫經典:在喧囂中尋找一份寂靜\ 289
1 The Great Gatsby 了不起的蓋茨比\ 290
2 Twilight & Encounter 暮色初遇\ 292
3 The Dangers of the Baobab 猴麵包樹的危險\ 295
4 The Secret of the Little Prince 小王子生活的秘密\ 297
5 The Little Prince and the Flower 小王子和他的玫瑰花\ 299
6 The Thorn Birds 荊棘鳥\ 301
7 Best of Times 好的時代\ 303
8 Great Expectation 遠大前程\ 305
9 I Have As Much Soul As You 我和你擁有同樣的靈魂\ 307
10 The Pleasant Family 其樂融融的一家\ 309
11 The Kite Runner 追風箏的人\ 311
12 Walden 瓦爾登湖\ 313
第12 章 情調生活:不小心把日子過得這么有趣\ 315
1 The Love of Beauty 愛美\ 316
2 Some Remarks on Humor 談幽默\ 318
3 On Knowing What Gives Us Pleasure 什麼使我們快樂\ 320
4 In Defense of English Cooking 為英國烹飪辯護\ 322
5 Under the Early Stars 在早早的星辰下\ 325
6 New Year's Eve 除夕夜\ 328
7 Leisure 閒暇\ 330
8 Science and Art 科學與藝術\ 332
9 Happy Life at a Tavern 小客棧的樂趣\ 334
10 Suit Is Best 適合的才是好的\ 336
11 The Angler 釣魚翁\ 338
12 A Tribute to the Dog 狗的禮讚\ 340
13 The English Humor 英國人的幽默\ 342
第13 章 品味孤獨:享受一個人的星辰\ 344
1 I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud 我好似一朵流雲獨自漫遊\ 345
2 Let It Be Forgotten 忘卻它\ 347
3 Sun of the Sleepless 失眠人的太陽\ 349
4 An Illusion 一種錯覺\ 351
5 Clown in the Moon 月中的小丑\ 353
6 The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life 獨居有感 \ 355
7 Man Is Lonely Island 人如孤島 \ 357
8 Alone but Not lonely 享受獨處\ 359
9 Solitude 孤獨\ 361
10 Solitaty Wayfarer 孤獨的旅人\ 363
11 O, Solitude 噢,孤獨\ 365
12 Solitude 孤獨人生 \ 367
第14 章 美景相伴:清風拂袖過,弦音撫琴生\ 369
1 Autumn 秋\ 370
2 Snow Song 雪之歌\ 372
3 The White Birds 浪尖上的白鳥\ 374
4 The Sea Hath Its Pearls 大海有它的珍珠\ 376
5 Loveliest Tree 可愛的樹\ 378
6 The Rainy Day 雨天\ 380
7 To Morning 致清晨\ 382
8 The Oak 橡樹\ 384
9 Forest Picture 森林美景\ 386
10 At the Edge of the Sea 漫步在海邊\ 388
11 The Poetry of Late Summer 夏末的詩意\ 390
12 Hour in the Sun 陽光下的時光\ 392
13 August 八月\ 394
14 An October Sunrise 十月的日出\ 396
15 Fog 霧\ 398
16 Golden Fruit 金燦燦的水果\ 399
17 First Fig 顆無花果\ 401
第15 章 人生指南:做更好的自己\ 402
1 A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding 論禮貌與教養\ 403
2 On Keeping a Secret 保密的要訣\ 405
3 Of Ceremonies and Respects 論禮貌與尊重\ 407
4 Advice to a Young Man 給年輕人的忠告\ 409
5 We Are Just Beginning 一切才剛開始\ 411
6 Breaking Habits 打破習慣\ 413
7 Ignorance Makes One Happy 無知常樂\ 415
8 Truth Is for Everyone 真理為所有人而設\ 417
9 Work and Pleasure 工作和娛樂\ 419
10 Riches 論財富\ 421
11 Equality and Greatness 平等與偉大\ 423
12 Heart of a Stranger 陌生者之心\ 425
13 Letter to a Young Friend 給年輕朋友的一封信\ 427
14 Frankness 坦誠\ 429