



  • 中文名:雙語教師手冊:讀懂美國,一本就夠了
  • 外文名:Wanna Know America, Just Read It!
  • 作者:黃建濱
  • 出版日期:2014年2月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787308129329
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • 頁數:226 頁
  • 開本:32 開
  • 品牌:浙江大學出版社






I. Geography and People
1.1 The Land 2
1.2 The People 9
1.2.1 The "Melting Pot" 9
1.2.2 Population and Settlement 11
1.2.3 Religion 13
II. History 16
2.1 America in the Colonial Era 16
2.2 The War of Independence 18
2.3 The Civil War 20
2.4 America in the 20th Century 22
2.5 America in the 21 st Century 31
III. Government, Congress and Legal System 34
3.1 Constitution 34
3.2 Government 36
3.2.1 The Legislature 37
3.2.2 The Executive 39
3.2.3 Political Parties 42
3.2.4 Election 44
3.3 The Legal System 47
3.3.1 The Court Structure 47
3.3.2 Criminal Law, Civil Law, and Court Proceedings 51
IV. Society and Economy 55
4.1 Society 55
4.1.1 Social Security 55
4.1.2 Welfare Program 57
4.1.3 Voluntary Services 60
4.1.4 Health Care Services 64
4.1.5 Housing 68
4.1.6 Religion 72
4.2 Economy 77
4.2.1 A Historical Perspective 78
4.2.2 Agriculture Industry and Service Agriculture 85
4.2.3 Industry and Manufacturing 87
4.2.4 Service Industries 88
4.2.5 Labor and Labor Union 90
V. Culture and Education 96
5.1 Culture 96
5.2 Forces That Shaped American Culture 99
5.2.1 Imported Traditions 99
5.2.2 The Emergence of an American Voice 101
5.2.3 Immigration and Diversity 103
5.2.4 Development of Mass Media 106
5.2.5 The Impact of Consumerism 108
5.3 Ways of Life 109
5.3.1 Living Patterns 109
5.3.2 Food and Cuisine 115
5.3.3 Dress 122
5.3.4 Sports and Recreation 125
5.3.5 Arts 133
5.3.6 Literature 141
5.3.7 Music 149
5.4 Libraries and Museums 153
5.4.1 Libraries 153
5.4.2 Museums 157
5.5 Education 161
5.5.1 Elementary and Secondary Education 161
5.5.2 Higher Education 165
5.5.3 Goals and Purposes of Education 169
VI. Characteristics of Its English
VII. Customs and Holidays

