



  • 中文名:雙人自殺
  • 作者:韋伯
  • 譯者:徐莉娜
  • 出版社:青島出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年4月1日
  • 頁數:352 頁
  • 開本:32 開
  • ISBN:7543647095, 9787543647091
  • 外文名:Double Suicide
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




1.沙灘孤屍 Alone on the Beach
2.追蹤逃兵 In Pursuit of Deserters
3.保險柜現金失竊案 The Case of the Open Safe
4.不留痕跡 Leave No Trace
5.緊急訂購 A Rush Order
6.用藥過量嗎? Too Much Medication?
7.衝動的嘉獎 An Impulse Rewarded
8.疑心漸起 A Second Opinion on the Case
9.銀行下班後 After Hours at the Bank
10.DJ案分析 Analyzing a DJ
11.炭疽陰謀 The Anthrax Plot
12.風險估定 Assessing the Risk
13.“天堂飛刀手”托尼·派利諾死有餘辜 The Unlamented Demise of Tony“the Heaver”Pellino
14.完美犯罪? A Perfect Crime?
15.利奧的中期報告 Leo’s Interim Report
16.內部敵人 An Enemy Within?
17.通往現場之路 En Route to the Scene
18.克蘭西哥德堡事務所里的討論 A Discussion at Clancy,Goldberg & Associates
19.另一種職業 An Ahemative Career
20.下一步 The Next Step
21.惠特桑島詐欺案 The Whitsun Islands Sting
22.一個敗類? One Bad Apple?
23.為何二等兵雷蒙德被淘汰了? Why Pvt.Raymond Failed
24.草丘守望者 On a Grassy Knoll
25.婚禮前的援手 One Small Favor Before the Wedding
26.亨伯維13號的清晨兇案 An Early Morning Murder at 13 Humberview
27.躲避鴨子案件 The Case of the Slow—Moving Ducks
28.高速公路上的微波爐? Microwaves on the Freeway?
29.雙人自殺 Double Suicide on Midland Ridge
30.犯錯的縱火犯 The Case of the Erring Arsonist
31.古玩店的槍殺案 The Antique Store Shooting
32.養蜂場有人失蹤嗎? Anyone Missing at the Apiary?
33.園藝年會謀殺案 The Case of the Floral Killer
34.飯店停車場上的運鈔車 A Cash Transfer at the Good Eats Diner
35.T.A.瓊斯再次出手 T.A.Jones Strikes Again
36.自殺未遂 The Case of the Attempted Suicide
37.第8輪賽跑的比賽結果 The Results of the Eighth Race
38.死海之行 Dead Sea Tour
39.會走路的毛衣 The Case of the Walking Sweater
40.博雷巷兇殺案 The Prowle on Budeigh Court
答案 Solutions


作者:(加)韋伯 譯者:徐莉娜

