
雅香茗茶,源於中華名茶鐵觀音的故鄉----安溪,是一個以生產、銷售高品質茶葉為主營方向,推廣綠色健康生活方式 、弘揚中華傳統文化的連鎖經營品牌。


  • 公司名稱:雅香茗品商貿(北京)有限公司
  • 總部地點:北京
  • 經營範圍:生產、銷售高品質茶葉
  • 公司類型:有限公司
安溪鐵觀音歷史悠久,自清雍正年間危和料應(1725-1735)起,歷市鍵台經數百年,歷代舉舉甩請聰明勤奮的安溪制立習茶人不斷傳承與發展,方逐漸形成一套獨特的、嚴謹的傳碑祝符統制茶工藝與方法。今天,雅香茗茶在嚴格遵循祖輩傳統制茶工藝的基礎上,融合了現代科學技術與經營管理方法,在沿襲傳統制邀良市茶工藝的同時,蒸酷槳我們引進法國葡萄酒業生產經營模式,通過嚴格的質量管控機制和產業化規模生產,實現了產前、產中和產後全程質量安全控制。並通過品牌戰略和連鎖經營的方式,以茶葉作為媒介,將一種富有文化內涵和品位的健康生活理念推廣給更多的人。 From Anxi, the home of the famous Chinese tea Tieguanyin, YAXIANG is a brand of chain who produces and sells high-quality Tieguanyin, promotes the green and healthy lifestyle, and carries forward the traditional Chinese culture all over the world. Anxi Tieguanyin has a long history. Hundreds of years since the king of Yongzheng (1725-1735) from the Qing dynasty, the intelligent Anxi people have been developing the tea-making techniques over generations, and created a unique and sophisticated technology of making the best green tea. Today, not only inheriting the traditional techniques of tea processing from ancestors,YAXIANG has also integrated the modern science and technology with the advanced management methods. We introduced the production and model of the French wine industry; via the strict quality control mechanisms and industry-scale production, we have achieved the pre-, during and after-production quality and safety control in the entire process. Through brand strategy and chain operations, our mission is, with the tea as the media, to promote the values of healthy living with rich cultural connotation and to more and more people

