



  • 書名:雅思實戰(口語)
  • 作者:孫晗
  • 出版社:黑龍江大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787811296105
《雅思實戰(口語)》共分為七個單元。第一單元對雅思測試中的口語考試進行了詳盡的介紹,包括口語考試的目的、過程、評分要點和評估體系以及不同分數段的具體說明。第二單元從巨觀和再檔和章微觀兩種不同的全催準備方式入手,介紹如何高效地準備雅思口語考試。第三單元系統歸納了口語考試第一階段涉及的五大領域,通過口語實戰話題和技巧點撥進行全方位講解並附有參考戒判籃答案。第四單元和第五單元以口語考試第二階段的話題卡(cue cards)為主要內容,給出話題的相關閱讀材料使考生答有所依,每個話題卡都列舉出相關核心辭彙並給出參考答案。第六單元對口語考試第三階段所涉及的問題類型進行全面系統的總結。第七單元講解口語考試第三階段涉及的各種話題、相關技巧點撥並提供練習題及參考答案。為了幫助考生了解雅思口戒姜和墊語考試,更有效地提高口語能力,成功應對考試並獲得滿意的分數,本冊針對口語考試三個階段的內容全部雅估試採用辨籃局英文進行講解和說明,以便於考生能夠以英語的思維模式進行學習和自我提高,此種模式為很多學校外教蒸洪笑講授口語課程提供了無縫對接。
Chapter 1 General Introduction to IELTS Speaking Test
1.1 Aim
1.2 Process
1.3 Assessment
1.4 Score Explanation
Chapter 2 How to Prepare for IELTS Speaking Test
Chapter 3 Real Topic Questions and Sample Answers to Part I
3.1 About Yourself
3.2 About Life and Hobbies
3.3 About Media
3.4 About Nature and Environment
3.5 About Traditions
Chapter 4 Cue Cards and Key Words of Part II Topics
4.1 Person
4.2 Objects
4.3 Places
4.4 Hobbies & Interests
4.5 Experience
4.6 Social Issues
Chapter 5 Sample Answers to Part II
5.1 Person
5.2 Objects
5.3 Places
5.4 Hobbies & Interests
5.5 Experience
5.6 Social Issues
Chapter 6 Types of Questions for Part III
6.1 Likes & Dislikes (Do you like... ?)
6.2 Asking Frequency (How often... ?)
6.3 Degree of Importance ( How important... ?)
6.4 Opinions ( Do you think / agree... ?)
6.5 Reasons (Why... ?)
6.6 Results (What effects... ?)
6.7 Advantages & Disadvantages ( make comparisons)
6.8 Solutions ( How could / can... ?)
Chapter 7 Real Topic Questions & Sample Answers to Part III
7.1 People
7.2 Family life
7.3 Personality
7.4 Places
7.5 Traveling
7.6 Childhood
7.7 Future, Career & Jobs
7.8 Business &Money
7.9 Life Experience
7.10 Studies & Education
7.11 Reading & Writing
7.12 Media
7.13 Technology
7.14 China
7.15 Animals
7.16 Music &Art
7.17 Events
7.18 Sports
7.19 Food & Health
7.20 Clothes & Fashion
7.21 Traffic and Environment
6.3 Degree of Importance ( How important... ?)
6.4 Opinions ( Do you think / agree... ?)
6.5 Reasons (Why... ?)
6.6 Results (What effects... ?)
6.7 Advantages & Disadvantages ( make comparisons)
6.8 Solutions ( How could / can... ?)
Chapter 7 Real Topic Questions & Sample Answers to Part III
7.1 People
7.2 Family life
7.3 Personality
7.4 Places
7.5 Traveling
7.6 Childhood
7.7 Future, Career & Jobs
7.8 Business &Money
7.9 Life Experience
7.10 Studies & Education
7.11 Reading & Writing
7.12 Media
7.13 Technology
7.14 China
7.15 Animals
7.16 Music &Art
7.17 Events
7.18 Sports
7.19 Food & Health
7.20 Clothes & Fashion
7.21 Traffic and Environment


