轉向聲樂是雅尼新的嘗試,啟用四位新人歌手,頗見雅尼功德力道。雅尼對幾位歌手的傾力所薦,愉快溝通,用他自己的話說,就是“I told them that I was gonna give them everthing that I have”,也就是“傾其所有,奉獻於斯”。
01. Omaggio (Tribute) 慶典(頌歌) 02. The Keeper 掌控者 03. Our Days 我們的時代 04. Never Leave the Sun 永遠不會離開太陽 05. Before the Night Ends 在黑夜結束之前 06. 1001 07. Mas Alla 遠方 08. Unico Amore (Enchantment ) 只有愛(魔幻) 09. Vivi Il Tuo Sogno (Almost a Whisper) 實現夢想(低聲細語) 10. Orchid 蘭花 11. Set Me Free 放我自由 12. Kill Me With Your Love 致命的愛 13. Mi Todo Eres Tu (Until the Last Moment) 你是我的一切(直到最後一刻) 14. Ritual De Amor (Desire) 愛的儀式(欲望) 15. Moments Without Time 時間停滯的時刻 16. Nei Tuoi Occhi (In the Miror) 你的眼睛(鏡中) 17. Amare Di Nuovo (Adagio in C Minor) 再一次相愛(C小調柔和版)
Listen again toYanni's melodies, composed over an incomparable 22-year career, and it becomes clear: The man's music was meant to be sung. Revered for his sweeping symphonic pieces and intimate keyboard airs, Yanni long resisted having vocalists reinterpret his music with lyrics. That is, until now with his premiere Disney Pearl album, "Yanni Voices." More than two years in the making, "Voices" is without question Yanni's most ambitious project yet.
Teaming up with Grammy-winning producer Ric Wake, Yanni went all out, discovering four young singers - Nathan Pacheco, Ender Thomas, Leslie Mills and Chloe - and pairing them with his compositions, old and new. Rather than hire established wordsmiths, Ric and Yanni turned them loose, encouraging the four to write lyrics for the melodies that moved them most. It proved a winning gamble.
Product Description
Yanni makes a triumphant return with the addition of "voices." For the first time ever, new vocal sensations Nathan Pacheco, Leslie Mills, Ender Thomas and Chloe lend their voices and lyrics to Yanni's beloved classics and new songs.
雅尼,全球聞名的演奏家、作曲家,兩度被葛萊美獎提名,其作品在過去十年中一直是奧林匹克運動會廣播音樂的最愛。在連續完成了雅典衛城,中國紫禁城,印度泰姬陵音樂會後,終於推出了最新專輯“IF I COULD TELL YOU”—— 一次直擊心靈的音樂旅程。
與LINDA EVANS在Oprah Winfrey show中登場是雅尼一生的巨大轉折點。之後雅尼的事業蒸蒸日上。從紐約Radio City Music Hall的演出開始,他的音樂會通過電視先後在65個國家播放,1998年的TRIBUTE在全美巡演總排行中位列第二。但那些不堪回首的日子卻教會雅尼許多東西,使他一直受益至今。“回顧過往,我了解到我學到了許多準則,讓我可以集中意志以使創作順利進行。沒有人會教給你這些,只有用心體驗生活才能獲得。”