Well met, young challenger! Verily am I the Elite Four's famed blade of hardened Steel, Wikstrom! With my magnificent Pokémon at my side, I will reveal the scope of Trainer achievement! Let us both give our word that our contest shall be fair and honorable. Ready? En garde!
Glorious! The trust that you share with your honorable Pokémon surpasses even mine!
What now? What sweet, glorious pain and joy now rock my mighty heart? My will, which even shakes spears, trembles at so fine a battle as this! I am undone! Good sir/lady, you are indeed our equal--and worthy to enter this lofty hall!
Easy, child. You need not explain. It is no mystery to me why you came to me first. Nature herself has framed man as such a creature that any would choose to face their strongest enemy before all others. Now, to the elevator with you! It burns with a desire to hasten you on your way!
So you have struck down two of the Elite Four! The road is still long. Do not waver now.
Is your heart prepared for this? One last wall remains before you. You would do well to remember: defeat us, and then you will face the Champion in battle!
The time has come at last for your greatest challenge. Now show our Champion the same strength you have shown us!
Well met, young challenger! Verily am I the famed blade of hardened Steel, Wikstrom! Let the battle begin! En garde!
給主角物品: Do accept this token of my regard. Long has this treasure been held by the esteemed knights of my family... Verily has it been our most treasured possession, since I happened to pick it up in a shop a week ago. Or two weeks, mayhap! May it serve you well
不給物品: What manner of disaster be this? My heart, it doth hammer ceaselessly in my breast! At last do I understand that sweet torture, that perfect balance of joy and frustration!
What manner of magic is this? My heart, it doth hammer ceaselessly in my breast! Winning against such a worthy opponent doth give my soul wings -- thus do I soar!