隋 紅:女,天津大學化工學院教授,博導
- 中文名:隋紅
- 國籍:中國
- 職務:天津大學化工學院教授,博導
- 學術代表作:《現代蒸餾技術》
1) AIChE Annual Meeting 會員;
2) AIChE J, Environmental Science & Technology, Energy & Fuels, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Petroleum Science and Technology等期刊審稿人;
3) 全國化工設計大賽專項評審;
4) 國家自然基金評審專家;博士後基金評審專家
- 國家自然基金面上項目,41471258,土壤石油烴傳質過程和界面萃取修復機理,2015/01-2018/12,80萬元,在研,主持;
- 國家青年科學基金項目,21306129,離子液體強化油砂瀝青提取界面微觀作用和相行為研究,2014/01-2016/12,25萬元,在研,主持;
- 國家國際科技合作專項項目,2015DFR40910,化工系統多能級高效利用與節能的聯合開發,2015/04-2018/03,325萬元,在研,天津大學負責人(162.5萬元);
- 中歐中小企業節能減排科研合作資金項目,SQ2013ZOA100002,大規模化工冶金過程節能關鍵技術和系統能量集成最佳化,2013/06-2015/06年,140萬元,在研,天津大學負責人(50萬元);
- 國家863重點項目,2009AA063102,揮發性有機物污染場地土壤氣提修復技術設備研發與示範,2009/12-2012/12,579萬元,結題,天津大學負責人(135萬元);
- 天津市科技支撐計畫美麗天津重大工程專項,14ZCDGSF00029,天津市重點企業園區大氣污染排放監測治理技術研究之子課題“工業有機廢氣淨化和回收技術”,2014/10-2016/09,30萬元,在研,主持;
- 天津市青年基金項目,12JCQNJC05300,溶劑萃取土壤中高濃度石油污染組分的分配與傳質機理,2012/04-2015/03,8萬元,結題,主持;
- 中國石油化工股份有限公司,113103,油砂高效提取綠色技術的新理論和新方法,2013/10-2015/12,100萬元,結題,主持;
- 國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項,2008ZX07207-003-5,糠醛行業清潔生產技術研究與工程示範子課題,2008/08-2010/12,50萬元,結題,主持;
- 國家重點基礎研究發展973計畫項目,2015CB251400,典型化工冶金過程節能的新理論與新方法之課題三“基於能質調配的化工過程能量最佳化集成方法”,2015/01-2017/12,120萬元,在研,參加(第2);
- 國家重點基礎研究發展973計畫,2009CB219905,大規模化工冶金過程節能的關鍵科學問題研究之課題五“分離設備內熱力學與傳遞的匹配及結構/界面調控規律”,2008/09-2013/07,213萬元,結題,參加(第2);
- 國家科技支撐項目,2011BAE03B08,高效節能多晶矽大規模清潔生產關鍵技術研究之“新型高效節能提純技術及裝備研究”,2011/06-2014/06,150萬元,結題,參加(第2);
- 天津市"131"創新型人才(第一層次),2014年,10萬元;
- 教育部長江學者創新團隊,IRT0936,蒸餾過程節能與強化關鍵技術及其套用研究,2010-2012,300萬元,結題,參加(第10);
- 國家自然基金,50879052,地下水中石油類污染物在生物固定式雙層滲透反應格柵內的降解及傳質過程,2008/07-2011/07,20萬元,結題,參加(第3);
- 中國石油天然氣股份有限公司科學研究與技術開發項目,0804A10-02,差壓熱耦合低能耗蒸餾新技術開發工業化試驗,2008/07-2010/10,120萬元,結題,參加(第3);
- 國家863重點項目,2007AA061202,物理化學―生物耦合技術治理高濃度石油污染土壤,2007/12-2010/12,182萬元,結題,參加(第3);
- 中國石油天然氣股份有限公司科學研究與技術開發項目,DL-2007-J2HT-0050,TMP反應器結構和流態最佳化與反應-精餾的耦合強化及節能,2007/10-2008/10,50萬元,結題,參加(第2);
- 天津市自然科學基金,06YFJMJC06800,汽油MTBE在土壤中遷移傳遞機制,2006/04-2008/03,10萬元,結題,參加(第3)。
1. Li, Xingang; Bai, Yun; Sui, Hong*; He, Lin, Understanding the Liberation of Asphaltenes on Muscovite Surface, Energy & Fuels, Accepted
2. Zisheng Zhang, Miao Wang, Wenquan Cui* and Hong Sui*, Synthesis and characterization of a core–shell BiVO4@g-C3N4 photo-catalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 8167–8177
3. Hong Sui, Ping An, Xingang Li, Shan Cong, Lin He, Removal and Recovery of O-xylene by Silica Gel Using Vacuum Swing Adsorption, CEJ, Accepted
4. Hong Sui, Jianpeng Wu, Lin He, Xingang Li, Conversion of low-grade heat from FCC absorption-stabilization system to electricity by organic Rankine cycles: Simulation and optimization, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Accepted
5. 隋紅,牛雅琪,李鑫鋼,何林*,離子交換樹脂法回收水中離子液體的研究,化工進展,2017, 36(4): 1127-1135
- 2016年
- 6. Chengtian Cui, Xingang Li, Hong Sui*, Jinsheng Sun*, Optimization of coal-based methanol distillation scheme using process superstructure method to maximize energy efficiency, Energy, 2016.12, Accepted
- 7. Sui, Hong; Ma, Guoqiang; He, Lin; Zhang, Zisheng; Li, Xingang, Recovery of heavy hydrocarbons from Indonesia carbonate asphalt rocks I: Solvent extraction, particle sedimentation, and solvent recycling, Energy & Fuels, 2016,30:9242-9249
- 8. Li, Xingang, Wang Junyan, He Lin*, Sui Hong*, Yin Wentao, Ionic liquids assisted solvent extraction for unconventional oils recovery: computational simulation and experimenta tests, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(9): 7074–7081
- 9. Hong Sui, Lin Xu, Xingang Li, Lin He, Understanding the roles of switchable-hydrophilicity tertiary amines in recovering heavy hydrocarbons from oil sands, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016.4,2016,290:312-318.
- 10. Hong Sui, Tao Zhang, Jixing Cui, Xiqing Li, John Crittenden, Xingang Li, Lin He, Novel off-gas treatment technology to remove volatile organic compounds with high concentration IECR, 2016, 55 (9): 2594–2603
- 11. Hong Sui, Jiao Dong, Mengjia Wu, Xingang Li, Guozhong Wu,Continuous hydrogen production by dark fermentation in a foam SiC ceramic packed up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 2017 ,95:62–68
- 12. Hong Sui, Lin Li, Xinzhe Zhu, Daoyi Chen, Guozhong Wu, Modeling the adsorption of PAH mixture in silica nanopores by molecular dynamic simulation combined with machine learning, Chemosphere, 2016, 144,1950-1959
- 13. Hong Sui, Jianqiang Zhang, Yipu Yuan, Lin He, Xingang Li, Role of binary solvent and ionic liquid in bitumen recovery from oil sands, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22016,94(6): 1191-1196
- 14. 張冬格,隋紅,宋靜,李海波,申洋洋,黃玉娟, CaO機械化學法去除土壤中DDTs的工藝參數最佳化,環境科學研究,2016,29(9):1336-1343
- 15. 劉航希,隋紅,何林,甲苯分子在鋁基金屬-有機骨架材料上的吸附特性,化工進展,2016,35(11):3707-3713
- 2015年
- 16. Xintao Cao, Influence of particle size and organic carbon content on distribution and fate of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions in chalks, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2015 10. 227-239
- 17. Lin He, Feng Lin, Xingang Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author) and Zhenghe Xu, Interfacial sciences in unconventional petroleum production: from fundamentals to applications, Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44, 5446-5494
- 18. Lin He; Feng Lin; Xingang Li; Zhenghe Xu; Hong Sui(corresponding author), Effect of solvent addition on bitumen-air bubble attachment in process water, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 137: 31-39
- 19. Lin He, Yile Zhang, Lin Feng, Zhenghe Xu, Xingang Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Image analysis of heavy oil liberation from host rocks/sands, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015,93(6): 1126-1137
- 20. Bo Liu, Xingang Li, Zhongyuan Li(corresponding author), Hong Sui(corresponding author), Hong Li, Fluidized countercurrent solvent extraction of oil pollutants from contaminated soil (Part 1: Fluid mechanics), Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2015,94:501-507
- 21. Xingang Li, Jialei Hou, Hong Sui, An Optimization Model for Shanbei Crude Oil Blending Petroleum Science and Technology, 2015, 33(4): 406-414
- 22. Luo, Xiaobo; Wang, Meihong*; Li, Xingang; Li, You; Chen, Chao; Sui, Hong,Modelling and process analysis of hybrid hydration-absorption column for ethylene recovery from refinery dry gas, Fuel, 2015,158: 424-434
- 23. 韓 禎,李 婧 伊,隋 紅*,李 鑫 鋼,催化裂化吸收穩定系統低溫節能工藝開發初探,化工進展,2015, 34(8): 2940-2945
- 24. 隋紅,李琳,陳道毅,吳國鐘,分子模擬多溴聯苯醚在石英砂納米孔中的吸附行為,化工進展,2015,34(9):3444-3451
- 25. 隋紅,李海波,宋靜,吳鵬,張冬格,黃玉娟,余海波,高濃度DDTs污染土壤機械化學球磨藥劑的篩選,環境科學研究,2015,28(8):1227-1233
- 26. 張堅強;李鑫鋼;隋紅*,離子液體促進溶劑萃取油砂瀝青,化工進展, 2014,33(8):1986-1991
- 27. Li, X* ; Hou, J ; Sui, H, An Optimization Model for Shanbei Crude Oil Blending PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2015, 33(4): 406-414
- 28. *Pavlenko, A. N.; Li, X.; Zhukov, V. E.; Pecherkin, N. I.; Volodin, O. A.; Surtaev, A. S.; Gao, X.; Zhang, L.; Sui, H.; Li, H., Effect of dynamically controlled irrigation of a structured packing on mixture separation efficiency, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2015, 24(3) :210-221
- 29. Jialei Hou; Xingang Li; Hong Sui ,The optimization and prediction of properties for crude oil blending, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2015,76: 21-26.
- 2014年
- 30. Lin He, Yile Zhang, Lin Feng, Zhenghe Xu, Xingang Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Enhancing Bitumen Liberation by Controlling the Interfacial Tension and Viscosity Ratio through Solvent Addition, Energy & Fuels, 2014.10 28(12):7403-7410
- 31. Xingang Li, Xintao Cao,Guozhong Wu, Tracey Templed, Frederic Coulon, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Ozonation of diesel-fuel contaminated sand and the implications for remediation end-points, Chemosphere, 2014, 109,71-76
- 32. Hong Sui, Zhengtao Hua, Xingang Li, Hong Li, Guozhong Wu, Influence of soil and hydrocarbon properties on the solvent extraction of high-concentration weathered petroleum from contaminated soils, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2014, 21:5774-5784
- 33. Guozhong Wu, Xingang Li, Cédric Kechavarzi, Ruben Sakrabani, Hong Sui, Frédéric Coulon, Influence and interactions of multi-factors on the bioavailability of PAHs in compost amended contaminated soils, Chemosphere, 2014, 107: 43-50
- 34. Zhongyuan Li; Xingang Li; Hong Sui; Hong Li,Numerical Simulation of Liquid–Solid Countercurrent Fluidization inside an Extraction Column Based on Particle Trajectory Model, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 22(11–12): 1179-1186
- 35. Sun, Yongli; Zhou, Libo; Zhang, Luhong; Sui, Hong, Synergistic effects of non-thermal plasma-assisted catalyst and ultrasound on toluene removal, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012, 24(5): 891-896
- 36. 張堅強; 李鑫鋼; 隋紅,離子液體促進溶劑萃取油砂瀝青, 化工進展, 2014,08: 1986-1991
- 2013年
- 37. Lin He, Guozhong Wu, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Feng Lin, Xingang Li, Distribution of SARA fractions in the bituminous layer of Athabasca oil sands, Energy & Fuels, 2013,27(8): 4677-4683
- 38. Guo-Zhong Wu, F. Coulon, Yue-Wei Yang, Hong Li and Hong Sui(corresponding author), Combining Solvent Extraction and Bioremediation for Removing, Weathered Petroleum from Contaminated Soil, Pedosphere, 2013, 23(4): 455–463
- 39. Hong Sui, Fei Gao, Xingtao Cao and Xingang Li, Remediation of PAHs and heavy metals in co-contaminated sites with cyclodextrin, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 2-5:1452-1457
- 40. Guozhong Wu, Cédric Kechavarzi, Xingang Li, Shaomin Wu, Simon J.T. Pollard, Hong Sui, Frédéric Coulon, Machine learning models for predicting PAHs bioavailability in compostamended soils, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,223:747-754
- 41. Guozhong Wu, Cedric Kechavarzi, Xingang Li, Hong Sui, Simon J.T. Pollard, Frédéric Coulon, Influence of mature compost amendment on total and bioavailable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soils, Chemosphere, 2013,90:2240-2246
- 42. Yu, Hongfeng; Li, Xingang; Sui, Hong; Xu, Changchun; *Li, Hong, Simulation of Orifice Flow Influenced by Lateral Flow in a Trough-Type Liquid Distributor, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 36(11), pp 1975-1984, 2013/11.
- 43. Yu Hongfeng; Li Xingang; Sui Hong; *Li Hong, CFD Simulation of Orifice Flow in Orifice-type Liquid Distributor, China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology, 15(3), pp 70-78, 2013/9.
- 44. Zhang Luhong; Liu Xuekuan; Li Xingang; Gao Xin; Sui Hong; Zhang Jinsong; Yang Zhenming; Tian Chong; Li Hong, A Novel SiC Foam Valve Tray for Distillation Columns, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(8), pp 821-826, 2013/8.
- 45. 隋紅,葛成蔭,李鑫鋼,油頁岩冷凝回收油洗工藝模擬與最佳化,化工進展,2013,32(7):1519-1525,1533
- 46. 隋紅,吳鵬,宋靜,黃玉娟,李清波,余海波,呂明超, 基於四通道色譜分離儀的土壤低濃度滴滴涕分析前處理方法最佳化研究,分析測試學報,2013, 32(11):1369-1373
- 2012年
- 47. Shuo Ai, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Hong Li, Coordinative Adsorption of Thiophene with Metallic Silver/Adsorbent Cotton Prepared via Aqueous In-situ Reduction for Desulfurization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (38): 12337–12343
- 48. Xiaoti Cui, Xingang Li, Hong Sui , Hong Li, Computational fluid dynamics simulations of direct contact heat and mass transfer of a multicomponent two-phase film flow in an inclined channel at sub-atmospheric pressure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2012,55: 5808-5818
- 49. Xingang Li, Lin He, Guozhong Wu, Wenjun Sun, Hong Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Operational parameters, evaluation methods, and fundamental mechanisms: Aspects of non-aqueous extraction of bitumen from oil sands, Energy & Fuels, 2012,26(8):3553–3563
- 50. Xingang Li, Yongliang Du, Guozhong Wu, Zhongyuan Li, Hong Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Solvent extraction for heavy crude oil removal from contaminated soils, Chemosphere, 2012,88: 245-249
- 51. Li, Xingang; Gao, Guohua; Zhang, Luhong; Sui, Hong; Li, Hong; Gao, Xin; Yang,Zhenming; Tian, Chong; Zhang, Jinsong, Multi-scale simulation and experimental study of novel SiC structured packings, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (2): 915–924
- 52. He, Lin; Li, Xingang; Du, Yongliang; Wu, Guozhong; Li, Hong; Sui, Hong(corresponding author), Parameters of solvent extraction for bitumen recovery from oil sands, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 347-353: 3728-3731, Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- 53. Yuewei Yang , Guozhong Wu, Xingang Li, Frédéric Coulon, Hong Li, Hong Sui(corresponding author), Pilot application of SVE enhanced bioremediation technology for in situ clean up of light oil contaminated site, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2012,21(5):1461-1466 IDS Number: 052XQ JCR四區 IF: 0.462 引用:0
- 54. Zhang, Luhong; Liu, Xuekuan; *Li, Hong; Sui, Hong; Li, Xingang; Zhang, Jinsong; Yang, Zhenming; Tian, Chong; Gao, Guohua,Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Performances of a New SiC Foam Column Tray,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, 35(12), pp 2075-2083, 2012/12.
- 55. 李國濤,李鑫鋼,王漢明,隋紅*,提升管反應器穩態模擬:器壁散熱對過程的影響,石油學報(石油加工),2012,28(3):439-444 20123215324179
- 56. 吳巍,隋紅*,李永紅,李鑫鋼,側反應器反應精餾方法生產醋酸甲酯的模擬,化學工程,2012,40(4):14-18
- 57. 吳巍,范志偉,徐立群,李鑫鋼,隋紅*,絮凝反應池中流體的CFD模擬及套用性能,化工進展,2012,31(2):283-286
- 2011年
- 58. Xingang Li, Wenjun Sun, Guozhong Wu, Lin He, Hong Li, and Hong Sui(corresponding author),Ionic liquid enhanced solvent extraction for bitumen recovery from oil sands, Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(11): 5224-5231
- 59. Guozhong Wu, Xingang Li, Frédéric Coulon, Hong Li, Jingyan Lian, Hong Sui(corresponding author). Recycling of solvent used in a solvent extraction of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186: 533-539
- 60. Xingang Li, Guotao Li, Zhanwu Xu, Hong Sui(corresponding author). New downstream process design for fluid catalytic cracking unit to raise propylene yield and decrease olefins content in gasoline, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2011, 10: 2601-2612
- 61. Sui Hong, Li Xingang, Modeling for volatilization and bioremediation of toluene-contaminated soil by bioventing, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, 19(2): 340-348
- 62. Zhang, Lühong; Gao, Guohua; Sui, Hong; Li, Hong; Li, Xingang,CFD simulation and experimental validation of fluid flow in pre-distributor,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011,19(5):815-820
- 63. Gao, Guohua; Zhang, Lühong; Li, Xingang; Sui, Hong, CFD Simulation of Film Flow and Gas/Liquid Countercurrent Flow on Structured Packing, Transactions of Tianjin University,2011,17(3):194-198
- 64. 王波,陳娟娟,劉永衛,李鑫鋼,黃國強,劉誠,隋紅*,油頁岩乾餾的冷凝回收系統研究現狀與發展趨勢,化工進展,2011,30(06):1205-1212
- 65. 劉永衛,陳娟娟,王波,李鑫鋼,黃國強,隋紅*,頁岩油冷凝回收工藝模擬及最佳化研究,化工進展,2011,30(3):498-502
- 66. 李鑫鋼*,謝寶國,吳巍,隋紅,姜斌,精餾過程大型化集成技術,化工進展,2011,30(1):40-46
- 67. 張瑞玲,隋紅,李洪,李鑫鋼,微生物在土壤中遷移物化參數的確定,環境科學,2011,32(3):901-907
- 二、專著
- 1. 《現代蒸餾技術》,北京:化學工業出版社,2009.3,主要編寫者及內容審核人978-7-122-04067-1,字數:7.5萬字
- 2. 《蒸餾過程節能與強化技術》,北京:化學工業出版社, 2012.1,主要編寫者及內容審核人978-7-122-12161-5,字數:6.9萬字
- 3. 《有機污染土壤和地下水修復》,北京:科學出版社,2013.9,第一著者978-7-03-038712-7,字數:15.3萬字
- 4. 973項目專著《介質創新與過程節能》,北京:科學出版社,2015.1.1,第四篇部分內容978-7-03-042864-6,字數:4.2萬字
- 三、專利
- 1. ZL201420103489.0,一種萃取油砂瀝青油的裝置,張濤,隋紅,李鑫鋼,韓禎,李忠媛,申請日2014.3.7 授權日(公開日)2014.7.30 授權公告號:203741274U
- 2. 201410083124.0,用於油砂中提取瀝青的萃取劑及使用方法,隋紅,張濤,李鑫鋼,崔吉星,董文威 申請日2014.3.7 公開號 103849415A 公開日2014.6.11
- 3. 201410314218.4,揮發性有機化合物廢氣回收的直觸式深度冷卻裝置及回收方法,隋紅,李鑫鋼,韓禎,董文威,崔吉星, 申請日2014.7.2 公開日2014-10-08 公開號104083981A
- 4. ZL201410635184.9,催化裂化分餾及吸收穩定大系統低溫節能工藝,隋紅,韓禎,李鑫鋼,李婧伊, 申請日:2014.12.12 授權:2016.6.8
- 5. ZL 201410089044.6,鐵鋅雙金屬機械化學球磨處理高濃度有機複合污染土壤的方法,宋靜,隋紅,吳鵬,余海波,黃玉娟,李海波, 申請日:2014-03-12
- 6. ZL 201310319801.X, 可資源化的揮發性有機尾氣處理方法及撬裝移動裝置, 隋紅、李喜青、熊忠、張濤、李鑫鋼、董文威(聯合申請,第二專利權人北京大學), 申請日:2013.7.25,公開號:103463937A,公開日:2013.12.25
- 7. PCT/CN2013/084853,國際發明專利“可資源化的揮發性有機尾氣處理方法及撬裝移動裝置”,隋紅、李喜青、熊忠、張濤、李鑫鋼、董文威,2013.8.10
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