隋婧,女,中國科學院自動化研究所 教授、博導。
- 中文名:隋婧
- 職業:研究員
- 畢業院校:北京理工大學
姓名 隋婧
性別 女
職稱 研究員
中國科學院自動化研究所 教授、博導
博士 北京理工大學 光學工程(圖像信息處理方向) 2002年9月 - 2007年3月
學士 北京理工大學 光電儀器與信息工程 1998年9月 - 2002年7月
輔修 北京理工大學 計算機套用 1999年3月 - 2002年1月
多模態腦影像的聯合分析(fMRI, DTI, sMRI, EEG).
2013-至今 教授、博導, 中國科學院自動化研究所,百人計畫
助理教授, The Mind Research Network,阿爾伯克基,新墨西哥,美國
兼職助理教授, 電子與計算機工程系,新墨西哥大學
2010- 2012
研究科學家, The Mind Research Network (MRN), 阿爾伯克基,新墨西哥,美國
多模式成像聯合分析項目的研發和項目負責人。提出了一種通用的多變數聯合算法,可以採取全腦數據快速的鑑定精神疾病的異常腦區,以及fMRI 圖像的智慧型自動去偽影技術。
博士後, The Mind Research Network, 阿爾伯克基,新墨西哥,美國
信號分析師 (實習生), 北京麥邦電子技術公司
2014 中國神經科學學會精神疾病基礎與臨床分會年會 優秀大會發言論文
2012 國際人腦成像圖譜大會(OHBM)優秀摘要獎(前5%),北京,中國
2010 The Mind Research Network青年科學家獎
2009 國際人腦成像圖譜大會(OHBM)優秀摘要獎(前5%),舊金山,美國
2008 國際核磁共振成像大會優秀摘要獎,多倫多,加拿大
中國科學院百人計畫2013/8/1- 至今
標題: 多模態腦影像融合及其在精神疾病生物標誌鑑定中的套用項目負責人
為20餘種國際期刊擔任審稿人,包括:Biological Psychiatry, Neuroimage, Human Brain Mapping, IEEE TMI,IEEE TBME, IEEE TIP,IEEE SPM,JASA,人工智慧與醫學套用,醫學運算與成像雜誌,信號處理學會雜誌,神經科學方法雜誌。
擔任國際生物信息學與生物醫學大會(BIBM)程式委員會委員 2011-2013
Frontiers in Psychiatry 、Biomarker、《中國生物醫學工程學報》 期刊編委
2013- 國際電子電氣工程師協會高級會員(IEEE Senior Member)
2009- 美國科學會(Sigma Xi) 會員
2008- 國際人腦成像圖譜協會會員(OHBM)
2004-2007 國際光學工程學會北理分會副主席和學生會員(SPIE)
1. Sui J, Huster R, Yu Q, Judith M. Segall, Vince D Calhoun. 2014. Function-Structure Associations of the Brain: Evidence from Multimodal Connectivity and Covariance Studies. Neuroimage
2. Sui J, He H, Pearlson GD, Adali T, Yu Q, Clark VP, White T, Mueller BA, Ho BC, Andreasen NC, Calhoun VD. 2013. Three-Way (N-way) Fusion of Brain Imaging Data Based on mCCA+jICA and Its Application to Discriminating Schizophrenia
3. Sui J, He, H., Yu, Q., Chen, J., Rogers, J., Pearlson, G.D., Mayer, A., Bustillo, J., Canive, J., Calhoun, V.D., 2013. Combination of Resting State fMRI, DTI, and sMRI Data to Discriminate Schizophrenia by N-way MCCA + jICA. Front Hum Neurosci
4. Sui J, Adali T, Yu Q, Calhoun VD. 2012. A Review of Multivariate Methods for Multimodal Fusion of Brain Imaging Data
5. Sui J, Yu Q, He H, Pearlson GD, Calhoun VD. 2012. A Selective Review of Multivariate Methods for Multimodal Fusion of Brain Imaging Data
6. Sui J, Pearlson GD, Adali T, Caprihan A, Liu J, Yamamoto J, Calhoun VD. 2011. Discriminating Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder by Fusing FMRI and DTI in a CCA+ICA Based Model
7. Sui J, Adali T, Pearlson GD, Yang H, Sponheim SR, White T, Calhoun VD 2010. A CCA+ICA Based Model for Multi-Task Brain Imaging Data Fusion And Its Application to Schizophrenia
8. Sui J, Adali T, Pearlson GD, Calhoun VD. 2009. An ICA-based method for the identification of optimal FMRI features and components using combined group-discriminative techniques
9. Sui J, Adali T, Pearlson GD, Clark VP, Calhoun VD. 2009. A method for accurate group difference detection by constraining the mixing coefficients in an ICA framework
10. Sui J, Jin W, Dong L. 2007. An adaptive nonuniformity correction algorithm for infrared line scanner based on local statistics
11. Sui J, Jin W, Dong L, Zhang Y. 2007. A new adaptive nonuniformity correction algorithm for infrared line scanner based on neural networks
12. Plis, S.M., Sui J., Lane, T., Roy, S., Clark, V.P., Potluru, V.K., Huster, R.J., Michael, A., Sponheim, S.R., Weisend, M.P., Calhoun, V.D., 2013. High-order interactions observed in multi-task intrinsic networks are dominant indicators of aberrant brain function in schizophrenia
13. Yu Q, Sui J, Liu J, Plis SM, Kiehl KA, Pearlson GD, and Calhoun VD. 2013. Disrupted correlation between low frequency power and connectivity strength of resting state brain networks in schizophrenia
14. Yu Q, Allen EA, Sui J, Fusar-Poli P, Arbabshirani MR, Pearlson GD, Calhoun VD.2013. Brain connectivity network in schizophrenia underlying resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging
15. Yu, Q., Allen, E.A., Sui J., Arbabshirani, M.R., Pearlson, G., Calhoun, V.D., 2012. Brain connectivity networks in schizophrenia underlying resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging
16. Chen, J., Calhoun, V.D., Pearlson, G.D., Perrone-Bizzozero, N., Sui J., Turner, J.A., Bustillo, J.R., Ehrlich, S., Sponheim, S.R., Canive, J.M., Ho, B.C., Liu, J., 2013. Guided exploration of genomic risk for gray matter abnormalities in schizophrenia using parallel independent component analysis with reference
17. Calhoun VD, Sui J, Kiehl KA, Turner JA, Allen EA and Pearlson GD. 2012. Exploring the Psychosis Functional Connectone: Aberrant Intrinsic Networks in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
18. He H, Sui J, Yu Q, Turner JA, Ho BC, Sponheim SR, Manoach DS, Clark VP, Calhoun VD. 2012. Altered Small-World Brain Networks in Schizophrenia Patients during Working Memory Performance
19. Yu Q., Sui J., Rachakonda S., He H.,Gruner. W, Pearlson, GD., Kiehl, KA., and Calhoun, VD. 2011. Altered topological properties of functional network connectivity in schizophrenia during resting state
20. Yu Q, Sui J, Rachakonda S, He H, Pearlson GD, Calhoun VD 2011. Altered small-world brain networks in temporal lobe in patients with schizophrenia performing an auditory oddball task